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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Morón, Daniel; Feldmann, Daniel; Avila, Marc (2024): Effect of waveform on turbulence transition in pulsatile pipe flow [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2024-07-03DOI registered: 2024-08-01

RIS CitationBibTeX Citation Copy Citation Share 12 8 1

Pulsatile flow in a straight pipe is a model system for unsteady internal flows in industrial engineering and physiology. In some parameter regimes, the laminar flow is susceptible to helical perturbations, whose transient energy growth scales exponentially with the Reynolds number (Re). We link the transient growth of these perturbations to the instantaneous linear instability of the laminar flow. We exploit this link to study the effect of the waveform on turbulence transition by performing linear stability and transient growth analyses of flows driven with different waveforms. We find a higher-energy growth in flows driven with longer low-velocity phases as well as with steeper deceleration and acceleration phases. Finally, we perform direct numerical simulations and show that, in pulsatile flows, the linear mechanisms responsible for turbulence transition are distinctly different from the nonlinear mechanisms sustaining turbulence. In this dataset we include all the codes used to perform the analysis: from the codes in Matlab to perform transient growth and stability analyses of pulsatile pipe flow, to the Fortran code we use to perform direct numerical simulations. Additionally we include the codes in Matlab we use to fit our data to a physically inspired formula and to initialize the direct numerical simulations. Our strategy is to first postprocess the results of the codes we use, and save them as '.mat' files. We then generate the figures using these '.mat' files. These '.mat' files can be found in this dataset. They are saved in compressed folders, named following the figures of the paper this dataset is linked to.
bio-medical flow; direct numerical simulation; stability analysis; turbulence transition
German Research Foundation (DFG), grant/award no. AV 120/6-1: Instabilities, Bifurcations and Migration in Pulsating Flow (FOR 2688)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
Binary ObjectBinaryMorón, DanielNumerical simulated
Binary Object (File Size)Binary (Size)BytesMorón, DanielNumerical simulated
FigureFigMorón, DanielNumerical simulated
TitleTitleMorón, DanielNumerical simulated
File nameFile nameMorón, DanielNumerical simulated
VariableVariableMorón, DanielNumerical simulated
File formatFile formatMorón, DanielNumerical simulated
DescriptionDescriptionMorón, DanielNumerical simulated
54 data points


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CODE1_nsPipe_Pulsatile.zip398.3 kBytesCode for the direct numerical simulation (DNS) of the Navier-Stokes equations NSECODE1_nsPipe_Pulsatile.zipSources of the Fourier pseudospectral DNS code solving the NSE in a rigid pipe driven with the desired pulsatile bulk velocity. See for more information. The code has been modified so the user can input with an in_cond.txt file the initial (laminar) flow and on top an axially localized perturbation. The code also allows the user to define a forcing term to perturb the flow locally. To run the case compile the code and save the executable in the same folder as the desired, and the *.txt files.
CODE2_TGA.zip23.4 kBytesCode in Matlab to perform Transient Growth Analysis (TGA) in pulsatile pipe flowsCODE2_TGA.zipCode in Matlab to perform transient growth analysis or integrate the linearized NSE (LNSE). The codes in the folder: compute the TGA of a laminar profile driven with the desired waveform (A_MAIN_STHIN); and integrate the LNSE (P_MAIN_STHIN)
CODE3_Loc_Pert.zip473.6 kBytesCode in Matlab to generate the initial conditions for the DNS simulationsCODE3_Loc_Pert.zipCode in Matlab to generate the localized initial perturbation used in the DNS. It reads an optimum perturbation computed with the TGA and then it localizes it axially in a desired length. An example is included, ready to be run
CODE4_LSA.zip8.5 kBytesCode in Matlab to perform Linear Stability Analysis (LSA) of pulsatile pipe flow assuming the flow to be quasi-steadyCODE4_LSA.zipCode in Matlab to compute the quasi-steady stability analysis of pulsatile pipe flows driven with the desired pulsation waveform. It makes use of the function 'pipe.m' that was originally developed by Meseguer Meseguer, A & Trefethen, Lloyd N 2003 Linearized pipe flow to reynolds number 107. Journal of Computational Physics 186 (1), 178?197.
CODE5_Gradient_Descent.zip49.6 kBytesCode in Matlab to perform a gradient descentCode in Matlab used to fit the TGA and LSA results to a physically inspired formula using a Gradient descent
Fig1.zip6.1 kBytes1Laminar flow profile for different bulk velocitiesFig1.zipBulk and axial flow velocity.m filesTime series of different bulk velocities considered in the study and the resultant time and spatially resolved flow profiles. The folder includes the function Fig1.m to generate Fig 1 of the paper.
Fig2&3&4&5.zip425.5 MBytes2,3,4,5Analysis of the energy growth of optimum perturbations in pulsatile pipe flowFig2&3&4&5.zipVelocity and Energy in polar coordinatesmat files and .m filesEnergy growth of perturbations for different flow profiles. The folder includes Matlab files to generate the figures in the paper, and mat files with the required data. This data can be time and spatially resolved energy and velocity fields or maximum energy growths. Fig2: Colormaps of the axial vorticity of the optimum perturbation of a single harmonic pulsation. Fig3: Energy growth of the optimum perturbation of different pulsatile pipe flows. Fig4: proxy to energy growth using the LSA for a single harmonic pulsation. Fig5: Link between the position of inflection points and the location of maximum turbulence production according to the LNSE. The folder also includes Matlab functions to produce the supplementary material video.
Fig6.zip50.6 kBytes6Analysis of the dependence of the energy growth on the waveform parametersFig6.zipEnergy growthmat files and .m filesMaximum energy growth of perturbations depending on the parameters that define the shape of the pulsation waveform. The folder includes Fig6.m that generates fig 6 of the paper.
Fig7&8&9.zip607 kBytes7,8,9Full Parametric analysis of energy growthFig7&8&9.zipEnergy growthmat files and .m filesFull parametric analysis of the energy growth of perturbations for different pulsation waveforms and different flow parameters (Re,Wo): Fig7: comparison between energy growth of perturbations according to the TGA and LSA. Fig8: fit of the energy growth to a physically inspired formula using the gradient descent method. Fig9: extrapolation of the gradient descent fit to a physiological waveform.
Fig10&11.zip1.7 GBytes10,11Turbulence fraction and turbulence indicator for the 80 different DNSFig10&11.zipTurbulence fraction and turbulence indicatormat files and .m filesTurbulence indicator (computed as the cross-section integrated axial vorticity squared magnitude) and turbulence fraction of all the DNS analysed in this study. Fig10: turbulence fraction of all the 80 DNS with respect to time. Fig11: space-time diagram of the turbulence indicator for two of the DNS.