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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Novak, Joseph B; Caballero-Gill, Rocio P; Rose, Rebecca; Herbert, Timothy D; Dowsett, Harry J (2024): Species-specific benthic foraminifera stable carbon isotope ratio offset of ODP Site 145-883 [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In: Novak, JB et al. (2024): Multiproxy paleoceanographic dataset from ODP sites 883 and 887 and compiled mid Piacenzian benthic foraminiferal stable carbon isotope data from 23 IODP/ODP/DSDP sites [dataset bundled publication]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2024-07-24DOI registered: 2024-08-22

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Here we present stable oxygen and carbon isotope measurements of C. wuellerstorfi and U. peregrina in discrete samples from ODP site 883. Samples were freeze dried, weighed, soaked in water for 24 hours to disaggregate, and wet sieved using a 150 μm mesh sieve. Samples were then dried at 40°C. Select genera and species were picked and comprehensively counted from the 150–355 μm fraction. 106 samples were run in duplicate or better. Specimens selected for isotopic analysis were cleaned with 70 μL ethanol and sonicated for 30 seconds. Ethanol was drawn off with a pipette, and specimens were dried overnight at room temperature. Cibicidoides mundulus was used in 2 samples where Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi was not sufficiently abundant to provide a good signal for mass spectrometry. Isotope ratios were quantified at the Brown University stable isotope facility with a Finnigan Mat 252 with Carbonate Kiel III autosampler, in which individual samples were reacted with 70°C H3PO4. Cibicidoides δ18O values were adjusted by +0.64‰ to Uvigerina values. Cibicidoides mundulus isotopic values were taken as equivalent to C. wuellerstorfi. Only C. wuellerstrofi values should be used for analysis of stable carbon isotope data.
Age model; Alkenones; Benthic foraminifera assemblages; Benthic foraminiferal stable isotopes; Calcium Carbonate content; Composite splice; diatoms; ODP 883; ODP 887; stable carbon isotopes δ13C; stable oxygen isotopes; Subarctic North Pacific; Uk'37 sst and C37total
National Science Foundation (NSF), grant/award no. 1459280: A New View of Pliocene Glaciations
National Science Foundation (NSF), grant/award no. 1545859: PIRE: DUST stimulated drawn-down of atmospheric CO2 as a trigger for Northern Hemisphere Glaciation
National Science Foundation (NSF), grant/award no. 1602331: Collaborative Research: Did the SE Pacific Gyre become a Hot Spot for N2 Fixation during Dusty Glacial Conditions?
Median Latitude: 51.198600 * Median Longitude: 167.768750 * South-bound Latitude: 51.198500 * West-bound Longitude: 167.768700 * North-bound Latitude: 51.198700 * East-bound Longitude: 167.768800
Date/Time Start: 1992-08-09T09:40:00 * Date/Time End: 1992-08-13T15:15:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 84.22 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 166.97 m
145-883B * Latitude: 51.198500 * Longitude: 167.768800 * Date/Time Start: 1992-08-09T09:40:00 * Date/Time End: 1992-08-12T09:00:00 * Elevation: -2395.0 m * Penetration: 840.7 m * Recovery: 695.41 m * Location: North Pacific Ocean * Campaign: Leg145 * Basis: Joides Resolution * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: 88 cores; 840.7 m cored; 0 m drilled; 82.7 % recovery
145-883C * Latitude: 51.198700 * Longitude: 167.768700 * Date/Time Start: 1992-08-12T09:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1992-08-13T15:15:00 * Elevation: -2397.0 m * Penetration: 355 m * Recovery: 344.3 m * Location: North Pacific Ocean * Campaign: Leg145 * Basis: Joides Resolution * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: 38 cores; 355 m cored; 0 m drilled; 97 % recovery
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEventNovak, Joseph B
2Sample code/labelSample labelNovak, Joseph BDSDP/ODP/IODP sample designationsampled cm is given as midpoint (e.g., 5 is the midpoint of 4-6)
3DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmNovak, Joseph BGeocode – mcd
4AGEAgeka BPNovak, Joseph BGeocode
5Cibicidoides wuellerstorfiC. wuellerstorfi#Novak, Joseph BCounting 150-355 µmnumber of measurements averaged in the isotope values reported in this table
6Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi, δ13CC. wuellerstorfi δ13C‰ PDBNovak, Joseph BMass spectrometer Finnigan MAT 252vs. VPDB, size fraction 150-355 µm
7Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi, δ18OC. wuellerstorfi δ18O‰ PDBNovak, Joseph BMass spectrometer Finnigan MAT 252vs. VPDB, size fraction 150-355 µm
8Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi, δ13CC. wuellerstorfi δ13C‰ PDBNovak, Joseph Badjustedvs. VPDB, size fraction 150-355 µm
9Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi, δ18OC. wuellerstorfi δ18O‰ PDBNovak, Joseph Badjustedvs. VPDB, size fraction 150-355 µm, values were adjusted by +0.64‰
10Uvigerina proboscideaU. proboscidea#Novak, Joseph BCounting 150-355 µmnumber of measurements averaged in the isotope values reported in this table
11Uvigerina proboscidea, δ13CU. proboscidea δ13C‰ PDBNovak, Joseph BMass spectrometer Finnigan MAT 252vs. VPDB, size fraction 150-355 -m,
12Uvigerina proboscidea, δ18OU. proboscidea δ18O‰ PDBNovak, Joseph BMass spectrometer Finnigan MAT 252vs. VPDB, size fraction 150-355 µm
13Uvigerina proboscidea, δ13CU. proboscidea δ13C‰ PDBNovak, Joseph Badjustedvs. VPDB, size fraction 150-355 µm, values were adjusted by +0.9‰
14Uvigerina proboscidea, δ18OU. proboscidea δ18O‰ PDBNovak, Joseph Badjustedvs. VPDB, size fraction 150-355 µm
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
1836 data points

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