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Baars, Martien A; van der Spoel, Siebrecht; Reckermann, Marcus (2003): Size fractioned abundances and carbon biomasses of heterotrophic protists at station NIOP-B2_806-1 [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2003-04-03DOI registered: 2005-02-28

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Related to:
Baars, Martien A; van der Spoel, Siebrecht (1995): The Netherlands Indian Ocean Programme 1990-1995, Project B, Monsoons and pelagic systems.
Latitude: 3.351700 * Longitude: 53.081700
Date/Time Start: 1992-01-14T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1992-01-14T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, water: 11 m * Maximum DEPTH, water: 99 m
NIOP-B2_806-1 * Latitude: 3.351700 * Longitude: 53.081700 * Date/Time: 1992-01-14T00:00:00 * Location: Indian Ocean * Campaign: NIOP-B2 * Basis: Tyro * Method/Device: CTD/Rosette (CTD-RO)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, waterDepth watermGeocode
2Nanoflagellates, heterotrophicHNF#/mlReckermann, Marcus20 - 10 µm size fraction
3Nanoflagellates, heterotrophicHNF#/mlReckermann, Marcus10 - 5 µm size fraction
4Nanoflagellates, heterotrophicHNF#/mlReckermann, Marcus5 - 3 µm size fraction
5Nanoflagellates, heterotrophicHNF#/mlReckermann, Marcus3 - 1 µm size fraction
6Nanoflagellates, heterotrophicHNF#/mlReckermann, MarcusTotal <20 µm size fraction
7Nanoflagellates, heterotrophic, biomass as carbonHNF Cµg/lReckermann, Marcus20 - 10 µm size fraction
8Nanoflagellates, heterotrophic, biomass as carbonHNF Cµg/lReckermann, Marcus10 - 5 µm size fraction
9Nanoflagellates, heterotrophic, biomass as carbonHNF Cµg/lReckermann, Marcus5 - 3 µm size fraction
10Nanoflagellates, heterotrophic, biomass as carbonHNF Cµg/lReckermann, Marcus3 - 1 µm size fraction
11Nanoflagellates, heterotrophic, biomass as carbonHNF Cµg/lReckermann, MarcusTotal <20 µm size fraction
12Dinoflagellates, heterotrophicHDINO#/mlReckermann, Marcus35 - 20 µm size fraction
13Dinoflagellates, heterotrophicHDINO#/mlReckermann, Marcus20 - 10 µm size fraction
14Dinoflagellates, heterotrophicHDINO#/mlReckermann, Marcus10 - 5 µm size fraction
15Dinoflagellates, heterotrophicHDINO#/mlReckermann, MarcusTotal <35 µm size fraction
16Dinoflagellates, heterotrophic, biomass as carbonHDINO Cµg/lReckermann, Marcus35 - 20 µm size fraction
17Dinoflagellates, heterotrophic, biomass as carbonHDINO Cµg/lReckermann, Marcus20 - 10 µm size fraction
18Dinoflagellates, heterotrophic, biomass as carbonHDINO Cµg/lReckermann, Marcus10 - 5 µm size fraction
19Dinoflagellates, heterotrophic, biomass as carbonHDINO Cµg/lReckermann, MarcusTotal <35 µm size fraction
20CiliatesCiliates#/lReckermann, Marcus
21Ciliates, biomass as carbonCiliates Cµg/lReckermann, Marcus
22Bottle numberBottle
59 data points

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