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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Haas, Christian; Hendricks, Stefan; Krumpen, Thomas (2024): Laser altimeter data obtained over sea-ice during the CASIMBO campaign in Apr, 2011 [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2024-07-12DOI registered: 2024-08-27

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Sea ice surface roughness data were obtained during the CASIMBO campaign in Apr, 2011 with a Single Beam Laser Altimeter (SBLA) mounted inside an electromagnetic system (EM-Bird) towed at 10-30 m height above surface by a Helicopter (Unknown model). A method developed by Hibler (1972) was used to a) isolate the surface profile from low-frequency variations associated with the aircraft motion and b) to identify pressure ridge sails. The processing steps are described in We applied a ridge detection threshold of 0.6 m, which means that only sails higher 0.6 m are detected. Version and name of the processing routine: (vers.5, Feb 22, 2024, SBLA records (RIEGL - LD90) are provided at a sampling rate of 100 Hz. Sensor accuracy is 5 cm with a beam diameter at surface of 5.8 cm. This dataset includes recorded altimeter readings, the derived surface elevation and width/height/spacing of detected pressure ridge sails. Note on data quality: 5.8 cm .
Laser Altimeter; Ridge Height; Ridge Spacing; Ridge Width; Sea Ice Surface Roughness
Supplement to:
Data processing report:
Suhrhoff, Mira (2021): Sea Ice Surface Roughness from Single Beam Laser Altimeter Measurements - Method Development and Comparison with Airborne Laser Scanner Profiles [thesis]. Universität Trier, hdl:10013/epic.30c63deb-b1f5-4c1e-927b-3d8a8d495b82
Median Latitude: 71.347865 * Median Longitude: -132.417752 * South-bound Latitude: 71.210229 * West-bound Longitude: -132.788590 * North-bound Latitude: 71.463519 * East-bound Longitude: -132.012370
Date/Time Start: 2011-04-05T20:01:13 * Date/Time End: 2011-04-05T20:29:55
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