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Kammann, Ulrike; Nogueira, Pedro; Wilhelm, Esther; Int-Veen, Ivo; Aust, Marc-Oliver; Wysujack, Klaus (2023): Quantitative descripton of marine litter at the seafloor of the Baltic Sea [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Marine litter at the seafloor comprises different materials. Plastic is the most frequent material of marine litter found at the seafloor of the Baltic Sea (55,6%). "Abandoned, lost, discarded or otherwise lost fishing gear" (ALDFG) is a subgroup of plastic litter with special importance for environmental assessment because it has a defined source and may pose a health risk to animals. With the data provided, marine litter at the seafloor of the Baltic Sea was quantified and characterized with special regard to fishery as source. 72 litter items (LI) were collected within fishery catches by bottom trawling during three cruises in 2020 and 2021. The data were used to quantify litter at the seafloor of the Baltic Sea (9.2 LI/km²) including 2.2 LI/km² ALDFG and 0.4 LI/km² fishery nets. We conclude that fishery is an important source of litter and ALDFG represent a considerable share of marine litter with 22.2%.
Supplement to:
Kammann, Ulrike; Nogueira, Pedro; Wilhelm, Esther; Int-Veen, Ivo; Aust, Marc-Oliver; Wysujack, Klaus (2023): Abandoned, lost or otherwise discarded fishing gear (ALDFG) as part of marine litter at the seafloor of the Baltic Sea – Characterization, quantification, polymer composition and possible impact. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 194, 115348,
Related to:
Kammann, Ulrike; Nogueira, Pedro; Wilhelm, Esther; Int-Veen, Ivo; Aust, Marc-Oliver; Wysujack, Klaus (2023): Item characteristics of marine litter at the seafloor of the Baltic Sea [dataset]. PANGAEA,
Median Latitude: 55.748348 * Median Longitude: 15.978808 * South-bound Latitude: 54.211567 * West-bound Longitude: 10.224033 * North-bound Latitude: 59.604100 * East-bound Longitude: 24.190117
Date/Time Start: 2020-08-22T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2021-12-12T00:00:00
ALDFG_QNT_20200822_B01_1 * Latitude: 54.549117 * Longitude: 10.790617 * Date/Time: 2020-08-22T00:00:00 * Location: Baltic Sea * Method/Device: Bottom trawl (BT)
ALDFG_QNT_20200822_B01_2 * Latitude: 54.539450 * Longitude: 10.710950 * Date/Time: 2020-08-22T00:00:00 * Location: Baltic Sea * Method/Device: Bottom trawl (BT)
ALDFG_QNT_20200823_B01_3 * Latitude: 54.734433 * Longitude: 10.224033 * Date/Time: 2020-08-23T00:00:00 * Location: Baltic Sea * Method/Device: Bottom trawl (BT)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEventWysujack, Klaus
2LATITUDELatitudeNogueira, PedroGeocode
3LONGITUDELongitudeNogueira, PedroGeocode
4DATE/TIMEDate/TimeNogueira, PedroGeocode
5CodeCodeNogueira, PedroArea code
6IdentificationIDNogueira, PedroHaul
7Time in minutesTimeminNogueira, Pedro
8AreaAreakm2Kammann, Ulrike
9Marine litterMarine litter#Wilhelm, EstherCounted
10Marine litterMarine litter#/km2Wilhelm, EstherCounted
11Marine litter, plasticPlastic#Wilhelm, EstherCounted
12Marine litter, plasticPlastic#/km2Wilhelm, EstherCounted
13Marine litter, plasticPlastic%Wilhelm, EstherCalculated
14Marine litter, fishing gear, otherFish gear oth#Wilhelm, EstherCounted
15Marine litter, fishing gear, otherFish gear oth#/km2Wilhelm, EstherCounted
16Marine litter, fishing gear, otherFish gear oth%Wilhelm, EstherCalculated
17Marine litter, fishing netFish net#Wilhelm, EstherCounted
18Marine litter, fishing netFish net#/km2Wilhelm, EstherCounted
19Marine litter, fishing netFish net%Wilhelm, EstherCalculated
20Marine litter, glassGlass#Wilhelm, EstherCounted
21Marine litter, naturalNatural#Wilhelm, EstherCounted
22Marine litter, miscellaneousMisc#Wilhelm, EstherCounted
23Marine litterMarine litter#Wilhelm, EstherCountedA1
24Marine litterMarine litter#Wilhelm, EstherCountedA2
25Marine litterMarine litter#Wilhelm, EstherCountedA3
26Marine litterMarine litter#Wilhelm, EstherCountedA4
27Marine litterMarine litter#Wilhelm, EstherCountedA5
28Marine litterMarine litter#Wilhelm, EstherCountedA6
29Marine litterMarine litter#Wilhelm, EstherCountedA7
30Marine litterMarine litter#Wilhelm, EstherCountedA8
31Marine litterMarine litter#Wilhelm, EstherCountedA9
32Marine litterMarine litter#Wilhelm, EstherCountedA10
33Marine litterMarine litter#Wilhelm, EstherCountedA11
34Marine litterMarine litter#Wilhelm, EstherCountedA12
35Marine litterMarine litter#Wilhelm, EstherCountedA13
36Marine litterMarine litter#Wilhelm, EstherCountedA14
37Marine litterMarine litter#Wilhelm, EstherCountedB1
38Marine litterMarine litter#Wilhelm, EstherCountedB2
39Marine litterMarine litter#Wilhelm, EstherCountedB3
40Marine litterMarine litter#Wilhelm, EstherCountedB4
41Marine litterMarine litter#Wilhelm, EstherCountedB5
42Marine litterMarine litter#Wilhelm, EstherCountedB6
43Marine litterMarine litter#Wilhelm, EstherCountedB7
44Marine litterMarine litter#Wilhelm, EstherCountedB8
45Marine litterMarine litter#Wilhelm, EstherCountedC1
46Marine litterMarine litter#Wilhelm, EstherCountedC2
47Marine litterMarine litter#Wilhelm, EstherCountedC3
48Marine litterMarine litter#Wilhelm, EstherCountedC4
49Marine litterMarine litter#Wilhelm, EstherCountedC5
50Marine litterMarine litter#Wilhelm, EstherCountedC6
51Marine litterMarine litter#Wilhelm, EstherCountedD1
52Marine litterMarine litter#Wilhelm, EstherCountedD2
53Marine litterMarine litter#Wilhelm, EstherCountedD3
54Marine litterMarine litter#Wilhelm, EstherCountedD4
55Marine litterMarine litter#Wilhelm, EstherCountedE1
56Marine litterMarine litter#Wilhelm, EstherCountedE2
57Marine litterMarine litter#Wilhelm, EstherCountedE3
58Marine litterMarine litter#Wilhelm, EstherCountedE4
59Marine litterMarine litter#Wilhelm, EstherCountedE5
60Marine litterMarine litter#Wilhelm, EstherCountedF1
61Marine litterMarine litter#Wilhelm, EstherCountedF2
62Marine litterMarine litter#Wilhelm, EstherCountedF3
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
3689 data points

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