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Miesner, Frederieke; Bornemann, Niko; Cable, William L; Grünberg, Inge; Hammar, Jennika; Boike, Julia (2024): Soil moisture and temperature at Trail Valley Creek, NWT, Canada, in 2023 [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In: Boike, Julia; Miesner, Frederieke; Bornemann, Niko; Cable, William L; Grünberg, Inge (2023): Trail Valley Creek, NWT, Canada Soil Moisture and Temperature 2016 et seq [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2024-11-11DOI registered: 2024-12-10

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This data set contains quality controlled soil temperature and volumetric liquid water content measurements from a site at the forest-tundra transition in the western Canadian Arctic. The measurement site is near by the Trail Valley Creek (TVC) research station, which is operated by Wilfried Laurier University. The station is located east of the Mackenzie Delta and 45 km north of Inuvik. The published data set provides long-term observations on the thermal and hydrological state of the active layer at a hummocky tundra site within the continuous permafrost zone. The station consists of a soil depth-profile with four sensor sets at 2 cm, 5 cm, 10 cm, and 20 cm of paired soil moisture and soil temperature sensors. Additionally, three distributed soil moisture sensors are installed in the surface soil. The data series is continued since 2016 and provides a basis for process understanding and modelling studies of Arctic permafrost.
active layer; Permafrost; Soil Moisture; Temperature
Related to:
Grünberg, Inge; Anders, Katharina; Marx, Sabrina; Lange, Stephan; Boike, Julia (2020): Topsoil temperature data below different vegetation types at Trail Valley Creek, Canada, 2016-2018 [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,
Grünberg, Inge; Wilcox, Evan James; Zwieback, Simon; Marsh, Philip; Boike, Julia (2020): Linking tundra vegetation, snow, soil temperature, and permafrost. Biogeosciences, 17(16), 4261-4279,
Latitude: 68.745483 * Longitude: -133.499070
Date/Time Start: 2023-01-01T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2023-12-31T23:00:00
N_Trail_Valley_Creek * Latitude: 68.745483 * Longitude: -133.499070 * Date/Time: 2016-08-27T00:00:00 * Campaign: CA-Land_2016_TrailValleyCreek * Basis: AWI Arctic Land Expedition * Method/Device: Soil profile (SOIL)
Locations are: (a) next to horizontal profile at the hummock, (b) midway between hummock and shrub, and (c) in shrub water pathway.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DATE/TIMEDate/TimeBoike, JuliaGeocode
2Temperature, soilT soil°CBoike, JuliaPlatinum resistance thermometer, Campbell Scientific, PT100; coupled with Measurement and control datalogger, Campbell Scientific, CR1000at 2 cm depth
3Quality flag, soil temperatureQF soil tempBoike, Juliasee reference(s)at 2 cm depth
4Temperature, soilT soil°CBoike, JuliaPlatinum resistance thermometer, Campbell Scientific, PT100; coupled with Measurement and control datalogger, Campbell Scientific, CR1000at 5 cm depth
5Quality flag, soil temperatureQF soil tempBoike, Juliasee reference(s)at 5 cm depth
6Temperature, soilT soil°CBoike, JuliaPlatinum resistance thermometer, Campbell Scientific, PT100; coupled with Measurement and control datalogger, Campbell Scientific, CR1000at 10cm depth
7Quality flag, soil temperatureQF soil tempBoike, Juliasee reference(s)at 10cm depth
8Temperature, soilT soil°CBoike, JuliaPlatinum resistance thermometer, Campbell Scientific, PT100; coupled with Measurement and control datalogger, Campbell Scientific, CR1000at 20 cm depth
9Quality flag, soil temperatureQF soil tempBoike, Juliasee reference(s)at 20 cm depth
10Conductivity of soil/sedimentCondmS/mBoike, JuliaTime-domain reflectometry soil probe, Campbell Scientific, CS630; coupled with Time-domain reflectometer, Campbell Scientific, TDR100; coupled with Measurement and control datalogger, Campbell Scientific, CR1000at 2 cm depth
11Quality flag, conductivityQF conductBoike, Juliasee reference(s)at 2 cm depth
12Conductivity of soil/sedimentCondmS/mBoike, JuliaTime-domain reflectometry soil probe, Campbell Scientific, CS630; coupled with Time-domain reflectometer, Campbell Scientific, TDR100; coupled with Measurement and control datalogger, Campbell Scientific, CR1000at 5 cm depth
13Quality flag, conductivityQF conductBoike, Juliasee reference(s)at 5 cm depth
14Conductivity of soil/sedimentCondmS/mBoike, JuliaTime-domain reflectometry soil probe, Campbell Scientific, CS630; coupled with Time-domain reflectometer, Campbell Scientific, TDR100; coupled with Measurement and control datalogger, Campbell Scientific, CR1000at 10cm depth
15Quality flag, conductivityQF conductBoike, Juliasee reference(s)at 10cm depth
16Conductivity of soil/sedimentCondmS/mBoike, JuliaTime-domain reflectometry soil probe, Campbell Scientific, CS630; coupled with Time-domain reflectometer, Campbell Scientific, TDR100; coupled with Measurement and control datalogger, Campbell Scientific, CR1000at 20 cm depth
17Quality flag, conductivityQF conductBoike, Juliasee reference(s)at 20 cm depth
18Conductivity of soil/sedimentCondmS/mBoike, JuliaTime-domain reflectometry soil probe, Campbell Scientific, CS630; coupled with Time-domain reflectometer, Campbell Scientific, TDR100; coupled with Measurement and control datalogger, Campbell Scientific, CR1000vertical down, 0-15cm depth, location a
19Quality flag, conductivityQF conductBoike, Juliasee reference(s)vertical down, 0-15cm depth, location a
20Conductivity of soil/sedimentCondmS/mBoike, JuliaTime-domain reflectometry soil probe, Campbell Scientific, CS630; coupled with Time-domain reflectometer, Campbell Scientific, TDR100; coupled with Measurement and control datalogger, Campbell Scientific, CR1000vertical down, 0-15cm depth, location b
21Quality flag, conductivityQF conductBoike, Juliasee reference(s)vertical down, 0-15cm depth, location b
22Conductivity of soil/sedimentCondmS/mBoike, JuliaTime-domain reflectometry soil probe, Campbell Scientific, CS630; coupled with Time-domain reflectometer, Campbell Scientific, TDR100; coupled with Measurement and control datalogger, Campbell Scientific, CR1000vertical down, 0-15cm depth, location c
23Quality flag, conductivityQF conductBoike, Juliasee reference(s)vertical down, 0-15cm depth, location c
24Permittivity, relativePermittivity relBoike, JuliaTime-domain reflectometry soil probe, Campbell Scientific, CS630; coupled with Time-domain reflectometer, Campbell Scientific, TDR100; coupled with Measurement and control datalogger, Campbell Scientific, CR1000at 2 cm depth
25Quality flag, permittivityQF permittivityBoike, Juliasee reference(s)at 2 cm depth
26Permittivity, relativePermittivity relBoike, JuliaTime-domain reflectometry soil probe, Campbell Scientific, CS630; coupled with Time-domain reflectometer, Campbell Scientific, TDR100; coupled with Measurement and control datalogger, Campbell Scientific, CR1000at 5 cm depth
27Quality flag, permittivityQF permittivityBoike, Juliasee reference(s)at 5 cm depth
28Permittivity, relativePermittivity relBoike, JuliaTime-domain reflectometry soil probe, Campbell Scientific, CS630; coupled with Time-domain reflectometer, Campbell Scientific, TDR100; coupled with Measurement and control datalogger, Campbell Scientific, CR1000at 10cm depth
29Quality flag, permittivityQF permittivityBoike, Juliasee reference(s)at 10cm depth
30Permittivity, relativePermittivity relBoike, JuliaTime-domain reflectometry soil probe, Campbell Scientific, CS630; coupled with Time-domain reflectometer, Campbell Scientific, TDR100; coupled with Measurement and control datalogger, Campbell Scientific, CR1000at 20 cm depth
31Quality flag, permittivityQF permittivityBoike, Juliasee reference(s)at 20 cm depth
32Permittivity, relativePermittivity relBoike, JuliaTime-domain reflectometry soil probe, Campbell Scientific, CS630; coupled with Time-domain reflectometer, Campbell Scientific, TDR100; coupled with Measurement and control datalogger, Campbell Scientific, CR1000vertical down, 0-15cm depth, location a
33Quality flag, permittivityQF permittivityBoike, Juliasee reference(s)vertical down, 0-15cm depth, location a
34Permittivity, relativePermittivity relBoike, JuliaTime-domain reflectometry soil probe, Campbell Scientific, CS630; coupled with Time-domain reflectometer, Campbell Scientific, TDR100; coupled with Measurement and control datalogger, Campbell Scientific, CR1000vertical down, 0-15cm depth, location b
35Quality flag, permittivityQF permittivityBoike, Juliasee reference(s)vertical down, 0-15cm depth, location b
36Permittivity, relativePermittivity relBoike, JuliaTime-domain reflectometry soil probe, Campbell Scientific, CS630; coupled with Time-domain reflectometer, Campbell Scientific, TDR100; coupled with Measurement and control datalogger, Campbell Scientific, CR1000vertical down, 0-15cm depth, location c
37Quality flag, permittivityQF permittivityBoike, Juliasee reference(s)vertical down, 0-15cm depth, location c
38Soil moisture, volumetricSoil moisture volBoike, JuliaTime-domain reflectometry soil probe, Campbell Scientific, CS630; coupled with Time-domain reflectometer, Campbell Scientific, TDR100; coupled with Measurement and control datalogger, Campbell Scientific, CR1000at 2 cm depth
39Quality flag, soil moistureQF soil moistBoike, Juliasee reference(s)at 2 cm depth
40Soil moisture, volumetricSoil moisture volBoike, JuliaTime-domain reflectometry soil probe, Campbell Scientific, CS630; coupled with Time-domain reflectometer, Campbell Scientific, TDR100; coupled with Measurement and control datalogger, Campbell Scientific, CR1000at 5 cm depth
41Quality flag, soil moistureQF soil moistBoike, Juliasee reference(s)at 5 cm depth
42Soil moisture, volumetricSoil moisture volBoike, JuliaTime-domain reflectometry soil probe, Campbell Scientific, CS630; coupled with Time-domain reflectometer, Campbell Scientific, TDR100; coupled with Measurement and control datalogger, Campbell Scientific, CR1000at 10cm depth
43Quality flag, soil moistureQF soil moistBoike, Juliasee reference(s)at 10cm depth
44Soil moisture, volumetricSoil moisture volBoike, JuliaTime-domain reflectometry soil probe, Campbell Scientific, CS630; coupled with Time-domain reflectometer, Campbell Scientific, TDR100; coupled with Measurement and control datalogger, Campbell Scientific, CR1000at 20 cm depth
45Quality flag, soil moistureQF soil moistBoike, Juliasee reference(s)at 20 cm depth
46Soil moisture, volumetricSoil moisture volBoike, JuliaTime-domain reflectometry soil probe, Campbell Scientific, CS630; coupled with Time-domain reflectometer, Campbell Scientific, TDR100; coupled with Measurement and control datalogger, Campbell Scientific, CR1000vertical down, 0-15cm depth, location a
47Quality flag, soil moistureQF soil moistBoike, Juliasee reference(s)vertical down, 0-15cm depth, location a
48Soil moisture, volumetricSoil moisture volBoike, JuliaTime-domain reflectometry soil probe, Campbell Scientific, CS630; coupled with Time-domain reflectometer, Campbell Scientific, TDR100; coupled with Measurement and control datalogger, Campbell Scientific, CR1000vertical down, 0-15cm depth, location b
49Quality flag, soil moistureQF soil moistBoike, Juliasee reference(s)vertical down, 0-15cm depth, location b
50Soil moisture, volumetricSoil moisture volBoike, JuliaTime-domain reflectometry soil probe, Campbell Scientific, CS630; coupled with Time-domain reflectometer, Campbell Scientific, TDR100; coupled with Measurement and control datalogger, Campbell Scientific, CR1000vertical down, 0-15cm depth, location c
51Quality flag, soil moistureQF soil moistBoike, Juliasee reference(s)vertical down, 0-15cm depth, location c
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC) * Processing Level: PANGAEA data processing level 2 (ProcLevel2)
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