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Martinez, Andres (2024): Dataset of surface water concentrations of Polychlorinated Biphenyls in the U.S. from 1979 - 2020 [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Water concentrations of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) in the U.S., consisting of individual PCB congeners, Aroclor mixtures (i.e., 1016, 1221, 1232, 1242, 1248, 1254, and 1260), and the sum of PCBs, were compiled from U.S. EPA reports, U.S. EPA Superfund websites, and peer-reviewed scientific papers to create a dataset consisting of 5138 individual samples. Individual PCB congeners were grouped into a list of 104 individual and co-eluting PCB congeners. Metadata include EPA Region, U.S. State, site name, sampling date, latitude, longitude, units (pg/L), the measured phase, the EPA analytical method, and whether the analytical method was Aroclor or congener specific.
Aroclor; concentration; PCB congeners; Superfund; USA; water
Supplement to:
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Median Latitude: 42.384517 * Median Longitude: -80.910742 * South-bound Latitude: 28.642544 * West-bound Longitude: -123.772092 * North-bound Latitude: 47.715320 * East-bound Longitude: -70.909841
Date/Time Start: 1979-10-04T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2020-04-22T00:00:00
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Reference/sourceReferenceMartinez, Andres
2Sample IDSample IDMartinez, Andres
3LocationLocationMartinez, AndresEPA Region
4LocationLocationMartinez, AndresState Sampled
5LocationLocationMartinez, AndresLocation Name
6SiteSiteMartinez, AndresSite Name
7SiteSiteMartinez, AndresSite ID
8DATE/TIMEDate/TimeMartinez, AndresGeocode – Sample Date
9LATITUDELatitudeMartinez, AndresGeocode
10LONGITUDELongitudeMartinez, AndresGeocode
11PhasePhaseMartinez, AndresPhase Measured
12Method commentMethod commMartinez, AndresEPA Method
13CommentCommentMartinez, AndresAroclor/Congener
14Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB1
15Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB2
16Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB3
17Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB4+10
18Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB5+8
19Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB6
20Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB7+9
21Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB11
22Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB12+13
23Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB14
24Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB15
25Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB16+32
26Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB17
27Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB18+30
28Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB19
29Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB20+21+28+31+33+50+53
30Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB22
31Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB23
32Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB24+27
33Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB25
34Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB26+29
35Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB34
36Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB35
37Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB36
38Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB37+42
39Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB38
40Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB39
41Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB40+41+64+71+72
42Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB43+49+52+69+73
43Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB44+47+65
44Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB45+51
45Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB46
46Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB48+59+62+75
47Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB54
48Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB55
49Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB56+60
50Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB57
51Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB58
52Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB61+66+70+74+76+93+95+98+100+102
53Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB63
54Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB67
55Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB68
56Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB77+85+110+111+115+116+117
57Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB78
58Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB79
59Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB80
60Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB81+86+87+97+107+108+109+112+119+124+125
61Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB82+135+144+151+154
62Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB83+99
63Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB84+92
64Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB88+91
65Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB89
66Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB90+101+113
67Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB94
68Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB96
69Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB103
70Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB104
71Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB105
72Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB106+118
73Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB114+122+131+133+142+146+165
74Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB120
75Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB121
76Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB123+139+140+147+149
77Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB126
78Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB127
79Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB128+162+166+167
80Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB129+137+138+158+160+163+164+176+178
81Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB130
82Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB132+153+161+168
83Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB134+143
84Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB136
85Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB141
86Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB145
87Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB148
88Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB150
89Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB152
90Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB155
91Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB156+157+172+197+200
92Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB159
93Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB169
94Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB170+190
95Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB171+173+202
96Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB174
97Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB175
98Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB177
99Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB179
100Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB180+193
101Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB181
102Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB182+187
103Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB183+185
104Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB184
105Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB186
106Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB188
107Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB189
108Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB191
109Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB192
110Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB194+205
111Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB195+208
112Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB196+203
113Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB198+199+201
114Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB204
115Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB206
116Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB207
117Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresPCB209
118Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresA1016
119Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresA1221
120Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresA1232
121Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresA1242
122Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresA1248
123Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresA1254
124Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndresA1260
125Polychlorinated biphenyl in waterPCB waterpg/lMartinez, AndrestPCB
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
231099 data points

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