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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Lan, Haimao; Yoshimura, Kei; Liu, Zhongfang (2023): Precipitation isotope changes over the East Asian monsoon region driven by sea surface temperature during the Last Glacial Maximum [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2023-05-08DOI registered: 2023-05-08

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LGM simulations are lively topics in paleoclimate research. Here we used IsoGSM model, an isotope-enabled atmospheric general circulation model, to simulate precipitation isotopes (18O and 2H) and its factors (temperature, precipitation, etc) during the LGM and PI periods. IsoGSM is run at a T62 resolution, with a timestep of 6 hours. Each experiment was conducted for 360 months model time and the first 120 months are considered as spin-up before model equilibrium. We also provide datasets of monthly-averaged data and seasonal data. Additionally, 4 idealized experiments are conducted for testing impact of boundary conditions on LGM climate changes. We used orbital parameters, greenhouse gases and vegetation, ice sheets, SST of LGM forcings respectively for sensitivity tests in idealized experiments.
East Asian monsoon; LGM; modeling; Paleoclimate; precipitation isotopes
Curation Level: Basic curation (CurationLevelB)
455.7 MBytes

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