Spruzen, Charlotte; Bradbury, Harold J; Kast, Emma R.; Turchyn, Alexandra V (2024): A compilation of published pyrite sulfur isotopic compositions from the past 165 million years [dataset]. PANGAEA, https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.972993
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This dataset contains a compilation of the sulfur isotopic composition of pyrite from outcrop and sediment cores over the past 165 million years. The compilation includes 3754 data points from 94 publications, compiled in 2020, 2021, and 2023. The data was collected in order to investigate the relationship between the sulfur isotopic composition of pyrite and depositional environment over the Cenozoic and Late Mesozoic, and has global spatial coverage. Compiled sediment core data includes the sulfur isotopic composition of pyrite, age, water depth, location, methane content, lithology, and total organic carbon. Compiled outcrop data includes the sulfur isotopic composition of pyrite, age, generalized water depth based on sedimentological criteria, and lithology.
Supplement to:
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Median Latitude: 31.576831 * Median Longitude: -9.435290 * South-bound Latitude: -46.579667 * West-bound Longitude: -178.166467 * North-bound Latitude: 87.890000 * East-bound Longitude: 174.314100
Date/Time Start: 1974-07-18T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2016-07-04T00:00:00
Minimum Elevation: -4965.0 m * Maximum Elevation: -19.8 m
# | Name | Short Name | Unit | Principal Investigator | Method/Device | Comment |
1 | Event label | Event | Spruzen, Charlotte | |||
2 | Latitude of event | Latitude | Spruzen, Charlotte | |||
3 | Longitude of event | Longitude | Spruzen, Charlotte | |||
4 | Site | Site | Spruzen, Charlotte | |||
5 | Provenance/source | Source | Spruzen, Charlotte | |||
6 | Uniform resource locator/link to reference | URL ref | Spruzen, Charlotte | |||
7 | δ34S, pyrite | δ34S Py | ‰ CDT | Spruzen, Charlotte | From literature | Only collected if pyrite specifically has been measured through chromium reduction, manual separation, or secondary ion mass spectrometry; no other sulfide minerals included. |
8 | Age | Age | Ma | Spruzen, Charlotte | From literature | Either taken directly from a publication dataset, or taken from the age-depth profile of the sediment core. |
9 | Sample type | Samp type | Spruzen, Charlotte | From literature | Outcrop or unlithified sediment core. | |
10 | Distance to shore | Dist shore | m | Spruzen, Charlotte | From literature | istance of sample location from a major continental landmass, measured on a geospatial map. |
11 | Water depth description | Water depth descr | Spruzen, Charlotte | From literature | Water depth of deposition, assigned based on plotting on a geospatial map (sediment cores) or distinct sedimentological criteria (outcrop). | |
12 | ELEVATION | Elevation | m a.s.l. | Spruzen, Charlotte | From literature | Geocode |
13 | DEPTH, sediment/rock | Depth sed | m | Spruzen, Charlotte | From literature | Geocode |
14 | Sedimentation rate | SR | m/Ma | Spruzen, Charlotte | From literature | Either taken directly from a publication dataset, or taken from the age-depth profile of the sediment core. |
15 | Methane | CH4 | Spruzen, Charlotte | From literature | High-methane sites assigned based on the presence of an SMTZ, and/or a methane concentration over 1000ppm in sedimentary pore fluids. | |
16 | Main Lithology | Main lith | Spruzen, Charlotte | From literature | ||
17 | Calcium carbonate | CaCO3 | % | Spruzen, Charlotte | From literature | |
18 | Carbon, organic, total | TOC | % | Spruzen, Charlotte | From literature | |
19 | Analytical method | Method | Spruzen, Charlotte | From literature | H = hand-picked pyrite; C = CRS (two-step reduction process where AVS first removed); S = Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (fine-scale), T = Total Reduced Inorganic Sulfur (i.e. AVS + CRS, one-step reduction process), M = microdrilled (fine-scale but not SIMS), O = other. |
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