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Rebmann, Corinna; Pohl, Felix (2023): Fluxes and related variables from EddyPro®-Output from eddy-covariance measurements above the forest ecosystem Hohes Holz in 2016 [dataset]. Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, PANGAEA,, In: Rebmann, C; Pohl, F (2023): Carbon, water and energy fluxes at the TERENO/ICOS ecosystem station Hohes Holz in Central Germany since 2015 [dataset publication series]. Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, PANGAEA,

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Continuous measurements of carbon, water and energy fluxes are performed using the eddy covariance (EC) method in a mixed-beech forest ecosystem in central Germany (52° 5'12N, 11°13'20E, 193 m asl), accompanied by relevant abiotic measurements. The site was established in the Bode catchment as part of the TERENO Harz/Central German Lowland Observatory, a mesoscale water catchment within the Elbe river basin covering an area of approximately 3300 km². The forest area Hohes Holz is the only larger forested area in the otherwise agriculturally intensively-farmed western part of the Magdeburger Börde with an area of about 1500 ha [Wollschläger et al., 2017]. The forest is a protected area with the centre (150 ha) being a nature reserve (Natura 2000) and is dominated by common beech (Fagus sylvatica L.), sessile oak (Quercus petraea) and hornbeam (Carpinus betulus L.) of about 90 years in age, an average tree height of 23.5 m and a stand density of 260 trees/ha. The long term average of annual precipitation is 563 mm and mean annual temperature is 9.1 °C (1981 – 2010 DWD station Ummendorf, #5158). The eddy covariance system consists of a CSAT-3 anemometer (Campbell Scientific Inc., Logan, UT, USA) and a LI-7500 gas analyser (Li-Cor Inc., Lincoln, NE, USA), established in 2014 in 49 m on a scaffolding tower within the research area. Data presented here comprise energy, water (H and LE), and carbon fluxes (NEE) from the EC-system since 2015 as well as gross primary productivity (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (Reco) derived from partitioning of NEE-data. Complimentary data from the turbulence data set and prioritized driver variables as a basis for ecosystem process analysis are added. High-frequency data (20Hz) were acquired with a Campbell data logger and the Eddymeas data acquisition software [Kolle and Rebmann, 2007]. Flux computation from high frequency raw data was performed with the Eddy-Pro® software (v. 7.0.6). After removing physically unrealistic flux values from the time series, subsequent post-processing steps such as estimating the u*-threshold, gap-filling and flux partitioning were performed according to Wutzler et al. [2018] with the REddyProc package. Full details of site instrumentation, metadata information and R-packages used for processing can be found in the supplementary material. Since January 2019 the site is approved as an ICOS ecosystem class 1 station (DE-HoH). ICOS standard procedures required an additional EC-setup consisting of a Gill HS-50 ultrasonic anemometer (Gill Instruments Ltd., Lymington, Hampshire, UK) and a LI-7200 gas analyser which runs in parallel to the above described system (see ICOS carbon portal:
Eddy covariance; evapotranspiration; GPP; ICOS; managed deciduous forest; NEE; Reco; TERENO
Related to:
Rebmann, Corinna; Gimper, Sebastian; Schmidt, Patrick; Pohl, Felix (2023): Post-processed, gap-filled and partitioned carbon and energy fluxes from eddy-covariance measurements above the forest ecosystem Hohes Holz in 2016 [dataset]. Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, PANGAEA,
Kolle, Olaf; Rebmann, Corinna (2007): Eddysoft - Documentation of a Software Package to Acquire and Process Eddy Covariance Data. 10, Rebmann_Kolle_TechnicalReports-10_2007_ISSN_1615-7400.pdf
Wutzler, Thomas; Lucas-Moffat, Antje; Migliavacca, Mirco; Knauer, Jürgen; Sickel, Kerstin; Šigut, Ladislav; Menzer, Olaf; Reichstein, Markus (2018): Basic and extensible post-processing of eddy covariance flux data with REddyProc. Biogeosciences, 15(16), 5015-5030,
Latitude: 52.086563 * Longitude: 11.222342
Date/Time Start: 2016-01-01T00:30:00 * Date/Time End: 2017-01-01T00:00:00
Minimum Elevation: 168.0 m * Maximum Elevation: 168.0 m
ECS_HohesHolz (ECS_Hohes Holz_Eggenstedt (Germany)) * Latitude: 52.086563 * Longitude: 11.222342 * Date/Time: 2015-01-01T00:00:00 * Elevation: 168.0 m * Method/Device: Eddy Covariance Station (ECS)
Eddy-covariance flux data output of processed high-frequency data (including turbulence measures) from CSAT3 ultrasonic anemometer (Campbell Scientific Ltd.) and LI-7500RS gas analyser (LI-COR Biosciences) processed with the Eddy-Pro® software (v. 7.0.6, LI-COR Biosciences) without additional quality assurance (see
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1File nameFile nameRebmann, Corinna
2Day of the yearDOYdayRebmann, Corinna
3DATE/TIMEDate/TimeRebmann, CorinnaGeocode – UTC
4Daytime IndicatorDaytimeRebmann, Corinna
5Number of records, totalN records totRebmann, Corinnatotal number of values from sonic anemometer
6Number of records, usedN records usedRebmann, Corinnaused number of values from sonic anemometer
7Momentum, fluxMomentum fluxkg/m/s2Rebmann, CorinnaSonic anemometer, CSAT3, Campbell Scientific
8Quality flag, momentum fluxQF mfRebmann, Corinna
9Momentum, flux, random errorMomentum flux re±Rebmann, Corinna
10Heat, flux, sensibleQhW/m2Rebmann, Corinna
11Quality flag, heat, flux, sensibleQF QhRebmann, Corinna
12Heat, flux, sensible, random errorQh re±Rebmann, Corinna
13Heat, flux, latentQeW/m2Rebmann, Corinna
14Quality flag, heat, flux, latentQF QeRebmann, Corinna
15Heat, flux, latent, random errorQe re±Rebmann, Corinna
16Carbon dioxide, fluxCO2 fluxµmol/m2/sRebmann, Corinna
17Quality flag, carbon dioxide, fluxQF CO2 fluxRebmann, Corinna
18Carbon dioxide flux, random errorCO2 flux re±Rebmann, Corinna
19Water vapour, fluxH2O fluxmmol/m2/sRebmann, Corinna
20Quality flag, water vapour fluxQF H2O fRebmann, Corinna
21Water vapour flux, random errorH2O flux re±Rebmann, Corinna
22Carbon dioxide, flux, storageCO2 flux strgµmol/m2/sRebmann, CorinnaOpen Path CO2/H2O Gas Analyzer (LI-7500RS, LI-COR)
23Carbon dioxide, densityCO2mmol/m3Rebmann, CorinnaOpen Path CO2/H2O Gas Analyzer (LI-7500RS, LI-COR)
24Carbon dioxide, mole fractionCO2µmol/molRebmann, CorinnaOpen Path CO2/H2O Gas Analyzer (LI-7500RS, LI-COR)
25Carbon dioxide mixing ratioCO2 mix ratioµmol/molRebmann, CorinnaOpen Path CO2/H2O Gas Analyzer (LI-7500RS, LI-COR)
26Water vapour, densityH2Ommol/m3Rebmann, CorinnaOpen Path CO2/H2O Gas Analyzer (LI-7500RS, LI-COR)
27Water vapour, mole fractionH2Ommol/molRebmann, CorinnaOpen Path CO2/H2O Gas Analyzer (LI-7500RS, LI-COR)
28Water vapour mixing ratioH2O mix ratiommol/molRebmann, CorinnaOpen Path CO2/H2O Gas Analyzer (LI-7500RS, LI-COR)
29Sonic temperatureTsKRebmann, CorinnaSonic anemometer, CSAT3, Campbell Scientific
30Temperature, airT airKRebmann, CorinnaThermometer/Hygrometer, Vaisala, HMP155reference air temperature
31Pressure, atmosphericPPPPhPaRebmann, CorinnaBarometer, Setra, 278reference pressure
32Density, water vapourDensity H2Okg/m3Rebmann, CorinnaOpen Path CO2/H2O Gas Analyzer (LI-7500RS, LI-COR)
33Wind velocity, longitudinalUm/sRebmann, CorinnaSonic anemometer, CSAT3, Campbell Scientific
34Wind velocity, lateralVm/sRebmann, CorinnaSonic anemometer, CSAT3, Campbell Scientific
35Wind velocity, verticalWm/sRebmann, CorinnaSonic anemometer, CSAT3, Campbell Scientific
36Wind speedffm/sRebmann, CorinnaSonic anemometer, CSAT3, Campbell Scientific
37Wind directiondddegRebmann, CorinnaSonic anemometer, CSAT3, Campbell Scientific
38Friction velocityu*m/sRebmann, CorinnaSonic anemometer, CSAT3, Campbell Scientific
39Obukhov stability parameterz/LRebmann, Corinna
40Eddy covariance footprint, model typeFP MTRebmann, Corinna0=KJ/1=KM/2=HS
41Distance, relative, X, peakDist rel X pmRebmann, Corinnafootprint peak
42Distance, relative, X, offsetDist rel X omRebmann, Corinnafootprint offset
43Distance, relative, X, percentage contributionDist rel X pcmRebmann, CorinnaAlong-wind distance providing 10% (cumulative) contribution to turbulent fluxes
44Distance, relative, X, percentage contributionDist rel X pcmRebmann, CorinnaAlong-wind distance providing 30% (cumulative) contribution to turbulent fluxes
45Distance, relative, X, percentage contributionDist rel X pcmRebmann, CorinnaAlong-wind distance providing 50% (cumulative) contribution to turbulent fluxes
46Distance, relative, X, percentage contributionDist rel X pcmRebmann, CorinnaAlong-wind distance providing 70% (cumulative) contribution to turbulent fluxes
47Distance, relative, X, percentage contributionDist rel X pcmRebmann, CorinnaAlong-wind distance providing 90% (cumulative) contribution to turbulent fluxes
48Spikes, wind velocity, longitudinalSpikes URebmann, Corinna
49Spikes, wind velocity, lateralSpikes VRebmann, Corinna
50Spikes, wind velocity, verticalSpikes WRebmann, Corinna
51Spikes, sonic temperatureSpikes TsRebmann, Corinna
52Spikes, carbon dioxideSpikes CO2Rebmann, Corinna
53Spikes, water vapourSpikes H2ORebmann, Corinna
54Number of flagged records, chopper_LI-7500N flagged data recs chpRebmann, Corinna
55Number of flagged records, detector_LI-7500N flagged data recs dtcRebmann, Corinna
56Number of flagged records, pll_LI-7500N flagged data recs pllRebmann, Corinna
57Number of flagged records, sync_LI-7500N flagged data recs syncRebmann, Corinna
58Signal strengthSig strarbitrary unitsRebmann, CorinnaOpen Path CO2/H2O Gas Analyzer (LI-7500RS, LI-COR)mean_value_RSSI_LI-7500
59Wind velocity, longitudinal, varianceU varm2/s2Rebmann, CorinnaSonic anemometer, CSAT3, Campbell Scientific
60Wind velocity, lateral, varianceV varm2/s2Rebmann, CorinnaSonic anemometer, CSAT3, Campbell Scientific
61Wind velocity, vertical, varianceW varm2/s2Rebmann, CorinnaSonic anemometer, CSAT3, Campbell Scientific
62Sonic temperature, varianceTs varK2Rebmann, CorinnaSonic anemometer, CSAT3, Campbell Scientific
63Carbon dioxide, mole fraction, varianceCO2 varµmol2/mol2Rebmann, CorinnaOpen Path CO2/H2O Gas Analyzer (LI-7500RS, LI-COR)
64Water vapour, mole fraction, varianceH2O varmmol2/mol2Rebmann, CorinnaOpen Path CO2/H2O Gas Analyzer (LI-7500RS, LI-COR)
65Pressure, atmosphericPPPPhPaRebmann, CorinnaBarometer, Setra, 278reference air pressure mean value
66Carbon dioxide, flux, stationarity deviationCO2 flux stat dev%Rebmann, Corinna
67Quality flag, wind speedQF wind speedRebmann, Corinnaflag for wind components caused by maintenance activities or physical disturbance
68Quality flag, heat, flux, latentQF QeRebmann, Corinnaflag for implausible LE values
69Quality flag, carbon dioxide fluxQF CO2 fRebmann, Corinnaflag for implausible CO2-flux values
70Net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxideCO2 NEEµmol/m2/sRebmann, CorinnaSonic anemometer CSAT3 and CO2/H2O Gas Analyzer (LI-7500RS)despiked, storage corrected
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
1212192 data points

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