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Bussmann, Ingeborg; Anselm, Norbert; Fischer, Philipp; Lienkämper, Miriam (2023): Dissolved methane concentration variability along freshwater-sea continuum at Heligoland, Southern North Sea, 2021 [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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The dataset is about temporal variability of dissolved methane along the freshwater-sea continuum in northern Germany. Sensors were installed at fixed stations at in total three sites at different water depths. This dataset is from the station in Heligoland (54.1833 N, 7.8667 E) at about 9-12m depth (depending on the tide). The data was obtained between 27 April and 28 October in high frequency measurements (1 min) with a methane sensor from Kongsberg (4H Jena model CONTROS HydroC CH4,). Methane concentrations were calculated according to manufacturer's instructions, based on temperature and salinity values from UW-node Heligoland (Fischer, Philipp; Happel, Lea; Brand, Markus; Eickelmann, Laura; Lienkämper, Miriam; Bussmann, Ingeborg; Anselm, Norbert; Brix, Holger (2022): Hydrographical time series data of Helgoland, Southern North Sea, 2021. PANGAEA, A gap in the salinity data was replaced with the median value of the observed time span (31.66). For the quality control of the data a local range of 0.1 – 1000 nmol/L was set, a technical range for the pump power 2 – 8. Watt, a spike and gradient value of 1. For a more detailed description see the article cited in References.
Alfred-Wegener-Institute; dissolved methane; in situ data; MaGeCH; MOSES
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Bussmann, Ingeborg; Anselm, Norbert; Brix, Saskia; Fischer, Philipp; Flöser, Götz; von der Esch, Elisabeth; Kamjunke, Norbert (2022): The MOSES Sternfahrt Expeditions of the Research Vessels ALBIS, LITTORINA, LUDWIG PRANDTL, MYA II and UTHÖRN to the Elbe River, Elbe Estuary and German Bight in 2021. Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung = Reports on Polar and Marine Research, 763, 74 pp,
Bussmann, Ingeborg; Anselm, Norbert; Fischer, Philipp (2023): Dissolved methane concentration variability along freshwater-sea continuum at Geesthacht, northern Germany, 2021 [dataset]. PANGAEA,
Bussmann, Ingeborg; Anselm, Norbert; Fischer, Philipp; Rust, Hendrik; Voynova, Yoana G (2023): Dissolved methane concentration variability along freshwater-sea continuum at Cuxhaven, northern Germany, 2021 [dataset]. PANGAEA,
Fischer, Philipp; Happel, Lea; Brand, Markus; Eickelmann, Laura; Lienkämper, Miriam; Bussmann, Ingeborg; Anselm, Norbert; Brix, Holger (2022): Hydrographical time series data of Helgoland, Southern North Sea, 2021 [dataset]. PANGAEA,
Latitude: 54.183300 * Longitude: 7.866700
Date/Time Start: 2021-04-27T04:59:00 * Date/Time End: 2021-09-30T18:10:00
2021_Heligoland_CH4 * Latitude: 54.183300 * Longitude: 7.866700 * Date/Time Start: 2021-04-27T04:59:00 * Date/Time End: 2021-09-30T18:10:00 * Method/Device: Methane sensor, -4H- JENA engineering GmbH, CONTROS HydroC® CH₄
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DATE/TIMEDate/TimeBussmann, IngeborgGeocode
2Methane, dissolvedCH4 dissnmol/lBussmann, IngeborgMethane sensor, -4H- JENA engineering GmbH, CONTROS HydroC® CH₄
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC) * Processing Level: PANGAEA data processing level 3 (ProcLevel3)
200282 data points

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