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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Franke, Steven; Bons, Paul D; Streng, Kyra; Mundel, Felicitas; Binder, Tobias; Weikusat, Ilka; Bauer, Catherine C; Paden, John D; Dörr, Nils; Helm, Veit; Steinhage, Daniel; Eisen, Olaf; Jansen, Daniela (2023): NC Greenland NG1: Three-dimensional stratigraphic Horizon in the Northern Central Greenland ice sheet (13.8 ka) [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In: Franke, S et al. (2023): Three-dimensional anatomy of folded radar stratigraphy in polar ice sheets [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2023-06-23DOI registered: 2023-06-23

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The NG1 3D horizon is located in northern central Greenland and covers an area of approximately 690 x 55 km and reaches almost from the eastern to the western outlet systems. The age of NG1 is 13.8 ± 1.0 ka (thousand years). NG1 extends in the east into the NEGIS trunk and shows in this area similar short-wavelength folds, which are observed in the NEGIS shear margins. Furthermore, NG1 resembles several cylindrical upright folds in the eastern and western edges of the horizons. The fold axes of the cylindrical folds in the west trend approximately west, whereas the trend of the cylindrical folds in the east trend north. In the central-eastern area, we find a large bump in the bed topography due to the paleofluvial mega-canyon, which is imprinted in the 3D horizons mimicking this bed depression. In the central-west, we find cylindrical upright folds trending in two different directions (north and north-west).
ice flow; ice sheets; ice stream; IRH; Polar 6; radio-echo sounding
Latitude: 77.107000 * Longitude: -41.265000
NorthernCentralGreenland * Latitude: 77.107000 * Longitude: -41.265000 * Method/Device: Airborne radio-echo sounding (ARES) * Comment: Radar data by NASA Operation IceBridge & University of Kansas
The 3D horizon and traced radar lines are provided in four different data formats:
1. ASCII format of the point cloud of the 3D horizons (meshes.dat) or traced radar lines (line.dat) in the xyz format, where x and y represent the coordinates and z the elevation in meters.
2. Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) in the GeoTIFF (.tif) and NetCDF (.nc) format of the 3D horizons (meshes). The DEMs have a cell size of 50 m.
3. GoCAD (Geological Objects: The 3D horizons (meshes) are stored in triangulated surfaces (.ts) and the traced radar lines as polylines (.pl).
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
File typeFile typeBons, Paul D
File contentContentBons, Paul D[Version][age (ka)][subset][geometry]
Binary ObjectBinaryBons, Paul D
Binary Object (Media Type)Binary (Type)Bons, Paul D
Binary Object (File Size)Binary (Size)BytesBons, Paul D
Curation Level: Basic curation (CurationLevelB)
18 data points


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Binary (Type)

Binary (Size) [Bytes]
ASCIIV001_13_8_ka_linesNC_Greenland_NG1_V001_13_8_ka_lines.dattext/plain6.1 MBytes
ASCIIV001_13_8_ka_meshNC_Greenland_NG1_V001_13_8_ka_mesh.dattext/plain1.7 GBytes
DEMV001_13_8_ka_meshNC_Greenland_NG1_V001_13_8_ka_mesh.ncapplication/x-netcdf260.9 MBytes
DEMV001_13_8_ka_meshNC_Greenland_NG1_V001_13_8_ka_mesh.tifimage/tiff260.8 MBytes
GoCADV001_13_8_ka_linesNC_Greenland_NG1_V001_13_8_ka_lines.pltext/plain6.8 MBytes
GoCADV001_13_8_ka_meshNC_Greenland_NG1_V001_13_8_ka_mesh.tstext/plain5.3 GBytes