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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Weiser, Hannah; Winiwarter, Lukas; Zahs, Vivien; Weiser, Peter; Anders, Katharina; Höfle, Bernhard (2022): UAV-Photogrammetry, UAV laser scanning and terrestrial laser scanning point clouds of the inland dune in Sandhausen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2022-09-29DOI registered: 2022-10-20

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This dataset contains unoccupied aerial vehicle (UAV)-based photogrammetric point clouds, orthophotos, UAV-borne laser scanning point clouds, and terrestrial laser scanning point clouds of three nature reserves of the Sandhausen inland dunes in Baden-Württemberg, Germany: Pflege Schönau, Pferdstrieb Süd, and Zugmantel-Bandholz. The three surveyed areas each have a size of about 10 ha. UAV-based photogrammetric data of the three sites were collected in February, September, and October 2021 with a ground sampling distance of 2.0 to 2.5 cm/px. UAV-borne laser scanning data were collected in August and September 2021 and resulting point clouds have pulse densities between 123 and 227 pts/m². Additionally, the site Zugmantel-Bandholz was surveyed with a terrestrial laser scanner in May 2022 using eight scan positions. GNSS measurements were recorded in-flight and/or taken on the ground and were tied into the SAPOS reference network (RTK/PPK) to georeference the data. This dataset captures the current state of the inland dune in 2021 and 2022, in particular the topography and vegetation cover in different seasons of the year.
inland dunes; Laser scanning; Lidar; orthomosaic; Photogrammetry; point clouds; UAV
Further details:
Weiser, Hannah; Winiwarter, Lukas; Zahs, Vivien; Weiser, Peter; Anders, Katharina; Höfle, Bernhard (2022): UAV-Photogrammetry, UAV laser scanning and terrestrial laser scanning point clouds of the inland dune in Sandhausen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany - Metadata Documentation - 2022-07-06. Documentation.pdf
Median Latitude: 49.334992 * Median Longitude: 8.651326 * South-bound Latitude: 49.322067 * West-bound Longitude: 8.638611 * North-bound Latitude: 49.350976 * East-bound Longitude: 8.658787
Pferdstrieb_Sued (Pferdstrieb Süd) * Latitude: 49.331934 * Longitude: 8.658787 * Location: Germany, Baden-Wuerttemberg * Method/Device: Multiple investigations (MULT)
Pflege_Schoenau (Pflege Schönau) * Latitude: 49.350976 * Longitude: 8.638611 * Location: Germany, Baden-Wuerttemberg * Method/Device: Multiple investigations (MULT)
Zugmantel-Bandholz * Latitude: 49.322067 * Longitude: 8.656581 * Location: Germany, Baden-Wuerttemberg * Method/Device: Multiple investigations (MULT)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1File contentContentWeiser, Hannah
2Binary ObjectBinaryWeiser, Hannah
3Binary Object (File Size)Binary (Size)BytesWeiser, Hannah
Curation Level: Basic curation (CurationLevelB)
14 data points

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