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Fernández-Carrera, Ana; Montoya, Joseph P; Subramaniam, Ajit (2023): Biological nitrogen fixation and stable isotopes of carbon in seston during Meteor cruise M119 [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Biological nitrogen fixation is a key process balancing the loss of combined nitrogen in the marine nitrogen cycle. Its relevance in upwelling systems is not fully resolved. This dataset contains rates of nitrogen fixation through the euphotic layer in two size fractions measured following Montoya et al (1996) technique. It also contains the stable isotopes of carbon in seston expressed in delta notation (δ13C, ‰, VPDB). We sampled in the region of the Guinea Dome and Equatorial Atlantic Ocean along 23°W during Meteor cruise M119 in September 2015. Water samples were collected by niskin bottles attached to a rosette equipped with CTD sensors. Incubations were done in on-deck incubators refrigerated by running surface water continuously and simulating the light intensity of each depth by neutral density filters or meshes.
biological nitrogen fixation; diazotrophs; Equatorial Atlantic; Guinea Dome
Supplement to:
Fernández-Carrera, Ana; Kiko, Rainer; Hauss, Helena; Hamilton, Douglas S; Achterberg, Eric Pieter; Montoya, Joseph P; Dengler, Marcus; Brandt, Peter; Subramaniam, Ajit (2023): Nitrogen fixation rates in the Guinea Dome and the equatorial upwelling regions in the Atlantic Ocean. Biogeochemistry,
Related to:
Krahmann, Gerd (2016): Physical oceanography during METEOR cruise M119 [dataset]. PANGAEA,
Montoya, Joseph P; Voss, Maren; Kähler, Paul; Capone, D G (1996): A Simple, High-Precision, High-Sensitivity Tracer Assay for N2 Fixation. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 62(3), 986-993,
Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, grant/award no. GBMF4886: Nitrogen Fixation in the Equatorial Atlantic Upwelling System
Xunta de Galicia, grant/award no. POS-A/2013/142: Xunta de Galicia 2013 postdoctoral fellowship
Median Latitude: 5.663093 * Median Longitude: -23.048968 * South-bound Latitude: -4.500000 * West-bound Longitude: -24.295500 * North-bound Latitude: 17.604500 * East-bound Longitude: -21.210000
Date/Time Start: 2015-09-09T18:29:00 * Date/Time End: 2015-09-26T07:21:00
Minimum Elevation: -5893.0 m * Maximum Elevation: -1313.0 m
M119_692-1 (CTD003)  * Latitude: 17.604500 * Longitude: -24.295500 * Date/Time: 2015-09-09T18:29:00 * Elevation: -3613.0 m * Campaign: M119 * Basis: Meteor (1986) * Method/Device: CTD/Rosette (CTD-RO)
M119_698-1 (CTD005)  * Latitude: 14.499170 * Longitude: -23.000330 * Date/Time: 2015-09-11T11:08:00 * Elevation: -4093.0 m * Campaign: M119 * Basis: Meteor (1986) * Method/Device: CTD/Rosette (CTD-RO)
M119_703-1 (CTD007)  * Latitude: 13.499670 * Longitude: -23.000670 * Date/Time: 2015-09-11T23:22:00 * Elevation: -4542.0 m * Campaign: M119 * Basis: Meteor (1986) * Method/Device: CTD/Rosette (CTD-RO)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
Event labelEventSubramaniam, Ajit
Sample code/labelSample labelSubramaniam, Ajit
GearGearSubramaniam, Ajit
AbbreviationAbbrevSubramaniam, Ajit
DATE/TIMEDate/TimeSubramaniam, AjitGeocode
LATITUDELatitudeSubramaniam, AjitGeocode
LONGITUDELongitudeSubramaniam, AjitGeocode
ELEVATIONElevationm a.s.l.Subramaniam, AjitGeocode
LocationLocationSubramaniam, Ajit
10 DEPTH, waterDepth watermSubramaniam, AjitCTD, Sea-Bird, SBE 11 plusGeocode
11 Temperature, waterTemp°CSubramaniam, AjitCTD, Sea-Bird, SBE 11 plusdata from Krahmann (2016)
12 SalinitySalSubramaniam, AjitCTD, Sea-Bird, SBE 11 pluswater, PSU (data from Krahmann 2016)
13 δ13C, sestonδ13C sest‰ PDBSubramaniam, AjitContinuous flow isotope ratio mass spectrometer (CF-IRMS), Micromass, Optima; coupled with Elemental analyser, Carlo Erba, NC2500VPDB
14 Trichodesmium, carbon in sestonTrichodesmium C sest%Subramaniam, AjitCalculated according to Fry (2006)Percent contribution of Trichodesmium to C in seston derived by two-end-member mixing model. End members δ13C Tricho = -12.9‰, δ13C Phytoplankton = -22‰
15 NitrogenN%Subramaniam, AjitContinuous flow isotope ratio mass spectrometer (CF-IRMS), Micromass, Optima; coupled with Elemental analyser, Carlo Erba, NC2500atom%N at the beginning of incubation, natural abundance (time 0)
16 Sample volumeSamp volmlSubramaniam, AjitV incubated
17 Nitrogen, 15N labeled15N2mlSubramaniam, Ajitadded: Cambridge Isotopes98 atom%, Cambridge Isotopes Lot. #I-19168A
18 Incubation durationInc durhSubramaniam, Ajit
19 Nitrogen, particulate, size fraction <10 µmPN <10 µmµmol/lSubramaniam, AjitContinuous flow isotope ratio mass spectrometer (CF-IRMS), Micromass, Optima; coupled with Elemental analyser, Carlo Erba, NC2500Small T24, avg: Average of Particulate Nitrogen in the <10µm size fraction at the end of incubation (time 24)
20 Nitrogen, particulate, size fraction <10 µm, standard deviationPN <10 µm std dev±Subramaniam, AjitContinuous flow isotope ratio mass spectrometer (CF-IRMS), Micromass, Optima; coupled with Elemental analyser, Carlo Erba, NC2500Small T24 SD: Standard Deviation of Particulate Nitrogen in the <10µm size fraction at the end of incubation (time 24)
21 Nitrogen, particulate, size fraction > 10 µmPN >10 µmµmol/lSubramaniam, AjitContinuous flow isotope ratio mass spectrometer (CF-IRMS), Micromass, Optima; coupled with Elemental analyser, Carlo Erba, NC2500Large T24, avg: Average of Particulate Nitrogen in the >10µm size fraction at the end of incubation (time 24)
22 Nitrogen, particulate, size fraction > 10 µm, standard deviationPN >10 µm std dev±Subramaniam, AjitContinuous flow isotope ratio mass spectrometer (CF-IRMS), Micromass, Optima; coupled with Elemental analyser, Carlo Erba, NC2500Large T24 SD: Standard Deviation of Particulate Nitrogen in the >10µm size fraction at the end of incubation (time 24)
23 Nitrogen fixation rate, size fraction < 10 µmN2 fix <10 µmnmol/l/daySubramaniam, AjitCalculated according to Montoya et al. (1996)BNF small, avg: Average of Biological Nitrogen Fixation (BNF) of the <10µm size fraction. Detection limit 0.05 nmol N L-1 d-1
24 Nitrogen fixation rate, size fraction < 10 µm, standard deviationN2 fix <10 µm std dev±Subramaniam, AjitCalculated according to Montoya et al. (1996)BNF small SD: Standard Deviation of Biological Nitrogen Fixation (BNF) of the <10µm size fraction. Detection limit 0.05 nmol N L-1 d-1
25 Nitrogen fixation rate, size fraction > 10 µmN2 fix >10 µmnmol/l/daySubramaniam, AjitCalculated according to Montoya et al. (1996)BNF large, avg: Average of Biological Nitrogen Fixation (BNF) of the >10µm size fraction. Detection limit 0.05 nmol N L-1 d-1
26 Nitrogen fixation rate, size fraction > 10 µm, standard deviationN2 fix >10 µm std dev±Subramaniam, AjitCalculated according to Montoya et al. (1996)BNF large SD: Standard Deviation of Biological Nitrogen Fixation (BNF) of the >10µm size fraction. Detection limit 0.05 nmol N L-1 d-1
27 Nitrogen fixation rate, totalN2 fix totalnmol/l/daySubramaniam, AjitCalculated according to Montoya et al. (1996)BNF total, avg: Standard Deviation of Biological Nitrogen Fixation (BNF) of the sum of both size fractions. Detection limit 0.05 nmol N L-1 d-1
28 Nitrogen fixation rate, total, standard deviationN2 fix total std dev±Subramaniam, AjitCalculated according to Montoya et al. (1996)BNF total SD: Average of Biological Nitrogen Fixation (BNF) of the sum of both size fractions. Detection limit 0.05 nmol N L-1 d-1
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
1170 data points


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Sample label






Elevation [m a.s.l.]

Depth water [m]
Temp [°C]
δ13C sest [‰ PDB]
Trichodesmium C sest [%]
N [%]
Samp vol [ml]
15N2 [ml]
Inc dur [h]
PN <10 µm [µmol/l]
PN <10 µm std dev [±]
PN >10 µm [µmol/l]
PN >10 µm std dev [±]
N2 fix <10 µm [nmol/l/day]
N2 fix <10 µm std dev [±]
N2 fix >10 µm [nmol/l/day]
N2 fix >10 µm std dev [±]
N2 fix total [nmol/l/day]
N2 fix total std dev [±]
M119_692-1 CTD003CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2015-09-09T18:2917.60450-24.29550-3613Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean61.317.536.2-
M119_692-1CTD003CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2015-09-09T18:2917.60450-24.29550-3613Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean35.322.036.3-
M119_692-1CTD003CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2015-09-09T18:2917.60450-24.29550-3613Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean21.424.336.2-
M119_692-1CTD003CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2015-09-09T18:2917.60450-24.29550-3613Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean6.826.236.3-
M119_698-1 CTD005CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2015-09-11T11:0814.49917-23.00033-4093Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean61.215.935.7-
M119_698-1CTD005CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2015-09-11T11:0814.49917-23.00033-4093Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean35.521.635.9-
M119_698-1CTD005CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2015-09-11T11:0814.49917-23.00033-4093Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean21.628.535.7-20.714.70.364045433.024.90.780.091.550.320.000.001.550.32
M119_698-1CTD005CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2015-09-11T11:0814.49917-23.00033-4093Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean11.628.635.6-
M119_703-1 CTD007CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2015-09-11T23:2213.49967-23.00067-4542Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean14.228.635.8-20.714.20.365745433.024.70.710.
M119_706-1 CTD009CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2015-09-12T11:0812.50150-23.00000-4924Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean13.725.035.9-
M119_708-1 CTD010CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2015-09-12T16:1312.00100-22.99917-5051Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean59.716.035.7-
M119_708-1CTD010CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2015-09-12T16:1312.00100-22.99917-5051Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean34.120.335.8-
M119_708-1CTD010CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2015-09-12T16:1312.00100-22.99917-5051Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean19.328.235.5-19.626.80.365545433.025.40.690.130.330.
M119_708-1CTD010CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2015-09-12T16:1312.00100-22.99917-5051Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean11.628.335.4-19.725.50.365245433.025.20.640.060.420.
M119_718-1 CTD012CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2015-09-14T21:5011.02933-21.21000-5079Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean10.728.235.5-
M119_722-1 CTD013CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2015-09-15T13:1111.50717-22.94233-5116Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean12.228.235.4-
M119_724-1 CTD015CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2015-09-15T23:2310.49983-22.94800-5191Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean71.214.535.5-
M119_724-1CTD015CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2015-09-15T23:2310.49983-22.94800-5191Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean37.619.035.8-
M119_724-1CTD015CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2015-09-15T23:2310.49983-22.94800-5191Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean22.327.635.7-
M119_724-1CTD015CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2015-09-15T23:2310.49983-22.94800-5191Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean13.827.835.7-
M119_731-1 CTD018CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2015-09-16T17:239.00017-22.93550-4882Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean11.428.035.4-
M119_733-1 CTD019CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2015-09-17T00:098.50000-22.94333-4780Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean79.215.635.6-
M119_733-1CTD019CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2015-09-17T00:098.50000-22.94333-4780Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean50.518.435.8-
M119_733-1CTD019CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2015-09-17T00:098.50000-22.94333-4780Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean26.825.135.8-
M119_733-1CTD019CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2015-09-17T00:098.50000-22.94333-4780Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean12.427.735.2-
M119_737-1 CTD022CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2015-09-17T16:296.99983-22.94683-1313Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean11.427.835.1-
M119_740-1 CTD024CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2015-09-18T02:446.00067-22.94633-4088Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean11.027.635.2-
M119_745-1 CTD026CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2015-09-18T14:314.97467-22.95850-4192Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean132.514.635.5-
M119_745-1CTD026CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2015-09-18T14:314.97467-22.95850-4192Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean79.523.936.1-
M119_745-1CTD026CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2015-09-18T14:314.97467-22.95850-4192Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean61.826.436.0-
M119_745-1CTD026CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2015-09-18T14:314.97467-22.95850-4192Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean11.627.835.4-
M119_755-1 CTD031CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2015-09-20T05:053.49367-22.99933-4378Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean83.025.036.1-
M119_755-1CTD031CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2015-09-20T05:053.49367-22.99933-4378Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean11.427.735.6-
M119_756-1 CTD032CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2015-09-20T10:362.99733-22.99700-4651Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean17.327.635.8-
M119_758-1 CTD033CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2015-09-20T16:332.49017-23.00200-4703Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean89.926.136.0-
M119_758-1CTD033CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2015-09-20T16:332.49017-23.00200-4703Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean12.927.235.8-
M119_761-1 CTD035CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2015-09-21T03:401.66333-23.00100-4129Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean10.026.835.7-
M119_762-1 CTD036CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2015-09-21T08:211.33300-22.99983-4727Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean61.626.135.9-
M119_762-1CTD036CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2015-09-21T08:211.33300-22.99983-4727Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean15.126.835.8-
M119_765-1 CTD038CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2015-09-21T18:140.66583-22.99883-3907Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean64.725.536.0-
M119_765-1CTD038CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2015-09-21T18:140.66583-22.99883-3907Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean13.727.035.8-
M119_770-1 CTD040CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2015-09-22T12:590.00017-23.10533-3937Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean61.525.536.1-
M119_770-1CTD040CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2015-09-22T12:590.00017-23.10533-3937Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean42.226.035.9-
M119_770-1CTD040CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2015-09-22T12:590.00017-23.10533-3937Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean10.926.235.9-
M119_780-1 CTD042CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2015-09-23T19:19-0.33317-22.99950-4625Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean10.826.535.9-
M119_781-1 CTD043CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2015-09-23T23:54-0.66883-22.99167-3584Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean55.825.536.1-
M119_781-1CTD043CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2015-09-23T23:54-0.66883-22.99167-3584Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean11.126.035.9-
M119_783-1 CTD045CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2015-09-24T09:17-1.33333-22.99983-4870Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean13.925.836.1-
M119_785-1 CTD047CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2015-09-24T18:41-2.00000-23.00067-5236Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean74.921.936.1-
M119_785-1CTD047CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2015-09-24T18:41-2.00000-23.00067-5236Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean12.225.836.1-
M119_788-1 CTD049CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2015-09-25T04:19-2.50633-22.99150-5784Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean83.618.235.8-
M119_788-1CTD049CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2015-09-25T04:19-2.50633-22.99150-5784Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean11.525.836.1-
M119_789-1 CTD050CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2015-09-25T10:52-3.00033-23.00000-5522Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean12.725.836.2-
M119_791-1 CTD051CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2015-09-25T18:05-3.50300-22.99867-5485Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean68.321.936.1-
M119_791-1CTD051CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2015-09-25T18:05-3.50300-22.99867-5485Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean12.825.736.2-
M119_792-1 CTD052CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2015-09-26T00:34-3.99900-23.00083-5893Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean16.125.636.3-
M119_793-1 CTD053CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2015-09-26T07:21-4.50000-23.00000-5183Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean66.523.536.3-
M119_793-1CTD053CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2015-09-26T07:21-4.50000-23.00000-5183Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean14.525.536.2-