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Rodriguez-Cuicas, Maria-Emilia; Montero-Serrano, Jean-Carlos; St-Onge, Guillaume; Normandeau, Alexandre (2023): Physical, grain size, mineralogical, geochemical and palaeomagnetic data of composite sedimentary sequences AMD1803-02CS and AMD2019-804-12CS collected in the Coronation Fjord (Baffin Island, Nunavut, [dataset bundled publication]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2023-05-16DOI registered: 2023-05-16

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Two composite sedimentary sequences (AMD2019-804-12CS and AMD1803-02CS) sampled in Coronation Fjord (Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada) were investigated. These sequences were collected onboard the Canadian Coast Guard Ship icebreaker Amundsen during the 2018 and 2019 ArcticNet expedition to reconstruct long-term changes in sediment transfers from the Penny Ice Cap (PIC) during the late Holocene. Grain size datasets comprising the complete data of sediment grain size analyses (<2 mm fraction) at a 1 cm resolution in core 05BC and 3 cm resolution in cores 02PC and 12PC/TWC, performed using a Beckman Coulter LS13320 laser diffraction grain size analyzer, with a detection range of 0.04–2000 µm. Physical properties of cores whole and split (including bulk density, low field volumetric magnetic susceptibility, spectral reflectance, Munsell Value) and chemical (portable X-ray fluorescence or pXRF) measurements were performed at 0.5 cm intervals for core 05BC and 1cm in cores 02PC and 12PC/TWC, using a GEOTEK Multi-Sensor Core Logger (MSCL). Quantitative X-ray diffraction mineralogy (qXRD) of the <2 mm sediment fraction was analysed with an PANanalytical X'pert Powder diffractometer at 1cm intervals for cores 05BC and 12TWC, 4cm in core 02PC and 3cm in core 12PC. The IRD count was determined by counting the >2 mm fraction on the X-CT scan images of the core in contiguous 2 cm windows.
Baffin Island; grain-size; Late Holocene; Physical properties; Sedimentology; XRD; XRF
Supplement to:
Rodriguez-Cuicas, Maria-Emilia; Montero-Serrano, Jean-Carlos; St-Onge, Guillaume; Normandeau, Alexandre (2023): A 600-year marine record associated with the dynamics of the eastern Penny Ice Cap (Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada). Journal of Quaternary Science,
Median Latitude: 67.251888 * Median Longitude: -64.314094 * South-bound Latitude: 67.219340 * West-bound Longitude: -64.718310 * North-bound Latitude: 67.284640 * East-bound Longitude: -63.909580
Date/Time Start: 2018-08-31T18:54:00 * Date/Time End: 2018-08-31T19:56:00
13 datasets

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Datasets listed in this bundled publication

  1. Rodriguez-Cuicas, M-E; Montero-Serrano, J-C; St-Onge, G et al. (2023): Ice Rafted Debris (IRD) counts of composite sedimentary sequences AMD1803-02CS and AMD2019-804-12CS of the Coronation Fjord (Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada).
  2. Rodriguez-Cuicas, M-E; Montero-Serrano, J-C; St-Onge, G et al. (2023): Geochemical analysis of composite sedimentary sequence AMD1803-02CS of the Coronation Fjord (Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada).
  3. Rodriguez-Cuicas, M-E; Montero-Serrano, J-C; St-Onge, G et al. (2023): Grain size analysis of composite sedimentary sequence AMD1803-02CS of the Coronation Fjord (Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada).
  4. Rodriguez-Cuicas, M-E; Montero-Serrano, J-C; St-Onge, G et al. (2023): Bulk mineralogy of composite sedimentary sequence AMD1803-02CS of the Coronation Fjord (Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada).
  5. Rodriguez-Cuicas, M-E; Montero-Serrano, J-C; St-Onge, G et al. (2023): Palaeomagnetic data of composite sedimentary sequence AMD1803-02CS of the Coronation Fjord (Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada).
  6. Rodriguez-Cuicas, M-E; Montero-Serrano, J-C; St-Onge, G et al. (2023): Physical properties on split core of composite sedimentary sequence AMD1803-02CS of the Coronation Fjord (Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada).
  7. Rodriguez-Cuicas, M-E; Montero-Serrano, J-C; St-Onge, G et al. (2023): Physical properties on whole core of composite sedimentary sequence AMD1803-02CS of the Coronation Fjord (Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada).
  8. Rodriguez-Cuicas, M-E; Montero-Serrano, J-C; St-Onge, G et al. (2023): Geochemical analysis of composite sedimentary sequence AMD2019-804-12CS of the Coronation Fjord (Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada).
  9. Rodriguez-Cuicas, M-E; Montero-Serrano, J-C; St-Onge, G et al. (2023): Grain size analysis of composite sedimentary sequence AMD2019-804-12CS of the Coronation Fjord (Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada).
  10. Rodriguez-Cuicas, M-E; Montero-Serrano, J-C; St-Onge, G et al. (2023): Bulk mineralogy of composite sedimentary sequence AMD2019-804-12CS of the Coronation Fjord (Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada.
  11. Rodriguez-Cuicas, M-E; Montero-Serrano, J-C; St-Onge, G et al. (2023): Palaeomagnetic data of composite sedimentary sequence AMD2019-804-12CS of the Coronation Fjord (Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada).
  12. Rodriguez-Cuicas, M-E; Montero-Serrano, J-C; St-Onge, G et al. (2023): Physical properties on split core of composite sedimentary sequence AMD2019-804-12CS of the Coronation Fjord (Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada).
  13. Rodriguez-Cuicas, M-E; Montero-Serrano, J-C; St-Onge, G et al. (2023): Physical properties on whole core of composite sedimentary sequence AMD2019-804-12CS of the Coronation Fjord (Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada).