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Waldmann, Christoph; Nogueras Cervera, Marc; Toma, Daniel Mihai; Carandell Widmer, Matias; Sarrià Gandul, David; Del Rio, Joaquin (2023): CTD (RBR, XR-420) data collected during the EMSO physical access project TRIPLE-VTESTS at the EMSO-ERIC observatory OBSEA [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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CTD data collected in coastal regions are often dynamically changing which is a major impediment to derive any process related information from those data. Only longer time series and comparison with nearby coastal stations can help to detect events or trends in data. In this case the data were collected with the idea to what extent mobile platforms can assist in this process, i.e. how data that are collected from vehicles sent out from the buoy station to locations nearby can contribute to a more comprehensive picture of on-going processes. The calm weather conditions that lasted for several days during the time the data had been collected allowed for a detection of a warm current, possibly an eddy, passing the OBSEA station in a distance of a few kilometers.
A series of CTD profiles had been recorded during a filed test campaign at EMSO-ERIC observatory OBSEA ( The maximum water depth was at 30 m.
Date: February 16, 2023, Time: Between 11:30 and 13.30 CET, Instrument RBR XR-420 deployed from board a RIB boat at 5 different position with two repeated profiles each
Coastal; CTD profiles; Mediterranean
Median Latitude: 41.165150 * Median Longitude: 1.763140 * South-bound Latitude: 41.149510 * West-bound Longitude: 1.752590 * North-bound Latitude: 41.181980 * East-bound Longitude: 1.774250
Date/Time Start: 2023-02-16T10:41:00 * Date/Time End: 2023-02-16T12:26:00
OBSEA_EMSO_TNA_1143 * Latitude: 41.181980 * Longitude: 1.752590 * Date/Time Start: 2023-02-16T10:41:00 * Date/Time End: 2023-02-16T10:43:00 * Method/Device: CTD, RBR, XR-420 (XR420)
OBSEA_EMSO_TNA_1151 * Latitude: 41.181980 * Longitude: 1.752590 * Date/Time Start: 2023-02-16T10:46:00 * Date/Time End: 2023-02-16T10:51:00 * Method/Device: CTD, RBR, XR-420 (XR420)
OBSEA_EMSO_TNA_1227 * Latitude: 41.173170 * Longitude: 1.757910 * Date/Time Start: 2023-02-16T11:23:00 * Date/Time End: 2023-02-16T11:27:00 * Method/Device: CTD, RBR, XR-420 (XR420)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEvent
2Event labelEvent
4Temperature, waterTemp°CWaldmann, ChristophCTD, RBR, XR-420 (XR420)
5Pressure, waterPressdbarWaldmann, ChristophCTD, RBR, XR-420 (XR420)
6ConductivityCondmS/cmWaldmann, ChristophCTD, RBR, XR-420 (XR420)
7SalinitySalWaldmann, ChristophCTD, RBR, XR-420 (XR420)
8Sound velocity in waterSVm/sWaldmann, ChristophCTD, RBR, XR-420 (XR420)
Processing Level: PANGAEA data processing level 1 (ProcLevel1)
14210 data points

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