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Kuhn, Gerhard (2003): Color measurements on sediment core PS2709-1 [dataset]. Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, PANGAEA,

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Latitude: -57.590000 * Longitude: -91.220000
Date/Time Start: 1995-05-06T17:02:00 * Date/Time End: 1995-05-06T17:02:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.03 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 18.66 m
PS2709-1 (PS35/202) * Latitude: -57.590000 * Longitude: -91.220000 * Date/Time: 1995-05-06T17:02:00 * Elevation: -2707.0 m * Penetration: 21 m * Recovery: 18.68 m * Location: Southeast Pacific * Campaign: ANT-XII/4 (PS35 06AQANTXII_4) * Basis: Polarstern * Method/Device: Piston corer (BGR type) (KL) * Comment: 19 core sections: 0-0.71, 0.71-1.71, 1.71-2.72, 2.72-3.72, 3.72-4.72, 4.72-5.72, 5.72-6.72, 6.72-7.72, 7.72-8.68, 8.68-9.68, 9.68-10.68, 10.68-11.68, 11.68-12.68, 12.68-13.68, 13.68-14.68, 14.68-15.68, 15.68-16.68, 16.68-17.68, 17.68-18.68 m, Core includes Eltanin meteorite impact sediments.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
2Color code HLS-systemColor HLSKuhn, GerhardMunsell Color System (1994)
3Color, L*, lightnessL*Kuhn, GerhardSpectrophotometer Minolta CM-2002
4Color, a*a*Kuhn, GerhardSpectrophotometer Minolta CM-2002
5Color, b*b*Kuhn, GerhardSpectrophotometer Minolta CM-2002
6Color reflectance at 400 nmColor 400%Kuhn, GerhardSpectrophotometer Minolta CM-2002
7Color reflectance at 410 nmColor 410%Kuhn, GerhardSpectrophotometer Minolta CM-2002
8Color reflectance at 420 nmColor 420%Kuhn, GerhardSpectrophotometer Minolta CM-2002
9Color reflectance at 430 nmColor 430%Kuhn, GerhardSpectrophotometer Minolta CM-2002
10Color reflectance at 440 nmColor 440%Kuhn, GerhardSpectrophotometer Minolta CM-2002
11Color reflectance at 450 nmColor 450%Kuhn, GerhardSpectrophotometer Minolta CM-2002
12Color reflectance at 460 nmColor 460%Kuhn, GerhardSpectrophotometer Minolta CM-2002
13Color reflectance at 470 nmColor 470%Kuhn, GerhardSpectrophotometer Minolta CM-2002
14Color reflectance at 480 nmColor 480%Kuhn, GerhardSpectrophotometer Minolta CM-2002
15Color reflectance at 490 nmColor 490%Kuhn, GerhardSpectrophotometer Minolta CM-2002
16Color reflectance at 500 nmColor 500%Kuhn, GerhardSpectrophotometer Minolta CM-2002
17Color reflectance at 510 nmColor 510%Kuhn, GerhardSpectrophotometer Minolta CM-2002
18Color reflectance at 520 nmColor 520%Kuhn, GerhardSpectrophotometer Minolta CM-2002
19Color reflectance at 530 nmColor 530%Kuhn, GerhardSpectrophotometer Minolta CM-2002
20Color reflectance at 540 nmColor 540%Kuhn, GerhardSpectrophotometer Minolta CM-2002
21Color reflectance at 550 nmColor 550%Kuhn, GerhardSpectrophotometer Minolta CM-2002
22Color reflectance at 560 nmColor 560%Kuhn, GerhardSpectrophotometer Minolta CM-2002
23Color reflectance at 570 nmColor 570%Kuhn, GerhardSpectrophotometer Minolta CM-2002
24Color reflectance at 580 nmColor 580%Kuhn, GerhardSpectrophotometer Minolta CM-2002
25Color reflectance at 590 nmColor 590%Kuhn, GerhardSpectrophotometer Minolta CM-2002
26Color reflectance at 600 nmColor 600%Kuhn, GerhardSpectrophotometer Minolta CM-2002
27Color reflectance at 610 nmColor 610%Kuhn, GerhardSpectrophotometer Minolta CM-2002
28Color reflectance at 620 nmColor 620%Kuhn, GerhardSpectrophotometer Minolta CM-2002
29Color reflectance at 630 nmColor 630%Kuhn, GerhardSpectrophotometer Minolta CM-2002
30Color reflectance at 640 nmColor 640%Kuhn, GerhardSpectrophotometer Minolta CM-2002
31Color reflectance at 650 nmColor 650%Kuhn, GerhardSpectrophotometer Minolta CM-2002
32Color reflectance at 660 nmColor 660%Kuhn, GerhardSpectrophotometer Minolta CM-2002
33Color reflectance at 670 nmColor 670%Kuhn, GerhardSpectrophotometer Minolta CM-2002
34Color reflectance at 680 nmColor 680%Kuhn, GerhardSpectrophotometer Minolta CM-2002
35Color reflectance at 690 nmColor 690%Kuhn, GerhardSpectrophotometer Minolta CM-2002
36Color reflectance at 700 nmColor 700%Kuhn, GerhardSpectrophotometer Minolta CM-2002
21455 data points

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