Strobel, Paul; Henning, Theresa; Bliedtner, Marcel; Mosher, Stella G; Rahimova, Humay; Haberzettl, Torsten; Kirsten, Kelly L; Lehndorff, Eva; Power, Mitchell J; Zech, Michael; Zech, Roland (2023): Holocene fire dynamics and their climatic controls at Vankervelsvlei, southern Cape coast, South Africa [dataset bundled publication]. PANGAEA,
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Published: 2023-03-13 • DOI registered: 2024-01-03
In this study we investigate hydroclimatic and fire dynamics on a 9.6 m long sediment core from Vankervelsvlei covering the past 7.2 ka. A reconstruction of hydroclimatic variability through time applies oxygen isotopes from hemicellulose-derived sugars and hydrogen isotopes from leaf wax-derived n-alkanes. Coupling both isotopes enables a robust reconstruct of atmospheric source and seasonality of precipitation as well as local relative humidity. Past trends in fire activity are inferred from macro-charcoal and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) analyses.
Supplement to:
Strobel, Paul; Henning, Theresa; Bliedtner, Marcel; Mosher, Stella G; Rahimova, Humay; Haberzettl, Torsten; Kirsten, Kelly L; Lehndorff, Eva; Power, Mitchell J; Zech, Michael; Zech, Roland (2024): Holocene fire dynamics and their climatic controls on the southern Cape coast of South Africa - A 7.2 ka multi-proxy record from the peatland Vankervelsvlei. Quaternary Science Reviews, 325, 108464,
German Research Foundation (DFG), grant/award no. 434918595: Late Quaternary climate and environmental reconstruction based on lake and peat sediments from South Africa
Latitude: -34.013000 * Longitude: 22.904000
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0)
3 datasets
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Datasets listed in this bundled publication
- Strobel, P; Henning, T; Bliedtner, M et al. (2023): Charcoal contents in Holocene sediments from the Vankervelsvlei peatland at the southern Cape coast of South Africa.
- Strobel, P; Henning, T; Bliedtner, M et al. (2023): Coupled isotopes in Holocene sediments from the Vankervelsvlei peatland at the southern Cape coast of South Africa.
- Strobel, P; Henning, T; Bliedtner, M et al. (2023): Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) compounds in Holocene sediments from the Vankervelsvlei peatland at the southern Cape coast of South Africa.
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- Strobel, P; Bliedtner, M; Carr, AS et al. (2022): XRF iron determination of Late Quaternary sediments from the Vankervelsvlei peatland at the southern Cape coast of South Africa.
- Strobel, P; Bliedtner, M; Carr, AS et al. (2022): Coupled isotope approach applied to Late Quaternary sediments from the Vankervelsvlei peatland at the southern Cape coast of South Africa.
- Strobel, P; Bliedtner, M; Carr, AS et al. (2022): δ13C n-alkane determination of Late Quaternary sediments from the Vankervelsvlei peatland at the southern Cape coast of South Africa.