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van Erk, Marit R; Bourceau, Olivia; Moncada, Chyrene; Basu, Subhajit; Hansel, Colleen M; de Beer, Dirk (2023): Oxygen consumption, hydrogen accumulation, iron accumulation and sulfate reduction measured in incubations of sediment collected from the intertidal sandbank Janssand [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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This data set was collected from incubations of sediment collected from the intertidal sandbank Janssand, behind the back barrier island Spiekeroog, in the German Wadden Sea. The rate of oxygen consumption (microsensor), hydrogen accumulation (GC), iron accumulation (ferrozine, chlorometric), and sulfate reduction (35S sulfate + acid-chromium distillation) were all measured in constantly mixed slurries, with and without the ROS-removing enzymes superoxide dismutase and catalase. It additionally includes depth profiles of oxygen and hydrogen peroxide in cores, determined with amperometric microsensors.
H2O2; intertidal permeable sediments; Iron reduction; Reactive Oxygen Species; sand flat; sulfate reduction; Wadden Sea
Related to:
van Erk, Marit R; Bourceau, Olivia; Moncada, Chyrene; Basu, Subhajit; Hansel, Colleen M; de Beer, Dirk (2023): Reactive oxygen species affect the potential for mineralization processes in permeable intertidal flats. Nature Communications, 14(1), 938,
Latitude: 53.740419 * Longitude: 7.691286
Date/Time Start: 2020-05-25T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2021-03-18T00:00:00
Minimum Elevation: 0.0 m * Maximum Elevation: 0.0 m
Jans1-5 * Latitude: 53.740419 * Longitude: 7.691286 * Date/Time Start: 2020-05-25T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2021-03-18T00:00:00 * Elevation: 0.0 m * Method/Device: Multiple investigations (MULT)
Sampling information:
Jans1 : Latitude 53°44'25.51N, Longitude 7°41'28.63E, date: 20200525, elevation: sea level
Jans2 : Latitude 53°44'25.51N, Longitude 7°41'28.63E, date: 20200615, elevation: sea level
Jans3 : Latitude 53°44'25.51N, Longitude 7°41'28.63E, date: 20200728, elevation: sea level
Jans4 : Latitude 53°44'25.51N, Longitude 7°41'28.63E, date: 20201008, elevation: sea level
Jans5 : Latitude 53°44'25.51N, Longitude 7°41'28.63E, date: 20210318, elevation: sea level
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
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vanErk_BourceauSourcedata.xlsxvanErk_BourceauSourcedata is an excel spreasheet with the following tabs: 1 +2 : depth profiles of oxygen and hydrogen peroxide in sediment cores, collected with amperometric microsensors. 3 + 4: A time series of oxygen and hydrogen peroxide concentrations in sediment cores, before and after a pulse of oxygenated seawater was injected into anoxic sediment, also collected with amperometric microsensors 5: A time series of oxygen and hydrogen peroxide concentrations in sediment cores, before and after a pulse of hydrogen peroxide was injected into anoxic sediment, also collected with amperometric microsensors.The next data series were all collected from incubations consisting of a slurry of ~2 cubic cm of sediment and ~4 mL of seawater in glass-tight vials that were constantly mixed in roller tanks on a roller table. In addition, incubations were also ammennded with either nothing (untreated), 1200 U/mL catalase (CAT), 200 U/mL superoxide dismutase (SOD), a combination of catalase and superoxide dismutase (CAT+SOD), or an equal mass of bovine serum albiumin(BSA). The vials were all destructively sampled, except for when measuring oxygen concentrations, so each timepoint was collected from a separate vial. All incubations were started oxically then allowed to become anoxic over the course of the incubation. 6: The rate of oxygen consumption in incubations, collected by quickly opening the vials, inserting an oxygen microsensor, measuring, removing and recapping, sediment from sampling event Jans2. 6 (raw data): the raw data used to calculate the rate of oxygen consumption for 6, sediment from sampling event Jans2. 7: The rate of sulfate reduction in incubations, collected by injecting incubations with ~200 kBq 35S sulfate, killing with ZnAc, then applying a cold-chromium distillation, according to Røy et al. 2014. A linear fit was then applied to the data to get the rates. Sediment was from sampling event Jans2. 7 (raw data): The total sulfate reduced at each timepoint in the different incubations, used to calculate the rates in 7, sediment from sampling event Jans2. 8: The rate of hydrogen accumulation in the different incubations, measured by head spacing the vials with helium, shaking to equilibrate, then injecting the headspace into a mercury GC, sediment from sampling event Jans2. 8 (raw data): the hydrogen measured in the headspace of the different incubations at different timepoints, used to calculate the rates in 8, sediment from sampling event Jans2. 9: The rate of iron II accumulation, as determined by the ferrozine chlorometric method, in the different incubations, sediment from sampling event Jans2. 9 (raw_data): The amount of iron II present at each timepoint it the incubations, sediment from sampling event Jans2. 10: A time series of sulfate reduction (total 35S sulfate reduced recovered from an acid-chromium distillation) and oxygen concentration in incubations, sediment from sampling event Jans1. 11: A time series comparing total sulfate reduction (total 35S sulfate reduced recovered from an acid-chromium distillation) to sulfide bound to a silver wire (35S bound to the silver wire) inserted into the same incubation, sediment from sampling event Jans1. 12: Sulfate reduction rates and standard error of incubations with and without the combination of catalase/superoxide dismutase, divided in to the rate during the oxic period, the 2 hours after the incubation became anoxic, and the period until the end of the incubation, sediment from sampling event Jans1. 12 (raw data): The total sulfate reduced at each timepoint, used to calculate 12, sediment from sampling event Jans1.