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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Lutz, Katrina; Bever, Lily; Sommer, Christian; Seehaus, Thorsten; Humbert, Angelika; Scheinert, Mirko; Braun, Matthias Holger (2024): In situ supraglacial lake depth measurements using remote controlled sonar boat in Northeast Greenland, July 2022 [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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The estimation of meltwater volume in supraglacial lakes is important for surface mass balance calculations and glacier modeling; however, current remote sensing techniques are limited. Thus, in situ depth data was gathered in Northeast Greenland in July 2022 to be used as validation data to other techniques and to create a depth-reflectance curve technique on its own in conjunction with Sentinel-2 imagery. The depths of three supraglacial lakes were measured on Zachariæ Isstrøm using a remote controlled boat equipped with a Lawrence Elite 7 FS sonar sensor. Each measurement only covers an area extending roughly 100 meters into each of the lakes. The depths measured range up to around 7 meters deep.
Related to:
Lutz, Katrina; Bever, Lily; Sommer, Christian; Humbert, Angelika; Scheinert, Mirko; Braun, Matthias Holger (preprint): Assessing supraglacial lake depth using ICESat-2, Sentinel-2, TanDEM-X, and in situ sonar measurements over Northeast Greenland.
File descriptions: Shapefiles containing depth information for three lakes (522, 610a, and 610b). The data for each lake is labeled with the acquisition date (yyyy-mm-dd) and the lake ID. There are four files associated with each lake: .dbf, *.prj, *.shp, *.shx.
Curation Level: Basic curation (CurationLevelB)
112.2 kBytes

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