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Schlegel, Robert; Gattuso, Jean-Pierre (2022): A Dataset for Investigating Socio-ecological Changes in Arctic Fjords [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Schlegel, Robert; Gattuso, Jean-Pierre (2024): A Dataset for Investigating Socio-ecological Changes in Arctic Fjords v2 [dataset]. PANGAEA,
The collection of in situ data is generally a costly process, with the Arctic being no exception. Indeed, there has been a perception that the Arctic lacks for in situ sampling; however, after many years of concerted effort and international collaboration, the Arctic is now rather well sampled with many cruise expeditions every year. For example, the GLODAP product has a greater density of in situ sample points within the Arctic than along the equator. While this is useful for open ocean processes, the fjords of the Arctic, which serve as crucially important intersections of terrestrial, coastal, and marine processes, are sampled in a much more ad hoc process. This is not to say they are not well sampled, but rather that the data are more difficult to source and combine for further analysis. It was therefore noted that the fjords of the Arctic are lacking in FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) data. To address this issue a single dataset has been created from publicly available, predominantly in situ data from a number of online platforms. After finding and accessing the data, they were amalgamated into a single project-wide standard, ensuring their interoperability. The dataset was then uploaded to PANGAEA so that it itself can be findable and reusable into the future. The focus of the data collection was driven by the key drivers of change in Arctic fjords identified in a companion review paper. This dataset is a work in progress and as new datasets containing the relevant key drivers are released they will be added to an updated version planned for late 2024.
biology; chemical oceanography; Cryosphere; physical oceanography; Social-science
Supplement to:
Schlegel, Robert; Bartsch, Inka; Bischof, Kai; Bjørst, Lill Rastad; Dannevig, Halvor; Diehl, Nora; Duarte, Pedro; Hovelsrud, Grete K; Juul-Pedersen, Thomas; Lebrun, Anaïs; Merillet, Laurene; Miller, Cale A; Ren, Carina; Sejr, Mikael K; Søreide, Janne E; Vonnahme, Tobias; Gattuso, Jean-Pierre (2023): Drivers of change in Arctic fjord socio-ecological systems: Examples from the European Arctic. Coastal Futures, 1, e13,
Schlegel, Robert; Gattuso, Jean-Pierre (2023): A dataset for investigating socio-ecological changes in Arctic fjords. Earth System Science Data, 15(8), 3733-3746,
This dataset is an amalgamation of roughly 1,400 other FAIR datasets. Every datum contained within this dataset is allowed to be redistributed, and every datum is referenced with the appropriate citation. The purpose of combining this many datasets was to provide a single data source within which the interested researcher could investigate a range of socio-ecological processes within Arctic fjords. The focus on the collection of the data was from in situ sources, rather than remotely sensed or model data. Though to provide necessary context across sites for seawater temperature and sea-ice cover, analysed (not raw) data from three remotely sensed products are included.
The explanations for the columns are:
* date_accessed: When the data were accessed
* URL: The web address where one may download the data
* citation: The correct citation for the use of the data
* type: Whether the data are collected 'in situ' or from one of three remotely sensed sources
* site: generally one of seven primary study sites in the European Arctic, though there are some exceptions.
Contractions stand for: kong = Kongsfjorden, is = Isfjorden, stor = Storfjorden, por = Porsangerfjorden, disko = Disko Bay, nuup = Nuup Kangerlua, young = Young Sound, sval = Svalbard, green = Greenland.
Site can be useful to check when no lon/lat coordinates are provided for the data.
* category: The broad category within which the data fall (i.e. cryosphere, physics, chemistry, biology, social)
* driver: 1 of 14 drivers. Similar to the categories, but more specific (e.g. carbonate system, fisheries, sea-ice, etc.)
* longitude [°E]: The longitude of the data point in degree decimals.
* latitude [°N]: The latitude of the data point in degree decimals.
* date/time [UTC+0]: The date of the data point in PANGAEA format. Note that all data are either, daily, monthly, or annual. So the time values are only placeholders.
* depth [m]: The depth of the data in metres (below the surface of the water). NA values are at the surface, and negative values are on land (e.g. terrestrial runoff measurements)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Binary ObjectBinarySchlegel, Robert
2Binary Object (MD5 Hash)Binary (Hash)Schlegel, Robert
3Binary Object (Media Type)Binary (Type)Schlegel, Robert
4Binary Object (File Size)Binary (Size)BytesSchlegel, Robert
5File contentContentSchlegel, Robert
Curation Level: Basic curation (CurationLevelB)
10 data points

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