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Krumpen, Thomas; Haas, Christian; Hendricks, Stefan (2024): Laser altimeter data obtained over sea-ice during the PS92 campaign in May-Jun, 2015; profile PS92_SBLA_20150608T0951_81.29_23.16_thr06_data_Vers5 [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In: Krumpen, Thomas; Haas, Christian; Hendricks, Stefan (2024): Laser altimeter data obtained over sea-ice during the PS92 campaign in May-Jun, 2015 [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2024-07-12DOI registered: 2024-08-27

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Sea ice surface roughness data were obtained during the PS92 campaign in May-Jun, 2015 with a Single Beam Laser Altimeter (SBLA) mounted inside an electromagnetic system (EM-Bird) towed at 10-30 m height above surface by a Helicopter (RV-Polarstern Helicopter). A method developed by Hibler (1972) was used to a) isolate the surface profile from low-frequency variations associated with the aircraft motion and b) to identify pressure ridge sails. The processing steps are described in We applied a ridge detection threshold of 0.6 m, which means that only sails higher 0.6 m are detected. Version and name of the processing routine: (vers.5, Feb 22, 2024, SBLA records (RIEGL - LD90) are provided at a sampling rate of 100 Hz. Sensor accuracy is 5 cm with a beam diameter at surface of 5.8 cm. This specific dataset was obtained on 20150608T0951. It includes recorded altimeter readings, the derived surface elevation and width/height/spacing of detected pressure ridge sails. Note on data quality: 5.8 cm . File name: [DMS/PANGAEA Campaing Identifier] + [DEVICE] + [DATE/TIME] + [LAT/LON] + [Detection Threshold] + [Object] + [Version] + [Format]
Laser Altimeter; Ridge Height; Ridge Spacing; Ridge Width; Sea Ice Surface Roughness
Supplement to:
Related to:
Peeken, Ilka (2016): The Expedition PS92 of the Research Vessel POLARSTERN to the Arctic Ocean in 2015. Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung = Reports on Polar and Marine Research, 694, 153 pp,
Data processing report:
Suhrhoff, Mira (2021): Sea Ice Surface Roughness from Single Beam Laser Altimeter Measurements - Method Development and Comparison with Airborne Laser Scanner Profiles [thesis]. Universität Trier, hdl:10013/epic.30c63deb-b1f5-4c1e-927b-3d8a8d495b82
Median Latitude: 81.294498 * Median Longitude: 23.160299 * South-bound Latitude: 81.110796 * West-bound Longitude: 22.576456 * North-bound Latitude: 81.476514 * East-bound Longitude: 23.761259
Date/Time Start: 2015-06-08T13:48:35 * Date/Time End: 2015-06-08T14:06:22
PS92_SBLA_20150608T134835 * Latitude Start: 81.476514 * Longitude Start: 22.576456 * Latitude End: 81.110796 * Longitude End: 23.761259 * Date/Time Start: 2015-06-08T13:48:35 * Date/Time End: 2015-06-08T14:06:22 * O2A Registry URI: * Campaign: PS92 (ARK-XXIX/1, TRANSSIZ) * Basis: Polarstern * Method/Device: Single beam laser altimeter (SBLA)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DATE/TIMEDate/TimeKrumpen, ThomasGeocode
2Time in secondsTimesKrumpen, Thomas
3LATITUDELatitudeKrumpen, ThomasGeocode
4LONGITUDELongitudeKrumpen, ThomasGeocode
5POINT DISTANCE from startDistmKrumpen, ThomasGeocode
6HEIGHT above groundHeightmKrumpen, ThomasSingle beam laser altimeter (SBLA)Geocode
7Surface elevationSurf elevmKrumpen, ThomasSingle beam laser altimeter (SBLA)Height of the sea ice surface relative to the level ice
8Ridge height, maximumRidge height maxmKrumpen, ThomasSingle beam laser altimeter; processed with laser_Altimeter_Processing_VS5_06_20.pyHigest point of a pressure ridge sail
9Ridge boundary, leftRidge bound leftmKrumpen, ThomasSingle beam laser altimeter; processed with laser_Altimeter_Processing_VS5_06_20.pyLeft boundary of identified pressure ridge sail
10Ridge boundary, rightRidge bound rightmKrumpen, ThomasSingle beam laser altimeter; processed with laser_Altimeter_Processing_VS5_06_20.pyRight boundary of identified pressure ridge sail
11Ridge widthRidge widthmKrumpen, ThomasSingle beam laser altimeter; processed with laser_Altimeter_Processing_VS5_06_20.pyWidth of pressure ridge sail
12Ridge spacing, typicalRidge spacingmKrumpen, ThomasSingle beam laser altimeter; processed with laser_Altimeter_Processing_VS5_06_20.pyDistance to preceding ridge sail
13Lead event (true/false)Lead eventKrumpen, ThomasSingle beam laser altimeter; processed with laser_Altimeter_Processing_VS5_06_20.pyIf set to 1, then EM-Bird based sea-ice thickness is below 0.2 m (lead/open water). Note that EM-Bird data is provided at a sampling rate of 10 Hz
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
207515 data points

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