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Hoffmann-Abdi, Kirstin; Meyer, Hanno; Fernandoy, Francisco; Freitag, Johannes; Shaw, Fyntan M; Werner, Martin; Thomas, Elizabeth R; McConnell, Joseph R; Schneider, Christoph (2023): High-resolution hydrogen peroxide data of firn core OH-9 from Plateau Laclavere, northern Antarctic Peninsula [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In: Hoffmann-Abdi, K et al. (2023): High-resolution glacio-chemical composition of firn cores OH-9 and OH-12 from the northern Antarctic Peninsula [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2023-11-14DOI registered: 2023-12-13

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Firn core OH-9 was retrieved from Plateau Laclavere, a small ice cap on the northernmost end of the Antarctic Peninsula. It was drilled in January 2014 to a depth of 11.65 m at about 1130 m above sea level (a.s.l.) using a mechanical 9 cm diameter drilling device (Rufli auger). Hydrogen peroxide in OH-9 was measured on the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) Continuous Flow Analysis (CFA) system following the methods in Grieman et al. (2022). The core was dated using annual layer counting of hydrogen peroxide measurements. We additionally accounted for precipitation intermittency at the drill site by using precipitation data from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) ERA5 Reanalysis extracted from the grid point closest to the firn-core drill sites. OH-9 covers the period from August 2011 to January 2014.
Antarctic Peninsula; Firn chemistry; firn core; glacio-chemistry; proxies; Rare earth elements
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Hoffmann-Abdi, Kirstin; Meyer, Hanno; Fernandoy, Francisco; Freitag, Johannes; Shaw, Fyntan M; Werner, Martin; Thomas, Elizabeth R; McConnell, Joseph R; Schneider, Christoph (2023): Deciphering stable water isotope records of firn cores from a strongly maritime, high-accumulation site on the Antarctic Peninsula. Journal of Glaciology, 1-19,
Bowen, H J M (1979): Environmental chemistry of the elements. Academic Press: London, New York
Grieman, Mackenzie M; Hoffmann, Helene M; Humby, Jack; Mulvaney, Robert; Nehrbass-Ahles, Christoph; Rix, Julius; Thomas, Elizabeth R; Tuckwell, Rebecca; Wolff, Eric William (2022): Continuous flow analysis methods for sodium, magnesium and calcium detection in the Skytrain ice core. Journal of Glaciology, 68(267), 90-100,
McConnell, Joseph R; Lamorey, Gregg W; Lambert, Steven W; Taylor, Kendrick C (2002): Continuous Ice-Core Chemical Analyses Using Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry. Environmental Science & Technology, 36(1), 7-11,
Röthlisberger, Regine; Bigler, Matthias; Hutterli, Manuel A; Sommer, Stefan; Stauffer, Bernhard; Junghans, Hans G; Wagenbach, Dietmar (2000): Technique for Continuous High-Resolution Analysis of Trace Substances in Firn and Ice Cores. Environmental Science & Technology, 34(2), 338-342,
Röthlisberger, Regine; Mulvaney, Robert; Wolff, Eric William; Hutterli, Manuel A; Bigler, Matthias; Sommer, Stefan; Jouzel, Jean (2002): Dust and sea salt variability in central East Antarctica (Dome C) over the last 45 kyrs and its implications for southern high-latitude climate. Geophysical Research Letters, 29(20), 24-1-24-4,
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Agencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo (ANID), grant/award no. 11121551: Recent high-resolution climate reconstruction at the Northern Antarctic Peninsula - Glacio-geochemical investigations at Plateau Laclavere Ice Cap
Latitude: -63.452760 * Longitude: -57.755940
Minimum DEPTH, ice/snow: 0.00400 m * Maximum DEPTH, ice/snow: 11.87489 m
OH-9 * Latitude: -63.452760 * Longitude: -57.755940 * Elevation: 1130.0 m * Recovery: 11.65 m * Location: Antarctic Peninsula * Campaign: ANT-Land_2014_AntarcticPeninsula (API2014) * Basis: AWI Antarctic Land Expedition * Method/Device: Ice drill (ICEDRILL)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Sample IDSample IDHoffmann-Abdi, Kirstin
2DEPTH, ice/snowDepth ice/snowmHoffmann-Abdi, KirstinGeocode
3AGEAgeka BPHoffmann-Abdi, KirstinGeocode
4AgeAgea AD/CEHoffmann-Abdi, Kirstin
5Hydrogen peroxideH2O2µg/kgHoffmann-Abdi, KirstinContinuous Flow Analysis (CFA)
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC) * Processing Level: PANGAEA data processing level 3 (ProcLevel3)
27602 data points

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