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Lüpkes, Christof; Hartmann, Jörg; Michaelis, Janosch; Herber, Andreas (2024): Aircraft measurements of wind and temperature during the HALO-AC3 campaign in 2022 [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2024-09-04DOI registered: 2024-09-04

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During the HALO-AC3 campaign conducted in March and April 2022 in Svalbard meteorological data (temperature, 3 wind components, air pressure) have been measured in high temporal resolution (100 Hz) using instrumentation that was installed at the nosebooms of Polar 5 and Polar 6. For each flight the data are given as functions of time and position (including height above ground) along the flight tracks. All flights started and ended in Longyearbyen, Svalbard. Each file represents an entire flight starting well before the first movement of the plane and ending after the final parking position has been reached after landing. The wind measurement is only valid during flight and the full accuracy is only achieved during straight level flight sections. The absolute accuracy of the wind components is 0.5m/s for straight and level flights sections and the relative accuracy of the vertical wind speed is about 0.15m/s for straight and level flight sections. For these sections, which can be obtained on the basis of the given roll and pitch angles of the aircraft, the 100 Hz data can be used to derive turbulent fluxes of momentum and sensible heat. For further informations on the data processing and accuracy of the turbulence measurement refer to Hartmann et al. (2018, doi:10.5194/amt-11-4567-2018). The data are available at the full resolution of 100Hz (doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.968952) and also for easier access downsampled to 1Hz by a moving average filter. On several occasions wind data are not available due to icing of the sensors. For those instances wind data are set to zero.
German Research Foundation (DFG), grant/award no. 268020496: TRR 172: ArctiC Amplification: Climate Relevant Atmospheric and SurfaCe Processes, and Feedback Mechanisms
Median Latitude: 75.746272 * Median Longitude: 9.584754 * South-bound Latitude: 53.039610 * West-bound Longitude: -5.320370 * North-bound Latitude: 81.695180 * East-bound Longitude: 19.110700
Date/Time Start: 2022-03-10T10:10:04 * Date/Time End: 2022-04-10T14:19:30
33 datasets

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Datasets listed in this publication series

  1. Lüpkes, C; Hartmann, J; Michaelis, J et al. (2024): High resolution aircraft measurements of wind and temperature of the HALO-AC3 campaign in 2022 (100Hz).
  2. Lüpkes, C; Hartmann, J; Michaelis, J et al. (2024): Aircraft measurements of wind and temperature during flight P5_232_HALO_2022_2203100101 of the HALO-AC3 campaign in 2022.
  3. Lüpkes, C; Hartmann, J; Michaelis, J et al. (2024): Aircraft measurements of wind and temperature during flight P5_232_HALO_2022_2203170201 of the HALO-AC3 campaign in 2022.
  4. Lüpkes, C; Hartmann, J; Michaelis, J et al. (2024): Aircraft measurements of wind and temperature during flight P5_232_HALO_2022_2203170302 of the HALO-AC3 campaign in 2022.
  5. Lüpkes, C; Hartmann, J; Michaelis, J et al. (2024): Aircraft measurements of wind and temperature during flight P5_232_HALO_2022_2203200401 of the HALO-AC3 campaign in 2022.
  6. Lüpkes, C; Hartmann, J; Michaelis, J et al. (2024): Aircraft measurements of wind and temperature during flight P5_232_HALO_2022_2203220501 of the HALO-AC3 campaign in 2022.
  7. Lüpkes, C; Hartmann, J; Michaelis, J et al. (2024): Aircraft measurements of wind and temperature during flight P5_232_HALO_2022_2203220602 of the HALO-AC3 campaign in 2022.
  8. Lüpkes, C; Hartmann, J; Michaelis, J et al. (2024): Aircraft measurements of wind and temperature during flight P5_232_HALO_2022_2203250701 of the HALO-AC3 campaign in 2022.
  9. Lüpkes, C; Hartmann, J; Michaelis, J et al. (2024): Aircraft measurements of wind and temperature during flight P5_232_HALO_2022_2203280801 of the HALO-AC3 campaign in 2022.
  10. Lüpkes, C; Hartmann, J; Michaelis, J et al. (2024): Aircraft measurements of wind and temperature during flight P5_232_HALO_2022_2203290901 of the HALO-AC3 campaign in 2022.
  11. Lüpkes, C; Hartmann, J; Michaelis, J et al. (2024): Aircraft measurements of wind and temperature during flight P5_232_HALO_2022_2203291002 of the HALO-AC3 campaign in 2022.
  12. Lüpkes, C; Hartmann, J; Michaelis, J et al. (2024): Aircraft measurements of wind and temperature during flight P5_232_HALO_2022_2203301101 of the HALO-AC3 campaign in 2022.
  13. Lüpkes, C; Hartmann, J; Michaelis, J et al. (2024): Aircraft measurements of wind and temperature during flight P5_232_HALO_2022_2204011201 of the HALO-AC3 campaign in 2022.
  14. Lüpkes, C; Hartmann, J; Michaelis, J et al. (2024): Aircraft measurements of wind and temperature during flight P5_232_HALO_2022_2204041301 of the HALO-AC3 campaign in 2022.
  15. Lüpkes, C; Hartmann, J; Michaelis, J et al. (2024): Aircraft measurements of wind and temperature during flight P5_232_HALO_2022_2204051401 of the HALO-AC3 campaign in 2022.
  16. Lüpkes, C; Hartmann, J; Michaelis, J et al. (2024): Aircraft measurements of wind and temperature during flight P5_232_HALO_2022_2204071501 of the HALO-AC3 campaign in 2022.
  17. Lüpkes, C; Hartmann, J; Michaelis, J et al. (2024): Aircraft measurements of wind and temperature during flight P5_232_HALO_2022_2204101601 of the HALO-AC3 campaign in 2022.
  18. Lüpkes, C; Hartmann, J; Michaelis, J et al. (2024): Aircraft measurements of wind and temperature during flight P6_231_HALO_2022_2203170101 of the HALO-AC3 campaign in 2022.
  19. Lüpkes, C; Hartmann, J; Michaelis, J et al. (2024): Aircraft measurements of wind and temperature during flight P6_231_HALO_2022_2203170202 of the HALO-AC3 campaign in 2022.
  20. Lüpkes, C; Hartmann, J; Michaelis, J et al. (2024): Aircraft measurements of wind and temperature during flight P6_231_HALO_2022_2203190301 of the HALO-AC3 campaign in 2022.
  21. Lüpkes, C; Hartmann, J; Michaelis, J et al. (2024): Aircraft measurements of wind and temperature during flight P6_231_HALO_2022_2203200401 of the HALO-AC3 campaign in 2022.
  22. Lüpkes, C; Hartmann, J; Michaelis, J et al. (2024): Aircraft measurements of wind and temperature during flight P6_231_HALO_2022_2203220501 of the HALO-AC3 campaign in 2022.
  23. Lüpkes, C; Hartmann, J; Michaelis, J et al. (2024): Aircraft measurements of wind and temperature during flight P6_231_HALO_2022_2203240601 of the HALO-AC3 campaign in 2022.
  24. Lüpkes, C; Hartmann, J; Michaelis, J et al. (2024): Aircraft measurements of wind and temperature during flight P6_231_HALO_2022_2203260702 of the HALO-AC3 campaign in 2022.
  25. Lüpkes, C; Hartmann, J; Michaelis, J et al. (2024): Aircraft measurements of wind and temperature during flight P6_231_HALO_2022_2203280801 of the HALO-AC3 campaign in 2022.
  26. Lüpkes, C; Hartmann, J; Michaelis, J et al. (2024): Aircraft measurements of wind and temperature during flight P6_231_HALO_2022_2203290901 of the HALO-AC3 campaign in 2022.
  27. Lüpkes, C; Hartmann, J; Michaelis, J et al. (2024): Aircraft measurements of wind and temperature during flight P6_231_HALO_2022_2203301001 of the HALO-AC3 campaign in 2022.
  28. Lüpkes, C; Hartmann, J; Michaelis, J et al. (2024): Aircraft measurements of wind and temperature during flight P6_231_HALO_2022_2204011101 of the HALO-AC3 campaign in 2022.
  29. Lüpkes, C; Hartmann, J; Michaelis, J et al. (2024): Aircraft measurements of wind and temperature during flight P6_231_HALO_2022_2204041201 of the HALO-AC3 campaign in 2022.
  30. Lüpkes, C; Hartmann, J; Michaelis, J et al. (2024): Aircraft measurements of wind and temperature during flight P6_231_HALO_2022_2204051301 of the HALO-AC3 campaign in 2022.
  31. Lüpkes, C; Hartmann, J; Michaelis, J et al. (2024): Aircraft measurements of wind and temperature during flight P6_231_HALO_2022_2204081401 of the HALO-AC3 campaign in 2022.
  32. Lüpkes, C; Hartmann, J; Michaelis, J et al. (2024): Aircraft measurements of wind and temperature during flight P6_231_HALO_2022_2204091501 of the HALO-AC3 campaign in 2022.
  33. Lüpkes, C; Hartmann, J; Michaelis, J et al. (2024): Aircraft measurements of wind and temperature during flight P6_231_HALO_2022_2204101601 of the HALO-AC3 campaign in 2022.