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Sigl, Michael; Toohey, Matthew (2024): Volcanic stratospheric sulfur injections from 500 BCE to 1900 CE, eVolv2k_version4 [dataset]. PANGAEA, (DOI registration in progress)

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Based on sulfate records from a suite of ice cores from Greenland and Antarctica, the eVolv2k database includes estimates of the magnitudes and approximate source latitudes of major volcanic stratospheric sulfur injection (VSSI) events from 500 BCE to 1900 CE. We combined three ice-core records from Greenland and 18 from Antarctica, to determine the timing of past eruptions and the cumulative sulfate mass deposition over the polar ice sheets for 256 volcanic eruptions. Version 4 of this database incorporates improvements to the ice-core records based on 1) geochemical characterization of tephra to constrain the source volcano and its latitude (e.g. Ilopango, Okmok, Taupo), 2) sulfur isotope analyses to constrain volcanic plume height, e.g. for Samalas (Indonesia, 1257), Kuwae (Vanuatu, 1458), Tambora (Indonesia, 1815) and the proximity of the source eruptions relative to the ice sheets and 3) tree-ring records (i.e. frost rings, Miyake events) and documentary evidence (volcanic dust veils and dark lunar eclipses) to constrain the timing for specific volcanic eruptions. With several eruptions precisely tied to the exact years (e.g. in 536, 626, 946, 1257, 1477, 1783) we estimate an age uncertainty of less than ±1-2 years over the past 1500 years, and less than ±2-3 years between 500 BCE to 500 CE. We attributed 41 VSSI events to known volcanic eruptions and provided default latitudes of 45°N and 45°S to VSSI events only detected in the ice cores of the respective hemisphere. VSSI events which were detected in the ice sheets of both hemispheres were attributed by default to the tropics (0°). Overall, the 256 volcanic eruptions injected 1220 Tg of sulfur (TgS) into the stratosphere which equates to a long-term mean of 0.5 TgS/yr. 49% of the eruptions occurred in the Northern Hemisphere extra-tropics, 28% in the tropics and 23% in the Southern Hemisphere extra-tropics. The three largest eruptions were Samalas (1257), an unidentified eruption in the tropics in 426 BCE and Okmok II (Alaska in 43 BC). The 13th century (rank 1), the 19th century (rank 2) and the 6th century (rank 3) were the most active periods exceeding the long-term annual mean VSSI from major volcanic eruptions by 80 to 140 %. These periods are linked to overall cold climates promoting glacier expansions in the Northern Hemisphere. Periods of decreased volcanic activity occurred between 950 and 1100 CE (Medieval Quiet Period) and from 40 BCE to 160 CE (Roman Quiet Period). During these time intervals annual mean VSSI was 55 to 70 % less than the long-term mean.
The eVolv2k database is the recommended volcanic forcing by the Paleoclimate Model Intercomparison Project (PMIP) for experiments contributing to the sixth phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6) and the fourth phase of the PMIP (PMIP4) such as the past1000 transient simulations (Jungclaus et al., 2017). Version 4 of this database replaces the previous version eVolv2k_v3: an ice-core based volcanic stratospheric sulfur injection dataset version 3,
aerosol optical depth; Antarctica; Atmosphere; climate forcing; Climate modelling; Climate variations; Common Era; Cryptotephra; extreme events; Greenland; Ice core; Last millennium; Little Ice Age; medieval climate anomaly; radiative forcing; Roman Climate Optimum; stratospheric aerosol; sulfate; sulfate aerosol; Sulfur; Tephra; volcanic activity; volcanic eruption; volcanism
Supplement to:
Hutchinson, W; et al. (submitted): The infamous 1831 CE mystery eruption identified as Zavaritskii caldera, Simushir Island (Kurils).
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Toohey, Matthew; Sigl, Michael (2017): Volcanic stratospheric sulfur injections and aerosol optical depth from 500 BCE to 1900 CE. Earth System Science Data, 9(2), 809-831,
Toohey, Matthew; Sigl, Michael (2019): Reconstructed volcanic stratospheric sulfur injections and aerosol optical depth, 500 BCE to 1900 CE, version 3 [dataset]. World Data Center for Climate (WDCC) at DKRZ,
European Research Council (ERC), grant/award no. 820047: Timing of Holocene volcanic eruptions and their radiative aerosol forcing (THERA)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
Year of eruptionEruptiona ADSigl, Michaeldefined as the year in which volcanic sulfate deposition in the polar ice cores started to rise; exact year is provided for known eruption dates (e.g. Tambora in 1815); the dating is primarily based on independent annual-layer counted chronologies from both Greenland and Antarctica
Year of eruptionEruptiona ADSigl, MichaelISO (same as before, but using the ISO8601 international standard date (which includes a year 0))
MonthMonthSigl, Michaelof eruption (default date of 1 January for unknown eruption dates)
DayDaySigl, Michael
LATITUDELatitudeSigl, MichaelGeocode – Estimated eruption latitude (default latitudes for unidentified eruptions detected only in Greenland were 45°N, eruptions detected only in Antarctica 45°S, and 0° if they were detected on Greenland and Antarctica)
Deposition of sulfate, volcanic, cumulativeVolc [SO4]2- depos cumkg/m2Sigl, MichaelGreenland volcanic sulfate
Deposition of sulfate, volcanic, cumulativeVolc [SO4]2- depos cumkg/m2Sigl, MichaelAntarctic volcanic sulfate
Volcanic stratospheric sulphur injectionVSSITgSigl, Michaelstratospheric sulfur injection
Volcanic stratospheric sulphur injection, standard deviationVSSI std dev±Sigl, Michael1-sigma uncertainty of stratospheric sulfur injection
10 AsymmetryAsymmetrySigl, MichaelASY=(DG/(DG+DA)), DG= Greenland sulfate deposition, DA = Antarctica sulfate deposition
11 LocationLocationSigl, Michael
12 Tephra layerTephra laySigl, Michaeltephra detected in polar ice cores (Y, for positive; N, for no tephra reported)
13 Reference/sourceReferenceSigl, Michael
3072 data points


Download dataset as tab-delimited text — use the following character encoding:

Eruption [a AD]
(defined as the year in which ...)

Eruption [a AD]
(ISO (same as before, but usin...)

(of eruption (default date of ...)


(Estimated eruption latitude (...)

Volc [SO4]2- depos cum [kg/m2]
(Greenland volcanic sulfate)

Volc [SO4]2- depos cum [kg/m2]
(Antarctic volcanic sulfate)

(stratospheric sulfur injection)

VSSI std dev [±]
(1-sigma uncertainty of strato...)
(ASY=(DG/(DG+DA)), DG= Greenla...)
Tephra lay
(tephra detected in polar ice ...)
1890189011- (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
18861886610- (New Zealand)NeVolv2k (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
18831883827-6.017.610.49.341.910.629Krakatao (Indonesia)NeVolv2k (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
187518754165. (Iceland)NeVolv2k (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
187318731864.ímsvötn (Iceland)NeVolv2k (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
186118611210. (Philippines)NeVolv2k (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
1856185692542. (Japan)NeVolv2k (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
1853185342242. (Japan)NeVolv2k (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
184618461145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
1835183512013.üina (Nicaragua)NeVolv2k (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
183118317146.934.74.312.007.000.890Zavaritskii-Simushir Island (Kurils)Y"eVolv2k (Toohey & Sigl 2017; Plunkett et al., 2023; Hutchison, in preparation)"
18221822108- (Indonesia)NeVolv2k (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
1821182111- (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
18151815410-8.038.445.828.084.490.456Tambora (Indonesia)NeVolv2k (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
18091809110.032.425.419.263.540.560N/ANeVolv2k (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
179717971145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
179617961145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
178617861145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
1783178361564.4109.50.020.817.041.000Laki (Iceland)Y"eVolv2k (Toohey & Sigl 2017; Plunkett et al., 2023)"
177017701145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
176617664564. (Iceland)NeVolv2k (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
17621762110. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
17551755101763. (Iceland)NeVolv2k (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
1739173981942.718.10.03.441.091.000Shikotsu (Japan)NeVolv2k (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
172917291145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
1721172151163. (Iceland)NeVolv2k (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
172017201145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
17071707121635. (Japan)NeVolv2k (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
16951695110.024.722.515.742.880.523N/ANeVolv2k (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
16931693110. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
167316735201. (Indonesia)NeVolv2k (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
1667166792342.718.30.03.481.111.000Tarumae (Japan)YeVolv2k (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
1662166211- (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
16541654110. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
164616461145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
1640164012266.141.114.918.684.280.734Mount Parker (Philippines)NeVolv2k (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
163716371145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
1621162111- (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
16001600217-16.638.118.718.954.030.671Huaynaputina (Peru)NeVolv2k (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
15951595314.911.814.88.871.510.444Nevado del Ruiz (Columbia)NeVolv2k (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
1590159011- (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
1585158511019.523.32.28.512.340.914Colima (Mexico)NeVolv2k (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
1576157611- (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
156715671145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
15541554110. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
1541154111- (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
153715371145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
152815281145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
1512151211- (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
1510151072564. (Iceland)NeVolv2k (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
1505150511- (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
150215021145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
148014801145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
1478147811- (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
147714772164.627.ðivötn (Iceland)Y"eVolv2k (Toohey & Sigl 2017; Abbott et al., 2021)"
147014701145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
146314631145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
1458145811-16.835.363.632.984.800.357Kuwae (Vanuatu)N"eVolv2k (Toohey & Sigl 2017; Burke et al. 2023)"
145314531145."eVolv2k (Toohey & Sigl 2017; Burke et al. 2023)"
1448144811- (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
144114411145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
14141414110. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
13891389110. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
13811381110. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
1378137811- (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
13451345110. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
134113411145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
1336133611- (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
132913291145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
1306130611- (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
12861286110.024.420.815.062.790.540N/ANeVolv2k (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
12761276110.04.729.911.531.630.136N/ANeVolv2k (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
1269126911- (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
126012601145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
1257125771-8.4104.973.459.4210.860.588Samalas (Indonesia)Y"eVolv2k (Toohey & Sigl 2017; Guillet et al., 2023)"
1236123611- (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
12301230110. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
122212221145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
121012101145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
120012001145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
11911191110.010.415.28.531.490.406N/ANeVolv2k (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
118211821145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
1180118011- (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
11711171110.034.719.518.053.670.640N/ANeVolv2k (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
113711371145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
11271127110. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
1118111811- (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
111511151145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
11081108110.045.911.619.164.710.798N/ANeVolv2k (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
1092109211- (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
106710671145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
106410641145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
105710571145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
1039103911- (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
10281028110. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
102010201145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
101110111145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
10031003110. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
9989981145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
99099011- (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
9829821145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
976976110. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
9709701145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
96096011- (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
9589581145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
9539531145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
94694611142., Millennium Eruption (Korea/China)Y"eVolv2k (Toohey & Sigl 2017; Sun et al., 2014; Oppenheimer et al. 2017)"
9399394163.685. (Iceland)Y"eVolv2k (Toohey & Sigl 2017; Oppenheimer et al. 2018; Hutchison et al., in review)"
929929110. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
916916110. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
9089081145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
9049041145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
900900110. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
8808801145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
8778771164.616.ðivötn (Iceland)Y"eVolv2k (Toohey & Sigl 2017; Plunkett et al., 2023; Gabriel et al., 2024)"
8768761145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
86986911- (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
859859110. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
8538531161.413.00.02.480.831.000Churchill, White River Ash East (Alaska)Y"eVolv2k (Toohey & Sigl 2017; Jensen et al. 2024; Mackay et al. 2022)"
85385311- (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
8418411145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
8358351145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
82782711- (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
8238231163.620.70.03.931.541.000Katla (Iceland)Y"eVolv2k (Toohey & Sigl 2017; Büntgen et al., 2018; Plunkett et al., 2020)"
81981911- (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
8178171145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
8008001145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
7827821164.ímsvötn (Iceland)Y"eVolv2k (Toohey & Sigl 2017; Gabriel et al., 2024)"
7777771145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
7637637163.613.31.04.771.400.930Katla, Hrafnkatla (Iceland)Y"eVolv2k (Toohey & Sigl 2017; Gabriel et al., 2024)"
7577571163.616. (Iceland)Y"eVolv2k (Toohey & Sigl 2017; Gabriel et al., 2024)"
7517511164.435.70.06.792.411.000Grímsvötn (Iceland)Y"eVolv2k (Toohey & Sigl 2017; Gabriel et al., 2024)"
74974911- (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
74574511- (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
7327321145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
72572511- (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
71771711- (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
71371311- (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
698698110. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
6946941145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
6886881145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
682682110.042.938.727.194.670.526N/ANeVolv2k (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
6716711145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
6576571145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
64164111- (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
637637110. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
6326321145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
62962911- (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
62662610145."eVolv2k (Toohey & Sigl 2017; Sigl et al., 2015)"
607607110. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
5955951145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
589589110. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
5815811145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
574574110.038.334. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
5715711145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
5475471145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
540540110.061.234.431.857.730.640N/ANeVolv2k (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
5365361145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
52852811- (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
5215211145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
5115111145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
5015011145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
49249211- (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
48748711- (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
4694691145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
4674671145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
46246211- (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
456456110. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
4524521156."eVolv2k (Toohey & Sigl 2017; Plunkett et al., 2023)"
4324331113.714.727.213.982.230.351Ilopango, Tierra Blanca Joven (El Salvador)Y"eVolv2k (Toohey & Sigl 2017; Smith et al., 2020)"
4264261145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
4234231145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
4184181145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
4114111145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
393393110. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
38838811- (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
379379110. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
3693691145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
3663661145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
36036011- (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
3583581145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
35335311- (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
345345110. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
332332110. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
304304110.07.616. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
2992991145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
2812811145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
266266110.054.311.321.865.690.828N/ANeVolv2k (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
244244110. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
23623631-38.89.414.15.831.220.401Taup? (New Zealand)Y"eVolv2k (Toohey & Sigl 2017; Piva et al., 2023)"
2302301145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
2262261145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
218218110. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
21521511- (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
20620611- (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
1921921145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
1721721145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
169169110.026.118.414.823.580.586N/ANeVolv2k (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
16416411- (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
1601601145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
15015011- (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
14314311- (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
12412411- (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
12112111- (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
1141141145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
10210211- (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
959511- (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
87871145."eVolv2k (Toohey & Sigl 2017; Plunkett et al., 2022)"
585811- (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
313111- (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
4411- (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
-8-711- (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
-21-2011- (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
-35-341145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
-43-421153.5100.315.448.0015.000.867Okmok (Alaska)Y"eVolv2k (Toohey & Sigl 2017; McConnell et al., 2020; Pearson et al., 2022)"
-45-441164.419.10.03.621.201.000Unidentifed (Iceland)Y"eVolv2k (Toohey & Sigl 2017; McConnell et al., 2020)"
-85-84110. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
-100-9911- (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
-105-1041145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
-123-122110.021.511.310.923.690.655N/ANeVolv2k (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
-139-13811- (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
-141-1401145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
-147-146110. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
-158-1571145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
-161-1601145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
-164-1631145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
-168-167110.039.012.717.244.360.754N/ANeVolv2k (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
-180-1791145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
-190-189110. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
-209-208110. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
-217-2161145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
-228-2271145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
-244-2431145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
-247-246110.013.912.68.842.040.525N/ANeVolv2k (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
-255-2541145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
-299-2981145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
-301-3001145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
-326-32511- (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
-329-328110. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
-331-3301145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
-339-3381145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
-346-345110. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
-352-3511145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
-356-355110.022.88.910.552.680.719N/ANeVolv2k (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
-362-361110. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
-376-37511- (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
-385-3841145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
-392-391110.024.39.611.292.870.717N/ANeVolv2k (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
-396-3951145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
-426-425110.099.878.259.3317.950.561N/ANeVolv2k (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
-430-4291145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
-434-433110. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
-465-464110. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
-478-477110. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
-487-4861145. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)
-491-490110. (Toohey & Sigl 2017)