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Sigl, Michael; Gabrieli, Jacopo (2024): Colle Gnifetti (Monte Rosa, Alps) ice-core glaciochemical and trace element records between 950 to 2015 CE [dataset]. PANGAEA, (DOI registration in progress)

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The impurity and stable isotope in water records extracted from the Colle Gnieffti ice core (Swiss-Italian Alps, 45°55′50″N, 7°52′33″E, 4455 m asl) contain information on the composition of the past atmosphere and climate conditions over the Holocene. Here we provide annual mean concentrations of major ions (Na+, NH4+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Cl-, NO3-, SO42-), refractory black carbon (rBC) and trace elements (Al, Mn, Fe, Sr, Rb, V, Cr, Ba, Pb, Bi, Cd) next to the isotopic composition of water (i.e. d18O) from a stack of 2 firn cores drilled in 2008 and 2015 (CG15, CG08) and two parallel deep ice cores drilled in 2003 (CG03A, CG03B) encompassing the period 950 to 2015 CE. Major ions were determined at the Paul Scherrer Institute using ion chromatography (with Dionex and Metrohm systems) and rBC was analyzed with a Single Particle Soot Photometer (SP2, Droplet Measurement Technologies) and a jet (APEX-Q, Elemental Scientific Inc.) nebulizer to aerosolize the aqueous samples (Sigl et al., 2018). Trace elements were analyzed at the University of Venice using a continuous ice- core melting device coupled to an Agilent 7500 quadrupole inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-Q-MS) and a Element2 (Thermo-Finnigan) sector field inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-SFMS) with discrete sampling (Gabrieli et al., 2011, 2014; Sigl et al., 2018). Stable isotopes of water were measured at the Paul Scherrer Institute by isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) using a Delta Plus XP (Finnigan MAT) system. Analytical uncertainties were ±0.1 ‰ for d18O. Annual mean concentrations and the mean annual isotopic composition of the water were calculated by averaging all samples within each year. Samples below the detection limit were set to 50 % of the value of the detection limit. Ice-core dating is based between 1763 and 2015 CE on annual-layer counting, constrained by historic Saharan dust events and volcanic eruption signals. Before 1741 CE the dating is based on a simple glacier flow model fitted to radiocarbon dates of particulate carbonaceous aerosols embedded in the ice (Jenk et al., 2009; Sigl et al., 2009). A polynomial regression is used to merge both age models between 1763 and 1741 CE. These datasets underpin analyses of anthropogenic and natural emissions of aerosol species over the industrial (Sigl et al., 2018; Gabrieli et al., 2011; Eckhardt et al., 2023) and pre-industrial periods (Brugger et al., 2021; Gabrieli et al., 2014).
aerosol forcing; aerosols; Alps; ammonium; Atmosphere; biomass burning; black carbon; climate; climate forcing; Colle Gnifetti; dust; Emissions; Europe; European Alps; fire; firn core; glacier; heavy metals; Ice core; industrial; Italy; Last millennium; Little Ice Age; nitrate; Paleoclimate; pollution; Preindustrial; Saharan dust; soot; stable isotope data; sulfate; sulfur dioxide; Switzerland; trace elements
Brügger, Sandra Olivia; Schwikowski, Margit; Gobet, E; Schwörer, Christoph; Rohr, Christian; Sigl, Michael; Henne, Stephan; Pfister, C; Jenk, Theo M; Henne, P D; Tinner, W (2021): Alpine Glacier Reveals Ecosystem Impacts of Europe's Prosperity and Peril Over the Last Millennium. Geophysical Research Letters, 48(20), e2021GL095039,
Eckhardt, Sabine; Pisso, Ignacio; Evangeliou, Nikolaos; Zwaaftink, Christine Groot; Plach, Andreas; McConnell, Joseph R; Sigl, Michael; Ruppel, Meri; Zdanowicz, Christian; Lim, Saehee; Chellman, Nathan J; Opel, Thomas; Meyer, Hanno; Steffensen, Jørgen Peder; Schwikowski, Margit; Stohl, Andreas (2023): Revised historical Northern Hemisphere black carbon emissions based on inverse modeling of ice core records. Nature Communications, 14(1), 271,
Gabrieli, Jacopo; Barbante, Carlo (2014): The Alps in the age of the Anthropocene: the impact of human activities on the cryosphere recorded in the Colle Gnifetti glacier. Rendiconti Lincei-Scienze Fisiche E Naturali, 25(1), 71-83,
Gabrieli, Jacopo; Cozzi, Giulio; Vallelonga, Paul T; Schwikowski, Margit; Sigl, Michael; Eickenberg, Jost; Wacker, Lukas; Boutron, Claude F; Gäggeler, Heinz; Cescon, Paolo; Barbante, Carlo (2011): Contamination of Alpine snow and ice at Colle Gnifetti, Swiss/Italian Alps, from nuclear weapons tests. Atmospheric Environment, 45(3), 587-593,
Jenk, Theo M; Szidat, Sönke; Bolius, David; Sigl, Michael; Gäggeler, Heinz; Wacker, Lukas; Ruff, Matthias; Barbante, Carlo; Boutron, Claude F; Schwikowski, Margit (2009): A novel radiocarbon dating technique applied to an ice core from the Alps indicating late Pleistocene ages. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, D14305,
Sigl, Michael; Abram, Nerilie J; Gabrieli, Jacopo; Jenk, Theo M; Osmont, Dimitri; Schwikowski, Margit (2018): 19th century glacier retreat in the Alps preceded the emergence of industrial black carbon deposition on high-alpine glaciers. The Cryosphere, 12(10), 3311-3331,
Sigl, Michael; Jenk, Theo M; Kellerhals, Thomas; Szidat, Sönke; Gäggeler, H W; Wacker, L; Synal, Hans-Arno; Boutron, C; Barbante, Carlo; Gabrieli, Jacopo; Schwikowski, Margit (2009): Towards radiocarbon dating of ice cores. Journal of Glaciology, 55(194), 985-996,
Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF), grant/award no. 154450: Paleo fires from high-alpine ice cores
Latitude: 45.931900 * Longitude: 7.876100
Minimum Elevation: 4450.0 m * Maximum Elevation: 4450.0 m
Colle_Gnifetti_CG03A (CG03A) * Latitude: 45.931900 * Longitude: 7.876100 * Elevation: 4450.0 m * Location: Colle Gnifetti, Monte Rosa, Swiss Alps * Method/Device: Ice drill (ICEDRILL) * Comment: Drilled in year 2003
Colle_Gnifetti_CG03B (CG03B) * Latitude: 45.931900 * Longitude: 7.876100 * Elevation: 4450.0 m * Location: Colle Gnifetti, Monte Rosa, Swiss Alps * Method/Device: Ice drill (ICEDRILL) * Comment: Drilled in year 2003
Colle_Gnifetti_CG08 (CG08) * Latitude: 45.931900 * Longitude: 7.876100 * Elevation: 4450.0 m * Location: Colle Gnifetti, Monte Rosa, Swiss Alps * Method/Device: Ice drill (ICEDRILL) * Comment: Drilled in 2008
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1AGEAgeka BPSigl, MichaelGeocode
2AgeAgea AD/CESigl, Michaelmid-year (CE, nominal July 1st)
3SodiumNa+ng/gSigl, MichaelIon chromatography
4Ammonium[NH4]+ng/gSigl, MichaelIon chromatography
5PotassiumKng/gSigl, MichaelIon chromatography
6MagnesiumMgng/gSigl, MichaelIon chromatography
7CalciumCa2+ng/gSigl, MichaelIon chromatography
8ChlorideCl-ng/gSigl, MichaelIon chromatography
9Nitrate[NO3]-ng/gSigl, MichaelIon chromatography
10Sulfate[SO4]2-ng/gSigl, MichaelIon chromatography
11Black carbon, refractoryrBCng/gSigl, MichaelSingle particle soot photometer, Droplet Measurement Technologies, SP2; coupled with jet nebulizer, Elemental Scientific, APEX-Q
12AluminiumAlng/gSigl, MichaelContinuous ice-core melting device; coupled with quadrupole inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-Q-MS), Agilent, 7500
13IronFeng/gSigl, MichaelContinuous ice-core melting device; coupled with quadrupole inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-Q-MS), Agilent, 7500
14ManganeseMnng/gSigl, MichaelContinuous ice-core melting device; coupled with quadrupole inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-Q-MS), Agilent, 7500
15StrontiumSrng/gSigl, MichaelContinuous ice-core melting device; coupled with quadrupole inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-Q-MS), Agilent, 7500
16RubidiumRbng/gSigl, MichaelContinuous ice-core melting device; coupled with quadrupole inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-Q-MS), Agilent, 7500
17VanadiumVng/gSigl, MichaelContinuous ice-core melting device; coupled with quadrupole inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-Q-MS), Agilent, 7500
18ChromiumCrng/gSigl, MichaelContinuous ice-core melting device; coupled with quadrupole inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-Q-MS), Agilent, 7500
19BariumBang/gSigl, MichaelContinuous ice-core melting device; coupled with quadrupole inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-Q-MS), Agilent, 7500
20LeadPbng/gSigl, MichaelContinuous ice-core melting device; coupled with quadrupole inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-Q-MS), Agilent, 7500
21BismuthBing/gSigl, MichaelContinuous ice-core melting device; coupled with quadrupole inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-Q-MS), Agilent, 7500
22CadmiumCdng/gSigl, MichaelContinuous ice-core melting device; coupled with quadrupole inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-Q-MS), Agilent, 7500
23δ18O, waterδ18O H2O‰ SMOWSigl, MichaelIsotope ratio mass spectrometer (IRMS), Finnigan MAT, Delta plus XPvs. VSMOW
24CommentCommentSigl, MichaelIce Cores in Composite: specific ice-core records used to derive the mean value by averaging the individual records
25Number of coresCores#Sigl, MichaelNumber of ice-core records in the stack
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
24453 data points

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