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Lüskow, Florian; Dubischar, Corinna D; Plum, Christoph; Pshenichnov, Leonid K; Pakhomov, Evgeny A (2024): Biochemical components and energy content of the pelagic tunicate Salpa thompsoni measured across the Southern Ocean and forty years (1980–2020) [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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The pelagic tunicate Salpa thompsoni is a widespread cold-water metazoan and a major grazer of phyto- and microzooplankton in the Southern Ocean. Long-term time series and spatiotemporal models predict that salps will expand their distribution towards higher latitudes over the next decades with ramifications for all food web components, including higher tropic level predators. Salps are potentially less nutritious and energy-rich than co-occurring euphausiids. In a changing Southern Ocean ecosystem, predators such as baleen whales, seabirds, and planktivorous fish that historically relied on an energy-rich and numerous food source (euphausiids) may face an uncertain future. This, however, may differ by season too. Whether S. thompsoni are a less nutritious prey item than euphausiids across an annual cycle at circumpolar mid and high latitudes (51–70°S) has not been investigated. We utilised published and new body composition data, i.e., organic content (ash-free dry weight as percent of dry weight, DW), carbon content (carbon weight as percent of DW), and proximate biochemical composition (carbohydrate, lipid, and protein weight as percent of DW), collected over the past forty years (1980–2020). Energy content values were calculated based on these parameters using published conversion factors. We corrected for residual water (water remaining in tissue after drying) with a published conversion factor of 12.9 %. Samples (N = 303, sometimes comprising of several salps) were collected in four seasons using a variety of large plankton nets and midwater trawls between the surface and 3200 m (mostly less than 400 m). Each specimen was sized (oral-atrial or total length) and staged (blastozooid, oozooid). The carbon-to-nitrogen ratio (C/N value) was reported for most (77 %) of the samples. Samples were used for the determination of sometimes one or several body composition parameters: organic content (N = 151), carbon content (N = 220), and proximate biochemical composition (N = 70). The weight-specific energy content ranged between < 0.1 and 20.5 kJ g DW⁻¹.
invertebrate macro-grazer; Polar; proximate composition; stoichiometry; Thaliacea
Supplement to:
Lüskow, Florian; Dubischar, Corinna D; Plum, Christoph; Pshenichnov, Leonid K; Pakhomov, Evgeny A (submitted): Seasonal variability of the energy content of Salpa thompsoni, a key metazoan in Southern Ocean food webs. Polar Biology
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Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), grant/award no. RGPIN-2014-05107: Discovery grant
Median Latitude: -64.212472 * Median Longitude: -48.886502 * South-bound Latitude: -70.304722 * West-bound Longitude: -71.935833 * North-bound Latitude: -51.064300 * East-bound Longitude: 115.000556
Date/Time Start: 1981-02-28T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2020-05-06T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, water: m * Maximum DEPTH, water: 3200 m
KYM_1980_net * Latitude: -61.668000 * Longitude: 115.001000 * Method/Device: Zooplankton net (ZNET) * Comment: Sampling year: 1980
KYM_2000_net * Latitude: -61.000000 * Longitude: -60.000000 * Method/Device: Multiple investigations (MULT) * Comment: Sampling year: 2000
MPD_1984_net * Latitude: -62.144000 * Longitude: -58.110000 * Method/Device: Bongo net (BONGO) * Comment: Sampling year-month: 1984-03
Methods for the SPX samples (Lüskow et al. 2024b):
* oven-dried at 100°C for 24 h
* dry mass was determined using an analytical balance with the 10 μg precision before homogenisation (pestle and mortar)
* ash mass: muffle furnace at 500°C for 24 h
* carbon: AH7529 analyser (triplicates)
* proteins: Kjeldahl method (Kjeldahl 1883)
* lipids: Bligh and Dyer method (Bligh and Dyer 1959)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEventLüskow, Florian
2Cruise/expeditionExpeditionLüskow, Florian
3VesselVesselLüskow, Florian
4SeasonSeasonLüskow, Florian
5Year of samplingYear samplLüskow, Florian
6MonthMonthLüskow, Florian
7DATE/TIMEDate/TimeLüskow, FlorianGeocode
8GearGearLüskow, Florian
9Station labelStationLüskow, Florian
10LATITUDELatitudeLüskow, FlorianGeocode
11LONGITUDELongitudeLüskow, FlorianGeocode
12DEPTH, waterDepth watermLüskow, FlorianGeocode – upper boundary of sampling layer
13DEPTH, waterDepth watermLüskow, FlorianGeocode – lower boundary of sampling layer
14Reference/sourceReferenceLüskow, Florian
15Salpa thompsoni, life stageS. thompsoni LSLüskow, FlorianAccording to source referencesB = blastozooid, O = oozooid. B+O = blastozooids and oozooids
16Salpa thompsoni, oral-atrial lengthS. thompsoni OALmmLüskow, FlorianAccording to source references
17Number of specimens, rangeNo spec rangeLüskow, FlorianAccording to source references
18Container, massCon mmgLüskow, FlorianAccording to source references
19MassMassmgLüskow, FlorianAccording to source referencesContainer mass + S. thompsoni wet mass
20Salpa thompsoni, wet massS. thompsoni wmmgLüskow, FlorianAccording to source references
21MassMassmgLüskow, FlorianAccording to source referencesContainer mass + S. thompsoni dry mass
22Salpa thompsoni, dry massS. thompsoni dmmgLüskow, FlorianAccording to source references
23Salpa thompsoni, dry massS. thompsoni dm%Lüskow, FlorianAccording to source referencesas percent of wet mass
24Salpa thompsoni, ash massS. thompsoni ash mmgLüskow, FlorianAccording to source references
25Salpa thompsoni, ash massS. thompsoni ash m%Lüskow, FlorianAccording to source referencesas percent of dry mass
26Salpa thompsoni, ash free dry massS. thompsoni afdm%Lüskow, FlorianAccording to source references
27Salpa thompsoni, carbon massS. thompsoni CmgLüskow, FlorianAccording to source references
28Salpa thompsoni, nitrogen massS. thompsoni NmgLüskow, FlorianAccording to source references
29Salpa thompsoni, carbon/nitrogen ratioS. thompsoni C/NLüskow, FlorianAccording to source referencesby mass
30Salpa thompsoni, carbon/nitrogen ratioS. thompsoni C/NLüskow, FlorianAccording to source referencesmolar
31Salpa thompsoni, carbon, per dry massS. thompsoni C/dm%Lüskow, FlorianAccording to source references
32Salpa thompsoni, protein content, per dry massS. thompsoni protein/dm%Lüskow, FlorianAccording to source references
33Salpa thompsoni, protein content, per wet massS. thompsoni protein wm%Lüskow, FlorianAccording to source references
34Salpa thompsoni, carbohydrate content, per dry massS. thompsoni CHO/dm%Lüskow, FlorianAccording to source references
35Salpa thompsoni, carbohydrate content, per wet massS. thompsoni CHO wm%Lüskow, FlorianAccording to source references
36Salpa thompsoni, lipid content, per dry massS. thompsoni lipid/dm%Lüskow, FlorianAccording to source references
37Salpa thompsoni, lipid content, per wet massS. thompsoni lipid wm%Lüskow, FlorianAccording to source references
38Salpa thompsoni, energy content, per dry massS. thompsoni E cont/dmkJ/gLüskow, FlorianEnergy content estimation according to Båmstedt (1981)E (ORG) based on ash free dry mass (%) (Båmstedt 1981)
39Salpa thompsoni, energy content, per dry massS. thompsoni E cont/dmkJ/gLüskow, FlorianEnergy content estimation according to Platt et al. (1969)E (C) based on carbon content per dry mass (%) (Platt et al. 1969)
40Salpa thompsoni, energy content, per dry massS. thompsoni E cont/dmkJ/gLüskow, FlorianEnergy content estimation according to Doyle et al. (2007)E (PROX) based on protein, carbohydrate, and lipid content per dry mass (%) (Doyle et al. 2007)
41Salpa thompsoni, energy content, per dry massS. thompsoni E cont/dmkJ/gLüskow, FlorianEnergy content estimation according to Båmstedt (1981)cor_E_ORG based on ash free dry mass (%) corrected for residual water (factor: 1.15; Lüskow et al. (2024a))
42Salpa thompsoni, energy content, per dry massS. thompsoni E cont/dmkJ/gLüskow, FlorianEnergy content estimation according to Platt et al. (1969)cor_E_C based on carbon content per dry mass (%) corrected for residual water (factor: 1.15; Lüskow et al. (2024a))
43Salpa thompsoni, energy content, per dry massS. thompsoni E cont/dmkJ/gLüskow, FlorianEnergy content estimation according to Doyle et al. (2007)cor_E_PROX based on protein, carbohydrate, and lipid content per dry mass (%) corrected for residual water (factor: 1.15; Lüskow et al. (2024a))
Change history:
2024-03-22T10:20:02 – The authorship was extended to include: Florian Lüskow, Corinna D Dubischar, Christoph Plum, Leonid K Pshenichnov, Evgeny A Pakhomov
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
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