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Brett, Gemma Marie; Leonard, Gregory H; Rack, Wolfgang; Irvin, Anne; Haas, Christian; Langhorne, Patricia J (2024): Late spring 2018 land-fast sea ice and sub-ice platelet layer thicknesses from electromagnetic induction soundings along repeated west to to east transects in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2024-06-20DOI registered: 2024-06-20

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Ground-based electromagnetic induction (EM) measurements of land-fast sea ice and sub-ice platelet layer (SIPL) thickness distributions were carried out in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica in late spring (November 1-19) of 2018. Repeated west to east EM transects were carried out across McMurdo Sound along latitude 77.767°S. The EM data was acquired using a frequency-domain Geonics Ltd EM31-MK2 instrument mounted on a sledge and towed by skidoo. The thicknesses of consolidated ice (sea ice plus the snow layer) and the sub-ice platelet layer were simultaneously retrieved from the EM31 measured response using forward modelling and inversion methods of Irvin (2018). Variability in EM thicknesses detected significant growth of sub-ice platelet layer over the 18-day survey period (Brett et al., 2024).
Antarctic sea ice; electromagnetic induction; ice-ocean interaction; Ice thickness; Sub-ice platelet layer
Supplement to:
Brett, Gemma Marie; Leonard, Gregory H; Rack, Wolfgang; Haas, Christian; Langhorne, Patricia J; Robinson, Natalie J; Irvin, Anne (2024): Seasonal and diurnal variability of sub-ice platelet layer thickness in McMurdo Sound from electromagnetic induction sounding. The Cryosphere, 18(7), 3049-3066,
Related to:
Irvin, Anne (2018): Towards Multi-Channel Inversion of Electromagnetic Sea Ice Surveys [dissertation]. York University, Toronto, Canada, 148 pp, hdl:10315/35925
Antarctica New Zealand, grant/award no. K063_2018: Logistics support under K063_2018 event
Antarctica New Zealand, grant/award no. K066_2018: Logistics support under K066_2018 event
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA), grant/award no. NIWA_SSIF: Research supported Strategic Science Investment Funding
University of Canterbury, grant/award no. Scholarship/UC/NZ: Doctoral Scholarship
Median Latitude: -77.767581 * Median Longitude: 165.444216 * South-bound Latitude: -77.774726 * West-bound Longitude: 164.510407 * North-bound Latitude: -77.761817 * East-bound Longitude: 166.523787
Date/Time Start: 2018-11-01T22:13:27 * Date/Time End: 2018-11-19T14:41:33
All data are in NZST to correspond to Figure 7b of Brett et al., (2024).
6 datasets

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Datasets listed in this publication series

  1. Brett, GM; Leonard, GH; Rack, W et al. (2024): Late spring 2018 land-fast sea ice and sub-ice platelet layer thicknesses from electromagnetic induction soundings along transect West-East-EM-Transect_20181101 in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica.
  2. Brett, GM; Leonard, GH; Rack, W et al. (2024): Late spring 2018 land-fast sea ice and sub-ice platelet layer thicknesses from electromagnetic induction soundings along transect West-East-EM-Transect_20181106 in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica.
  3. Brett, GM; Leonard, GH; Rack, W et al. (2024): Late spring 2018 land-fast sea ice and sub-ice platelet layer thicknesses from electromagnetic induction soundings along transect West-East-EM-Transect_20181107 in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica.
  4. Brett, GM; Leonard, GH; Rack, W et al. (2024): Late spring 2018 land-fast sea ice and sub-ice platelet layer thicknesses from electromagnetic induction soundings along transect West-East-EM-Transect_20181109 in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica.
  5. Brett, GM; Leonard, GH; Rack, W et al. (2024): Late spring 2018 land-fast sea ice and sub-ice platelet layer thicknesses from electromagnetic induction soundings along transect West-East-EM-Transect_20181113 in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica.
  6. Brett, GM; Leonard, GH; Rack, W et al. (2024): Late spring 2018 land-fast sea ice and sub-ice platelet layer thicknesses from electromagnetic induction soundings along transect West-East-EM-Transect_20181119 in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica.