Frenz, Michael; Baumann, Karl-Heinz; Boeckel, Babette; Höppner, René; Henrich, Rüdiger (2005): Coccolith biometry in 2-63 µm fraction of sediment core GeoB6418-3 [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Frenz, M et al. (2005): Quantification of foraminifer and coccolith carbonate in South Atlantic surface sediments by means of carbonate grain-size distributions. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 75(3), 446-475,
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Published: 2005-04-23 • DOI registered: 2006-06-28
Related to:
Frenz, Michael (2003): Grain-size composition of Quaternary South Atlantic sediments and its paleoceanographic significance. Berichte aus dem Fachbereich Geowissenschaften der Universität Bremen, 213, 123 pp, urn:nbn:de:gbv:46-ep000103333
Latitude: -38.426500 * Longitude: -21.535000
Date/Time Start: 2000-02-28T08:01:00 * Date/Time End: 2000-02-28T08:01:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.01 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.01 m
GeoB6418-3 * Latitude: -38.426500 * Longitude: -21.535000 * Date/Time: 2000-02-28T08:01:00 * Elevation: -4126.0 m * Recovery: 0.43 m * Location: Central South Atlantic * Campaign: M46/4 * Basis: Meteor (1986) * Method/Device: Giant box corer (GKG) * Comment: geology and geophysics
The coccolith size (maximum diameter or length of spine) is referred to as the nominal diameter of the frequent species.
# | Name | Short Name | Unit | Principal Investigator | Method/Device | Comment |
1 | DEPTH, sediment/rock | Depth sed | m | Geocode | ||
2 | Calcidiscus leptoporus, diameter | C. leptoporus diam | µm | Frenz, Michael | Scanning electron microscope (SEM) | morphotype A and C |
3 | Calcidiscus leptoporus, diameter | C. leptoporus diam | µm | Frenz, Michael | Scanning electron microscope (SEM) | morphotype B |
4 | Rhabdosphaera clavigera, diameter | R. clavigera diam | µm | Frenz, Michael | Scanning electron microscope (SEM) | |
5 | Helicosphaera carteri, diameter | H. carteri diam | µm | Frenz, Michael | Scanning electron microscope (SEM) | |
6 | Umbilicosphaera sibogae, diameter | U. sibogae diam | µm | Frenz, Michael | Scanning electron microscope (SEM) |
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202 data points