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Okino, Kyoko; Fujii, Masakazu; Ohara, Yasuhiko (2023): Magnetic processed data (Proton precession magnetometer working area dataset) of RV YOKOSUKA during cruise YK20-18S, trackline magnetic anomaly [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In: Okino, K et al. (2023): Mado Megamullion Oceanic Core Complex in the Philippine Sea: bathymetry, magnetic and gravity anomalies [dataset bundled publication]. PANGAEA,

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Track line geophysical data were collected in the Mado Megamullion oceanic core complex and the adjacent areas. The data were obtained in 2020 during cruise YK20-18S, with R/V Yokosuka (JAMSTEC) The survey covers the oceanic core complex and the adjacent area from 138°20'E to 139°40'E and from 22°50'N to 24°50'N. The total magnetic field was measured using a proton precession magnetometer towed behind the ship.
back-arc basin; Bathymetry; gravity; magnetics; oceanic core complex
Related to:
Okino, Kyoko; Tani, Kenichiro; Fujii, Masakazu; Zhou, Fei; Ishizuka, Osamu; Ohara, Yasuhiko; Hanyu, Tomoko; Matamura, Yuki (2023): Geophysical investigation of the Mado Megamullion oceanic core complex: implications for the end of back-arc spreading. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 10(1), 37,
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), grant/award no. 18H01303: MOWALL: Moho Observation along transform fault WALLs
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Median Latitude: 24.288762 * Median Longitude: 139.077930 * South-bound Latitude: 23.561363 * West-bound Longitude: 138.356755 * North-bound Latitude: 25.166462 * East-bound Longitude: 139.723046
Date/Time Start: 2020-10-27T08:37:04 * Date/Time End: 2020-10-29T20:00:04
YK20-18S_Underway-2 * Latitude Start: 23.921067 * Longitude Start: 138.827075 * Latitude End: 23.888310 * Longitude End: 138.815151 * Date/Time Start: 2020-10-27T08:37:04 * Date/Time End: 2020-10-29T20:00:04 * Location: Mado Megamullion Oceanic Core Complex * Campaign: YK20-18S * Basis: Yokosuka * Method/Device: Proton precession magnetometer
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DATE/TIMEDate/TimeOkino, KyokoGeocode
2LONGITUDELongitudeOkino, KyokoGeocode
3LATITUDELatitudeOkino, KyokoGeocode
4Magnetic anomalyMag anomnTOkino, KyokoProton precession magnetometer
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC) * Processing Level: PANGAEA data processing level 3 (ProcLevel3)
8353 data points

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