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Mucci, Alfonso; Guiney, Hannah (2024): Carbonate chemistry of competitive dissolution experiment [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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The archived dataset was collected during a laboratory experiment, conducted between April 2021 and April 2022 at McGill University, in which we tested the competitive carbonate dissolution hypothesis. A mixture of biogenic and synthetic carbonates was reacted with acidified, natural seawater to simulate the progressive acidification of ocean waters by anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2). The biogenic material (Goniolithon, a high-magnesium (Mg) calcite red algae, and Halimeda, an aragonitic green algae) was collected off the coast of Andros, Bahamas in November 2019, whereas the ACS-grade synthetic calcite was purchased from Fisher Scientific®. The natural seawater was collected at ~400 m depth in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The reaction was conducted in 350 mL of natural seawater with 0.3133 g of Goniolithon, 0.3020 g of Halimeda and 0.3068 g of synthetic calcite in a 500 mL water-jacketed glass reaction vessel maintained at 25.0 °C by recirculating water from a constant temperature bath through the reactor jacket. Results of this study confirm the hypothesis that carbonates will dissolve sequentially according to their respective solubility. They also reveal that the dissolution of high Mg-calcites proceeds incongruently. The originality of this contribution rests with the demonstration that the presence of a single high Mg-calcite will generate, like in a sediment of mixed mineralogy, a continuum of transient states as lower Mg-calcites of greater stability are precipitated and dissolved.
Laboratory experiment; Mixed carbonate dissolution; ocean acidification; Seawater pH buffering
Supplement to:
Guiney, Hannah; Mucci, Alfonso (accepted): Competitive dissolution of mixed carbonate solids under simulated ocean acidification. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
Dickson, Andrew G (1990): Standard potential of the reaction: , and and the standard acidity constant of the ion HSO4− in synthetic sea water from 273.15 to 318.15 K. Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 22(2), 113-127,
Dickson, Andrew G; Millero, Frank J (1987): A comparison of the equilibrium constants for the dissociation of carbonic acid in seawater media. Deep Sea Research Part A. Oceanographic Research Papers, 34(10), 1733-1743,
Dickson, Andrew G; Riley, J P (1979): The estimation of acid dissociation constants in seawater media from potentionmetric titrations with strong base. I. The ionic product of water — Kw. Marine Chemistry, 7(2), 89-99,
Lee, Kitack; Kim, Tae-Wook; Byrne, Robert H; Millero, Frank J; Feely, Richard A; Liu, Yong-Ming (2010): The universal ratio of boron to chlorinity for the North Pacific and North Atlantic oceans. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 74(6), 1801-1811,
Lewis, Ernie R; Wallace, Douglas WR (1998): Program Developed for CO2 System Calculations. Environmental System Science Data Infrastructure for a Virtual Ecosystem,
Mehrbach, C; Culberson, C H; Hawley, J E; Pytkowicx, R M (1973): Measurement of the apparent dissociation constants of carbonic acid in seawater at atmospheric pressure. Limnology and Oceanography, 18(6), 897-907,
Millero, Frank J (1986): The pH of estuarine waters. Limnology and Oceanography, 31(4), 839-847,
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), grant/award no. RGPIN/04421-2018: Marine carbonate geochemistry, McGill University, NSERC Discovery Grant
Median Latitude: 36.697100 * Median Longitude: -69.671000 * South-bound Latitude: 24.899000 * West-bound Longitude: -77.927000 * North-bound Latitude: 48.495200 * East-bound Longitude: -61.415000
Date/Time Start: 2018-05-31T12:30:00 * Date/Time End: 2019-11-29T00:00:00
Minimum Elevation: -403.5 m * Maximum Elevation: -403.5 m
Blanket_Bay * Latitude: 24.899000 * Longitude: -77.927000 * Date/Time Start: 2019-11-23T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2019-11-29T00:00:00 * Location: Andros Island, Bahamas * Method/Device: Sampling by diver (DIVER) * Comment: Original sampling location of biogenic material
CORII_Gulf_St_Lawrence * Latitude: 48.495200 * Longitude: -61.415000 * Date/Time: 2018-05-31T12:30:00 * Elevation: -403.5 m * Location: Gulf of St. Lawrence * Campaign: CORII_2018 * Basis: Coriolis II * Method/Device: CTD/Rosette (CTD-RO) * Comment: Original sampling location of natural seawater
The experiment was started on April 9, 2021 and completed on April 10, 2022.
The natural seawater was collected in the deep waters of the Gulf of St. Lawrence using a rosette system (12 x 12 L Niskin bottles) equipped with Conductivity-Temperature-Depth sensors (CTD, Seabird® SBE 911plus) onboard the R/V Coriolis II on 31 May 2018 (48º29.71'N; 61º24.90' W, 12h30 UTC, z= 403.5 m; SP = 34.93, where SP stands for practical salinity). The seawater was stored in 20 L polyethylene carboys and vacuum filtered through 0.45µm Nuclepore® polycarbonate filters before use in the experiment.
The biogenic material was collected by skin divers off a skiff boat between November 23rd and 29th, 2019 in Blanket Bay (24.8990⁰N, 77.9270⁰W) on the eastern shore of Andros Island, Bahamas. The biogenic carbonates were soaked in a bleach solution overnight, rinsed multiple times with fresh water and allowed to dry in the sun for several days. Upon returning to McGill, aliquots of the biogenic carbonates were crushed into coarse fragments (~1-3 mm), soaked in distilled water for several days and the water replaced every day in order to remove the hypochlorite that may have been trapped within the samples. They were then allowed to dry at room temperature, lightly dry-crushed with an agate mortar and pestle, and stored dry in a closed plastic container until use.
The pH of the experimental solution was measured on the total proton concentration scale (pHT) using a Radiometer Analytical (GK2401C) combination glass electrode connected to a Radiometer Copenhagen PHM85 pH-meter (92R01N32). The electrode was calibrated against three NIST-traceable buffer solutions: pH-4.00, pH-7.00 and pH-10.00 at 25°C. The Nernstian slope was obtained by least-squares fitting the electrode response to the assigned buffer values. pHNBS was converted to pHT according to the electrode response to a TRIS buffer solution prepared at SP = 35, for which the pHT was assigned at 25°C (8.089; Millero, 1986). Reproducibility of pHT measurements, based on replicate analyses of the same sample, was typically better than 0.005.
The total alkalinity (TA) of the acidified, natural seawater and experimental solutions was determined by potentiometric titration using an automated Radiometer TitraLab-845 titrator and Radiometer Analytical (GK2401C) combination glass electrode. The titrant was a 0.03N hydrochloric acid solution prepared in distilled water. It was calibrated at the beginning and end of each session against a laboratory, natural seawater reference solution (filtered and poisoned with mercuric chloride) that had been standardized using certified reference materials (CRM batch #140 and 154) supplied by Andrew Dickson (Scripps Institute of Oceanography). The reproducibility of the measurements was better than 0.3%.
Dissolved calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and potassium (K) concentrations were determined by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry (FAAS) on a Perkin-Elmer AAnalyst 100, following a 1:100 dilution in 0.1N Omni-trace hydrochloric acid (HCl). External calibration solutions were prepared within the linear response range of the instrument by dilution of commercial (SCP Science PlasmaCal) 1000 ppm AAS standard solutions in 0.1N Omni-trace HCl. Reproducibility of the AAS measurements was better than 3% and all results were normalized to the standard seawater ionic concentrations.
The salinity of the experimental solutions was determined on 1 mL aliquots of the unacidified samples by automated, potentiometric, argentometric titrations using an automated Radiometer TTM81 titrator, an ABU80 automatic burette, as well as Radiometer P-4040 silver and Radiometer REF601 mercury/mercuric sulfate reference electrodes connected to a Radiometer PHM64 pH/mV meter. The silver nitrate solution was calibrated against IAPSO standard seawater. The reproducibility of the measurements was better than 0.1% (relative standard deviation).
The saturation state (ΩC) and carbon dioxide partial pressure (pCO2) calculations were performed with version 01.05 of CO2SYS, a program originally written by Ernie Lewis and Doug Wallace (Lewis and Wallace, 1998). The carbonic acid dissociation constants (K*1 and K*2) of Mehrbach et al. (1973) as refit by Dickson and Millero (1987), the dissociation constant of HSO4- of Dickson (1990), the dissociation constant of HF of Dickson and Riley (1979) and the total boron:salinity ratio of Lee et al. (2010) were used for the calculations. Measured calcium concentrations were substituted in the calculations to account for deviations from the salinity-derived values in CO2SYS.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Type of studyStudy typeMucci, Alfonso
2Time in daysTimedaysMucci, Alfonso
3Treatment: 0.1 N hydrochloric acidT:0.1N HClmlMucci, Alfonso
4pHpHMucci, AlfonsoCombination glass electrode, Radiometer Analytical, GK2401C; coupled with pH-meter, Radiometer Copenhagen, PHM85 [SN: 92R01N32]total proton scale
5Alkalinity, totalATµmol/kgMucci, AlfonsoCombination glass electrode, Radiometer Analytical, GK2401C; Titrator, Radiometer, TitraLab-845
6SalinitySalMucci, AlfonsoTitrationpractical seawater salinity, for more details regarding methods see dataset comment
7PotassiumK+mmol/kgMucci, AlfonsoAtomic absorption spectrophotometer (FAAS), PerkinElmer, AAnalyst 100
8CalciumCa2+mmol/kgMucci, AlfonsoAtomic absorption spectrophotometer (FAAS), PerkinElmer, AAnalyst 100
9MagnesiumMg2+mmol/kgMucci, AlfonsoAtomic absorption spectrophotometer (FAAS), PerkinElmer, AAnalyst 100
10Calcite saturation stateOmega CalMucci, AlfonsoCalculated using CO2SYS
11Carbon dioxide, partial pressurepCO2µatmMucci, AlfonsoCalculated using CO2SYS
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
327 data points

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