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Frieling, Joost; Bohaty, Steven M; Cramwinckel, Margot J; Gallagher, Stephen John; Holdgate, Guy R; Reichgelt, Tammo; Peterse, Francien; Pross, Jörg; Sluijs, Appy; Bijl, Peter K (2022): Dinoflagellate cysts ecogroups of outcrop section Point Margaret [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In: Frieling, J et al. (2022): Temperature proxy data for the late Paleocene and Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum from the Australo-Antarctic Gulf [dataset bundled publication]. PANGAEA,

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dinocyst; MBT; NLR; Paleocene; Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum; TEX86
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Frieling, Joost; Bohaty, Steven M; Cramwinckel, Margot J; Gallagher, Stephen John; Holdgate, Guy R; Reichgelt, Tammo; Peterse, Francien; Pross, Jörg; Sluijs, Appy; Bijl, Peter K (2023): Revisiting the Geographical Extent of Exceptional Warmth in the Early Paleogene Southern Ocean. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 38(3), e2022PA004529,
Frieling, Joost; Huurdeman, Emiel P; Rem, Charlotte C M; Donders, Timme H; Pross, Jörg; Bohaty, Steven M; Holdgate, Guy R; Gallagher, Stephen John; McGowran, Brian; Bijl, Peter K (2018): Identification of the Paleocene?Eocene boundary in coastal strata in the Otway Basin, Victoria, Australia. Journal of Micropalaeontology, 37(1), 317-339,
Huurdeman, Emiel P; Frieling, Joost; Reichgelt, Tammo; Bijl, Peter K; Bohaty, Steven M; Holdgate, Guy R; Gallagher, Stephen John; Peterse, Francien; Greenwood, David R; Pross, Jörg (2021): Rapid expansion of meso-megathermal rain forests into the southern high latitudes at the onset of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum. Geology, 49(1), 40-44,
Latitude: -38.724670 * Longitude: 143.176390
Point_Margaret * Latitude: -38.724670 * Longitude: 143.176390 * Method/Device: Outcrop sample (OUTCROP)
Note some genera are placed in multiple ecogroups.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Dinoflagellate cystDinofl cystFrieling, JoostHigh temperature affinity
2Dinoflagellate cystDinofl cystFrieling, JoostOpen marine
3Dinoflagellate cystDinofl cystFrieling, JoostInner neritic
4Dinoflagellate cystDinofl cystFrieling, JoostCoastal
5Dinoflagellate cystDinofl cystFrieling, JoostLow-salinity tolerant
6Dinoflagellate cystDinofl cystFrieling, JoostProtoperidinioids
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
31 data points

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