Matsuzaki, Kenji M (2023): SST determination of ODP Hole 198-1208A [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In: Matsuzaki, KM (2023): Past 10 million years Radiolarian Sea Surface Temperature (SST) data from Central Northwest Pacific (ODP 1208) and Japan Sea revised radiolarian based SST [dataset bundled publication]. PANGAEA,
Always quote citation above when using data! You can download the citation in several formats below.
Published: 2023-11-30 • DOI registered: 2023-12-29
Related to:
LaRiviere, Jonathan P; Ravelo, Ana Christina; Crimmins, Allison; Dekens, Petra S; Ford, Heather L; Lyle, Mitchell W; Wara, Michael W (2012): Late Miocene decoupling of oceanic warmth and atmospheric carbon dioxide forcing. Nature, 486(7401), 97-100,
Ocean Drilling Program (ODP)
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), grant/award no. 19KK0089: Evolution of the thermocline in the Indo Pacific Warm Pool during warmer climate phases of the late Neogene
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), grant/award no. 23K03559: Impact of the Tsushima Current on the Sea of Japan paleooceanography and ecosystems in during climate phases warmer than today
Latitude: 36.127160 * Longitude: 158.201580
Date/Time Start: 2001-09-14T23:15:00 * Date/Time End: 2001-09-17T13:30:00
Minimum Elevation: -3345.7 m * Maximum Elevation: -3345.7 m
198-1208A * Latitude: 36.127160 * Longitude: 158.201580 * Date/Time Start: 2001-09-14T23:15:00 * Date/Time End: 2001-09-17T13:30:00 * Elevation: -3345.7 m * Penetration: 392.3 m * Recovery: 345.89 m * Location: North Pacific Ocean * Campaign: Leg198 * Basis: Joides Resolution * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: 42 cores; 392.3 m cored; 0 m drilled; 88.2 % recovery
# | Name | Short Name | Unit | Principal Investigator | Method/Device | Comment |
1 | AGE | Age | ka BP | Matsuzaki, Kenji M | Geocode | |
2 | Sea surface temperature | SST | °C | Matsuzaki, Kenji M | Radiolarian SST 198-1208, this study | |
3 | Sea surface temperature | SST | °C | Matsuzaki, Kenji M | Alkenone SST 198-1208, La Riviere et al. (2021) |
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0)
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
324 data points
1 Age [ka BP] | 2 SST [°C] (Radiolarian SST 198-1208, thi...) | 3 SST [°C] (Alkenone SST 198-1208, La Riv...) |
3.6700 | 18.2 | |
7.2787 | 16.875 | |
36.5753 | 14.967 | |
60.5948 | 14.918 | |
78.4275 | 15.557 | |
79.9800 | 17.1 | |
94.8045 | 19.847 | |
122.6454 | 17.931 | |
154.1000 | 18.6 | |
157.0370 | 16.890 | |
191.0648 | 17.252 | |
211.4450 | 16.898 | |
228.4200 | 14.9 | |
231.6433 | 17.333 | |
249.8399 | 17.453 | |
275.3152 | 18.495 | |
295.3315 | 15.379 | |
301.4000 | 19.3 | |
322.4445 | 15.353 | |
351.5592 | 17.318 | |
372.7100 | 16.2 | |
384.1312 | 19.449 | |
411.6081 | 17.297 | |
427.9851 | 16.049 | |
447.8194 | 15.595 | |
469.6554 | 15.442 | |
502.4094 | 14.982 | |
511.8000 | 19.9 | |
529.7043 | 16.680 | |
556.6354 | 18.776 | |
579.7300 | 13.2 | |
583.9303 | 17.270 | |
602.1270 | 17.035 | |
623.9630 | 16.168 | |
646.3200 | 17.7 | |
649.4383 | 16.398 | |
674.9136 | 18.063 | |
696.5676 | 15.403 | |
711.8700 | 17.6 | |
729.5035 | 19.918 | |
758.4362 | 17.828 | |
776.4600 | 16.2 | |
778.6344 | 17.644 | |
796.4446 | 15.095 | |
829.6933 | 18.947 | |
859.7244 | 15.533 | |
893.1876 | 15.445 | |
903.1100 | 19.1 | |
924.0767 | 15.086 | |
957.5399 | 19.340 | |
975.3440 | 16.855 | |
1002.2196 | 17.092 | |
1026.7000 | 21.1 | |
1032.1298 | 18.575 | |
1115.4862 | 18.070 | |
1148.2900 | 16.6 | |
1184.6229 | 21.388 | |
1208.1588 | 20.117 | |
1238.3142 | 15.609 | |
1268.5200 | 18.2 | |
1275.3343 | 17.849 | |
1308.6768 | 18.274 | |
1348.6388 | 18.666 | |
1382.2265 | 21.378 | |
1387.6500 | 15.5 | |
1422.6789 | 20.392 | |
1466.5635 | 18.194 | |
1499.4157 | 19.049 | |
1506.5200 | 16.1 | |
1540.1133 | 20.206 | |
1578.1139 | 17.818 | |
1613.4178 | 19.461 | |
1626.1700 | 18.1 | |
1651.6637 | 20.204 | |
1677.8964 | 20.817 | |
1700.6968 | 16.833 | |
1736.2459 | 19.046 | |
1774.4917 | 20.342 | |
1800.9090 | 20.048 | |
1806.8100 | 16.2 | |
1834.0949 | 18.680 | |
1865.1397 | 19.075 | |
1868.6600 | 17.6 | |
1890.1897 | 20.520 | |
1908.1744 | 19.378 | |
1929.6600 | 15.3 | |
1940.5038 | 20.275 | |
1966.2400 | 14.9 | |
1978.4851 | 19.590 | |
2017.4213 | 17.923 | |
2055.1700 | 16.0 | |
2056.3574 | 20.733 | |
2095.2936 | 16.521 | |
2120.0800 | 15.9 | |
2124.8851 | 18.412 | |
2145.3764 | 18.439 | |
2180.5987 | 19.146 | |
2184.4000 | 16.8 | |
2215.8210 | 18.836 | |
2251.0434 | 20.917 | |
2251.4600 | 15.3 | |
2286.2657 | 21.417 | |
2318.4900 | 19.7 | |
2321.4881 | 18.509 | |
2348.4919 | 21.181 | |
2368.4512 | 20.818 | |
2386.4600 | 12.4 | |
2403.6735 | 21.236 | |
2438.8959 | 19.926 | |
2454.9400 | 15.7 | |
2474.1182 | 20.287 | |
2509.3406 | 22.281 | |
2525.1800 | 17.6 | |
2544.5629 | 17.903 | |
2571.5667 | 22.693 | |
2584.6568 | 21.160 | |
2597.0300 | 19.8 | |
2621.9557 | 21.011 | |
2658.5232 | 20.535 | |
2671.3400 | 18.2 | |
2695.0908 | 21.548 | |
2731.6584 | 20.955 | |
2743.6900 | 17.7 | |
2768.2259 | 22.902 | |
2795.5297 | 24.180 | |
2816.9827 | 22.099 | |
2823.2400 | 21.3 | |
2853.5503 | 21.465 | |
2890.1178 | 21.540 | |
2900.9400 | 19.1 | |
2926.6854 | 20.743 | |
2963.2530 | 19.660 | |
2981.2000 | 19.8 | |
2999.8205 | 21.227 | |
3026.6368 | 21.710 | |
3053.2342 | 23.551 | |
3064.1800 | 24.5 | |
3100.0743 | 21.343 | |
3138.8655 | 19.512 | |
3148.5900 | 19.0 | |
3173.5102 | 20.885 | |
3234.7600 | 20.6 | |
3269.3899 | 22.646 | |
3313.6667 | 22.278 | |
3323.0500 | 19.0 | |
3344.7303 | 20.756 | |
3387.6579 | 21.361 | |
3413.5500 | 19.3 | |
3430.5855 | 21.054 | |
3473.2270 | 20.817 | |
3506.3300 | 22.5 | |
3516.4408 | 20.446 | |
3559.3684 | 22.894 | |
3591.9934 | 20.803 | |
3623.4175 | 23.017 | |
3680.5374 | 22.230 | |
3699.4000 | 23.0 | |
3737.6572 | 23.080 | |
3794.7771 | 18.594 | |
3799.5300 | 19.9 | |
3851.8969 | 22.286 | |
3902.2700 | 17.2 | |
3909.0168 | 22.118 | |
3952.4278 | 23.154 | |
3961.9478 | 20.129 | |
3984.7957 | 21.568 | |
4007.3400 | 23.3 | |
4034.2996 | 21.052 | |
4049.9124 | 20.806 | |
4076.5683 | 20.353 | |
4100.5586 | 21.745 | |
4115.5300 | 21.2 | |
4145.1121 | 21.835 | |
4159.2017 | 22.135 | |
4205.0467 | 21.533 | |
4226.5600 | 21.4 | |
4230.0344 | 21.654 | |
4240.5848 | 20.517 | |
4292.7813 | 22.396 | |
4305.7517 | 22.866 | |
4331.3146 | 23.180 | |
4341.3100 | 19.2 | |
4356.8775 | 22.495 | |
4380.5232 | 21.644 | |
4401.6126 | 21.839 | |
4449.5430 | 22.394 | |
4458.3100 | 19.8 | |
4476.3841 | 22.371 | |
4499.5492 | 21.251 | |
4536.0373 | 21.490 | |
4569.2508 | 21.496 | |
4580.8400 | 19.5 | |
4632.3194 | 22.818 | |
4661.3456 | 21.892 | |
4696.9686 | 21.795 | |
4700.4400 | 22.5 | |
4727.3141 | 21.566 | |
4764.2565 | 20.337 | |
4793.2827 | 22.502 | |
4826.9400 | 17.7 | |
4830.1526 | 20.615 | |
4843.9253 | 20.446 | |
4848.1883 | 18.935 | |
4866.8799 | 20.019 | |
4904.2630 | 20.891 | |
4927.8734 | 21.225 | |
4947.2208 | 21.523 | |
4957.2100 | 16.2 | |
5008.0555 | 20.735 | |
5042.0723 | 20.776 | |
5070.1361 | 20.574 | |
5093.6300 | 23.0 | |
5110.1059 | 21.545 | |
5135.6185 | 21.484 | |
5168.7849 | 21.093 | |
5199.4000 | 22.386 | |
5229.0900 | 23.8 | |
5267.6330 | 22.613 | |
5318.1491 | 23.117 | |
5346.7432 | 22.513 | |
5366.1600 | 22.2 | |
5384.3920 | 20.969 | |
5409.1735 | 21.533 | |
5446.8223 | 21.744 | |
5494.0024 | 21.892 | |
5510.1300 | 20.7 | |
5520.6902 | 23.132 | |
5555.0030 | 22.370 | |
5578.8314 | 21.484 | |
5598.3707 | 22.288 | |
5616.4802 | 21.689 | |
5658.3400 | 19.7 | |
5737.0517 | 20.962 | |
5779.4662 | 18.113 | |
5813.9800 | 18.8 | |
5847.6153 | 20.947 | |
5873.8265 | 19.616 | |
5903.3737 | 20.705 | |
5949.6007 | 20.046 | |
5972.6900 | 20.5 | |
5974.8588 | 21.200 | |
6018.7030 | 20.899 | |
6045.1667 | 20.722 | |
6078.6250 | 22.059 | |
6110.3452 | 20.233 | |
6128.0000 | 20.0 | |
6177.2619 | 20.853 | |
6207.2440 | 21.123 | |
6234.6190 | 21.031 | |
6316.4700 | 18.3 | |
6363.7838 | 23.130 | |
6453.3260 | 22.290 | |
6456.4800 | 19.8 | |
6474.9015 | 22.587 | |
6484.4201 | 22.948 | |
6500.9190 | 22.833 | |
6596.5400 | 17.4 | |
6670.0328 | 23.077 | |
6688.4354 | 23.236 | |
6712.5492 | 24.121 | |
6773.4184 | 23.548 | |
6822.5000 | 23.766 | |
6873.8700 | 18.3 | |
6898.0102 | 23.529 | |
6957.4745 | 23.462 | |
7017.8827 | 20.987 | |
7045.7200 | 19.6 | |
7059.4133 | 22.940 | |
7086.7857 | 23.922 | |
7233.5400 | 21.2 | |
7383.5657 | 22.564 | |
7415.4183 | 24.509 | |
7446.4940 | 22.289 | |
7471.3546 | 23.715 | |
7473.2100 | 20.0 | |
7500.2667 | 24.094 | |
7554.5333 | 23.970 | |
7601.4667 | 23.152 | |
7656.0714 | 23.452 | |
7675.5300 | 19.3 | |
7679.6429 | 24.874 | |
7683.6000 | 23.219 | |
7694.6429 | 23.312 | |
7698.2667 | 23.393 | |
7715.3257 | 23.394 | |
7733.2056 | 24.986 | |
7762.3244 | 22.295 | |
7780.2043 | 22.760 | |
7791.9540 | 23.253 | |
7808.3014 | 23.983 | |
7822.4300 | 22.6 | |
7834.3550 | 23.233 | |
7855.3001 | 24.343 | |
7958.1500 | 22.5 | |
7991.1877 | 23.546 | |
8007.5351 | 23.381 | |
8032.0562 | 23.954 | |
8049.9361 | 24.610 | |
8072.4138 | 24.271 | |
8117.7419 | 25.425 | |
8169.6200 | 23.7 | |
8285.8475 | 25.107 | |
8344.2655 | 23.594 | |
8434.6100 | 23.3 | |
8451.8079 | 17.781 | |
8560.6780 | 24.347 | |
8602.0300 | 23.8 | |
8619.0960 | 24.342 | |
8758.5028 | 24.147 | |
8799.6610 | 24.338 | |
8800.4506 | 22.561 | |
8910.0100 | 23.0 | |
8945.6223 | 22.171 | |
8999.4421 | 26.126 | |
9007.2318 | 25.561 | |
9035.5579 | 23.097 | |
9066.0086 | 22.581 | |
9105.9888 | 22.998 | |
9133.2200 | 22.5 | |
9137.5091 | 23.832 | |
9232.5749 | 21.797 | |
9340.1078 | 25.816 | |
9351.0500 | 20.6 | |
9561.3100 | 22.6 |