Krastel, Sebastian; Rabbel, Wolfgang; Detjens, Stine; Schumacher, Mia (2024): Multibeam bathymetry raw data (Kongsberg EM712 entire dataset) of RV MARIA S. MERIAN during cruise MSM128 [dataset]. PANGAEA,
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Raw multibeam bathymetry data were collected aboard RV MARIA S. MERIAN during the cruise MSM128 (TRAPA) using a 40-100kHz Kongsberg EM 712 multibeam echosounder. The expedition took place during 02.05.2024 – 20.05.2024 from Emden to Rostock (Germany) in the North Sea. The main aim of MSM128 (TRAPA) was to reconstruct the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene landscape in the present day North Sea area north of Helgoland that was once extensively exploited by Late Palaeolithic hunter-gatherer groups. Data were recorded inside the German EEZ. Sound velocity profiles (SVP) were applied on the data for calibration. Please see environmental data and the cruise report for details. The data are unprocessed and can therefore contain incorrect depth measurements (artifacts) if not further processed. Note that refraction errors may occur when no proper SVP is applied. Data acquisition was done by CAU Kiel. Data provision is supported by the DAM Underway Project and is according to the FAIR principles.
Related to:
Krastel, Sebastian; Rabbel, Wolfgang; Detjens, Stine; Schumacher, Mia (2024): Water column raw data (Kongsberg EM712 entire dataset) of RV MARIA S. MERIAN during cruise MSM128 [dataset]. PANGAEA,
DAM Underway Research Data (DAM_Underway)
Median Latitude: 54.325686 * Median Longitude: 7.907515 * South-bound Latitude: 54.234675 * West-bound Longitude: 7.372747 * North-bound Latitude: 54.458592 * East-bound Longitude: 8.227195
Date/Time Start: 2024-05-03T10:35:53 * Date/Time End: 2024-05-19T01:34:55
Minimum ELEVATION: -30.1404 m a.s.l. * Maximum ELEVATION: -13.4935 m a.s.l.
MSM128_0_Underway-1 * Latitude Start: 54.390400 * Longitude Start: 8.065010 * Latitude End: 54.254900 * Longitude End: 7.829480 * Date/Time Start: 2024-05-03T10:35:53 * Date/Time End: 2024-05-19T02:01:17 * Campaign: MSM128 (TRAPA) * Basis: Maria S. Merian * Method/Device: EM712 multibeam echosounder (EM712) * Comment: Event shows start/end point (date/time & coordinates) of first/last data record using Kongsberg EM 712 multibeam echosounder during cruise MSM128
These data should not be used for navigational purposes.
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0) (License comes into effect after moratorium ends)
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC) * Processing Level: PANGAEA data processing level 1 (ProcLevel1)
11360 data points
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