Walter, David; Aardema, Hedy M; Calleja, Maria Ll; Dragoneas, Antonis; Hrabe de Angelis, Isabella; Pöhlker, Christopher; Slagter, Hans A; Schiebel, Ralf (2023): Master track of Eugen Seibold cruise ES19C14, Ponta Delgada - Vigo, 2019-08-10 - 2019-08-17 [dataset]. Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, PANGAEA,
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Published: 2023-07-24 • DOI registered: 2023-08-22
This dataset contains the validated master track of the S/Y Eugen Seibold during expedition ES19C14, with a time resolution of about 10 seconds. This master track can be used as reference for further expedition data. For creating the master track, the 1-second resolution raw data acquired by the GPS position sensor on board S/Y Eugen Seibold were processed, averaging latitude and longitude within equidistant 10-second intervals. Quality control was performed visually and by checking the maximum speed calculated between neighbouring positions. In case of unrealistically high speeds, data points have been removed.
Walter, David; et al. (in review): Master track files of S/Y Eugen Seibold. Edmond,
Data processing report:
Walter, David; et al. (in review): DPR for master tracks of S/Y Eugen Seibold. Edmond,
Standard operating procedure:
Walter, David; et al. (in review): SOP for master tracks of S/Y Eugen Seibold. Edmond,
Median Latitude: 39.659423 * Median Longitude: -22.142991 * South-bound Latitude: 37.687381 * West-bound Longitude: -25.664418 * North-bound Latitude: 40.158635 * East-bound Longitude: -19.899864
Date/Time Start: 2019-08-10T15:31:04 * Date/Time End: 2019-08-14T20:24:02
SYES_ES19C14-track * Latitude Start: 37.738900 * Longitude Start: -25.663100 * Latitude End: 40.012600 * Longitude End: -19.899900 * Date/Time Start: 2019-08-10T15:31:05 * Date/Time End: 2019-08-14T20:24:03 * Campaign: SYES_ES19C14 (ES19C14) * Basis: Eugen Seibold * Method/Device: Underway cruise track measurements (CT)
Details about the processing routine and the meaning of the quality flag are given in the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). Cruise-specific remarks are given in the Data Processing Report (DPR).
# | Name | Short Name | Unit | Principal Investigator | Method/Device | Comment |
1 | DATE/TIME | Date/Time | Schiebel, Ralf | Geocode – Timestamp UTC. It is the mean time of the timestamps being involved in the averaging. | ||
2 | LATITUDE | Latitude | Schiebel, Ralf | Geocode | ||
3 | LONGITUDE | Longitude | Schiebel, Ralf | Geocode | ||
4 | Number of values averaged | N avg | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Number of raw coordinates having been averaged for this row of the master track. | |
5 | Time, standard deviation | Time std dev | s | Schiebel, Ralf | ||
6 | Latitude, standard deviation | Lat std dev | ± | Schiebel, Ralf | ||
7 | Longitude, standard deviation | Lon std dev | ± | Schiebel, Ralf | ||
8 | Quality flag | QF | Schiebel, Ralf | Quality flag, can have value 1, 2, 7, 8 or 9, with following meaning: 1 for data assumed to be good, 2 for data with reduced quality, 7 for interpolated value indicating constant position, 8 for interpolated value indicating reduced quality, 9 for missing value |
Change history:
2023-10-20T19:16:29 – The authorship was extended to include: M Calleja, A Dragoneas and I Hrabe de Angelis
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0)
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
181595 data points
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