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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Taylor, Victoria E; Westerhold, Thomas; Bohaty, Steven M; Backman, Jan; Dunkley Jones, Tom; Egan, Katie; Edgar, Kirsty M; Lyle, Mitchell W; Pälike, Heiko; Röhl, Ursula; Zachos, James C; Wilson, Paul A (2023): Benthic foraminiferal and bulk sediment stable isotope records, and carbonate content records from the eastern equatorial Pacific, and a reconstruction of the calcite compensation depth, across the EO [dataset bundled publication]. PANGAEA,

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The major Cenozoic shift from a shallow (~3‒4 km) to deep (~4.5 km) calcite compensation depth (CCD) occurred at the Eocene-Oligocene Transition (EOT; ~34 Ma), suggesting a strong relationship between calcium carbonate (CaCO3) cycling and Antarctic glaciation. To further investigate the linkages between these two events, detailed records of deep-sea carbonate content, and bulk sediment and benthic foraminiferal stable isotope records are needed. This dataset contains bulk sediment stable isotope and carbonate content records from eight sites in the eastern equatorial Pacific (ODP Leg 199 and IODP Expedition 320). These records were used to reconstruct the depth of the calcite compensation depth (CCD) across the Eocene-Oligocene Transition. The projected depth of the CCD is included in this dataset. In addition, this dataset contains a monospecific epifaunal benthic foraminiferal stable isotope stratigraphy from IODP Expedition 320 Site U1334, in the eastern equatorial Pacific, across the Eocene-Oligocene Transition.
CCD; Eocene-Oligocene Transition; IODP Exp. 320; ODP Leg 199
Supplement to:
Taylor, Victoria E; Westerhold, Thomas; Bohaty, Steven M; Backman, Jan; Dunkley Jones, Tom; Edgar, Kirsty M; Egan, Katie; Lyle, Mitchell W; Pälike, Heiko; Röhl, Ursula; Zachos, James C; Wilson, Paul A (2023): Transient Shoaling, Over‐Deepening and Settling of the Calcite Compensation Depth at the Eocene‐Oligocene Transition. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 38(6), e2022PA004493,
NERC independent research fellowship, grant/award no. NE/F003641/1
NERC independent research fellowship, grant/award no. NE/I006168/1
NERC independent research fellowship, grant/award no. NE/K007211/1
NERC independent research fellowship, grant/award no. NE/K008390/1
NERC independent research fellowship, grant/award no. NE/L002531/1
Median Latitude: 10.547436 * Median Longitude: -139.030130 * South-bound Latitude: 7.800160 * West-bound Longitude: -142.758380 * North-bound Latitude: 16.866880 * East-bound Longitude: -131.973220
Date/Time Start: 2001-11-08T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2001-11-28T00:00:00
23 datasets

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Datasets listed in this bundled publication

  1. Taylor, VE; Westerhold, T; Bohaty, SM et al. (2023): Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) of discrete samples from ODP Hole 199-1217A.
  2. Taylor, VE; Westerhold, T; Bohaty, SM et al. (2023): Stable isotope (δ13C and δ18O) of bulk sediment from ODP Hole 199-1217A.
  3. Taylor, VE; Westerhold, T; Bohaty, SM et al. (2023): Calibrated XRF analysis of calcium (Ca) and calcium carbonate (CaCO3) from ODP Site 199-1218.
  4. Taylor, VE; Westerhold, T; Bohaty, SM et al. (2023): Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) of discrete samples from ODP Site 199-1219.
  5. Taylor, VE; Westerhold, T; Bohaty, SM et al. (2023): Stable isotope (δ13C and δ18O) of bulk sediment from ODP Site 199-1219.
  6. Taylor, VE; Westerhold, T; Bohaty, SM et al. (2023): Calibrated XRF analysis of calcium (Ca) and calcium carbonate (CaCO3) from ODP Hole 199-1219A.
  7. Taylor, VE; Westerhold, T; Bohaty, SM et al. (2023): Calibrated XRF analysis of calcium (Ca) and calcium carbonate (CaCO3) from ODP Site 199-1220.
  8. Taylor, VE; Westerhold, T; Bohaty, SM et al. (2023): Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) of discrete samples from ODP Hole 199-1220B.
  9. Taylor, VE; Westerhold, T; Bohaty, SM et al. (2023): Stable isotope (δ13C and δ18O) of bulk sediment from ODP Hole 199-1220B.
  10. Taylor, VE; Westerhold, T; Bohaty, SM et al. (2023): Calibrated XRF analysis of calcium (Ca) and calcium carbonate (CaCO3) from IODP Site 320-U1331.
  11. Taylor, VE; Westerhold, T; Bohaty, SM et al. (2023): Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) of discrete samples from IODP Hole 320-U1331B.
  12. Taylor, VE; Westerhold, T; Bohaty, SM et al. (2023): Stable isotope (δ13C and δ18O) of bulk sediment from IODP Hole 320-U1331B.
  13. Taylor, VE; Westerhold, T; Bohaty, SM et al. (2023): Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) of discrete samples from IODP Site 320-U1332.
  14. Taylor, VE; Westerhold, T; Bohaty, SM et al. (2023): Calibrated XRF analysis of calcium (Ca) and calcium carbonate (CaCO3) from IODP Site 320-U1332.
  15. Taylor, VE; Westerhold, T; Bohaty, SM et al. (2023): Stable isotope (δ13C and δ18O) of bulk sediment from IODP Site 320-U1332.
  16. Taylor, VE; Westerhold, T; Bohaty, SM et al. (2023): Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) of discrete samples from IODP Site 320-U1333.
  17. Taylor, VE; Westerhold, T; Bohaty, SM et al. (2023): Calibrated XRF analysis of calcium (Ca) and calcium carbonate (CaCO3) from IODP Site 320-U1333.
  18. Taylor, VE; Westerhold, T; Bohaty, SM et al. (2023): Stable isotope (δ13C and δ18O) of bulk sediment from IODP Site 320-U1333.
  19. Taylor, VE; Westerhold, T; Bohaty, SM et al. (2023): Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) of discrete samples from IODP Site 320-U1334.
  20. Taylor, VE; Westerhold, T; Bohaty, SM et al. (2023): Calibrated XRF analysis of calcium (Ca) and calcium carbonate (CaCO3) from IODP Site 320-U1334.
  21. Taylor, VE; Westerhold, T; Bohaty, SM et al. (2023): Stable isotope (δ13C and δ18O) of bulk sediment from IODP Site 320-U1334.
  22. Taylor, VE; Westerhold, T; Bohaty, SM et al. (2023): Benthic foraminiferal (Cibicidoides grimsdalei) stable isotope stratigraphy from IODP Site 320-U1334.
  23. Taylor, VE; Westerhold, T; Bohaty, SM et al. (2023): CCD projection based on carbonate accumulation records from the eastern equatorial Pacific.