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Braza, Mary; McQuarrie, Nadine; Robinson, Delores M; Webb, Laura E (2022): 40Ar/39Ar ages from muscovite collected in the far western Nepal Himalaya: Raw data [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In: Braza, M et al. (2022): 40Ar/39Ar ages from muscovite collected in the far western Nepal Himalaya [dataset bundled publication]. PANGAEA,

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This dataset contains the cooling age results of 3 individual 40Ar/39Ar analyses using muscovite extracted from bedrock samples collected from medium-high grade metamorphic rocks along the Api transect in far western Nepal. Bedrock samples were collected for thermochronologic cooling ages to better constrain the exhumation history of the Nepal Himalaya. 40Ar/39Ar analyses were performed at the University of Vermont Noble Gas Geochronology Laboratory. The summary results include the weighted mean age and 2σ error calculated from the 40Ar/39Ar age spectra. Where a mean age and error could not be calculated, the minimum and maximum age of individual steps in the 40Ar/39Ar age spectra were used to delimit the time window the samples were exhumed through the closure temperature.
cooling age; Himalaya; muscovite; Nepal; thermochronology
Related to:
Braza, Mary; McQuarrie, Nadine; Robinson, Delores M; Webb, Laura E (2023): Temperature, Deformation, and Mass Transfer in a Hot Orogen: Insights From Thermokinematic Forward Models for Far Western Nepal. Tectonics, 42(9), e2023TC007912,
Median Latitude: 29.861017 * Median Longitude: 80.905717 * South-bound Latitude: 29.813970 * West-bound Longitude: 80.857310 * North-bound Latitude: 29.902140 * East-bound Longitude: 80.948280
Date/Time Start: 2017-05-09T07:59:37 * Date/Time End: 2017-05-10T08:46:25
Minimum Elevation: 2025.0 m * Maximum Elevation: 3132.0 m
FWN17-155 * Latitude: 29.902140 * Longitude: 80.948280 * Date/Time: 2017-05-09T07:59:37 * Elevation: 3132.0 m * Location: Nepal * Method/Device: Rock sample (ROCK) * Comment: Map unit: Greater Himalaya, lithology: augen gneiss
FWN17-158 * Latitude: 29.866940 * Longitude: 80.911560 * Date/Time: 2017-05-10T03:45:54 * Elevation: 2404.0 m * Location: Nepal * Method/Device: Rock sample (ROCK) * Comment: Map unit: Ranimata Fm., lithology: biotite schist
FWN17-163 * Latitude: 29.813970 * Longitude: 80.857310 * Date/Time: 2017-05-10T08:46:25 * Elevation: 2025.0 m * Location: Nepal * Method/Device: Rock sample (ROCK) * Comment: Map unit: Ranimata Fm., lithology: quartzite
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEventBraza, MarySample #
2PhasePhaseBraza, Mary
3J-valueJ-valueBraza, Mary
4J-value, uncertaintyJ-value unc±Braza, Mary
5Grains, counted/analyzedGrains#Braza, Mary
6CommentCommentBraza, Marywatts
7Time in minutesTimeminBraza, Mary
8Argon-38/Argon-3938Ar/39ArBraza, Mary
9Argon-38/Argon-39, error38Ar/39Ar e±Braza, Mary
10Argon-37/Argon-3937Ar/39ArBraza, Mary
11Argon-37/Argon-39, error37Ar/39Ar e±Braza, Mary
12Argon-36/Argon-3936Ar/39ArBraza, Mary
13Argon-36/Argon-39, error36Ar/39Ar e±Braza, Mary
14Argon-3939ArcpsBraza, Mary
15Argon-39, error39Ar e±Braza, Mary
16Argon-3939Ar%Braza, Marycumul
17Argon-40, radiogenic40Ar*%Braza, Mary
18Argon-40, radiogenic/Argon-3940Ar*/39ArBraza, Mary
19AgeAgeMaBraza, MaryAge, 40Ar/39Ar Argon-Argon
20Age, errorAge e±Braza, MaryAge, 40Ar/39Ar Argon-Argon
21Age, error, relativeAge e rel%Braza, MaryAge, 40Ar/39Ar Argon-Argon
22Argon-39/Argon-4039Ar/40ArBraza, Mary
23Argon-36/Argon-40, error36Ar/40Ar e±Braza, Mary
24Argon-36/Argon-4036Ar/40ArBraza, Mary
25Argon-36/Argon-40, error36Ar/40Ar e±Braza, Mary
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
960 data points

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