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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Fischer, Jonas; Talal, Ghanem; Schnee, Laura Sophie; Otomo, Patricks; Filser, Juliane (2022): Biomarker test on the springtail Folsomia candida exposed via artificial test soils in a laboratory experiment [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In: Fischer, J et al. (2022): Physiological, molecular and behavioural effects of copper oxide nanoparticles and copper chloride on the springtail Folsomia candida exposed via artificial test soils in a laboratory experiment [dataset bundled publication]. PANGAEA,

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In a laboratory experiment, the soil invertebrate Folsomia candida (Collembola) was exposed to CuCl2 or copper oxide nanoparticles (CuO-NP) for 6 days. The animals were exposed via artificial test soil which varied in the size (19 or 30% of total mass) or the clay type of their clay fraction (kaolin or montmorillonite). The test substances were dissolved (CuCl2) or dispersed (CuO-NP) in pure miliQ water and stirred into the dry test soils to end up with test concentrations of 1, 3, 10 and 32 mg Cu/kg and a water content of 50% of the maximum water holding capacity of the respective soils. As a control, soil with miliQ water only was tested. At the beginning of the experiment, around 220 animals at the age of 10-12 days were inserted into the test vessels containing the spiked test soil. After 6 days, all animals were extracted by floatation of the test soils with tap water. 50 and 150 animals were collected for catalase and metallothionein analysis, respectively. The endpoints survival, reproduction and dry mass per individual were referred to the average values of the negative control. All endpoints were statistically compared to the control by a linear model.
Artificial test soils; Catalase; copper; Copper oxide nanoparticles; Dry weight; Folsomia candida; Kaolin; Laboratory experiment; Metallothionein; Montmorillonite; Moulting; Reproduction; Survival
Laboratory-experiments * Method/Device: Experiment (EXP)
Funded by :
Hans‐Böckler‐Stiftung within the framework of the graduate school NanoCompetence (PK041). Open Access funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1ExperimentExpFischer, JonasTest name
2Soil nameSoil nameFischer, JonasLaboratory experimentTest soil
3TreatmentTreatFischer, JonasLaboratory experimentTreatment: test substance (NP, S) and the soil concentration of the respective Cu compound (1, 3, 10 or 32 mg Cu/kg), eg 3 mg Cu/kg with CuO-NP = NP-3; control (C).
4Copper, per soil dry massCu soil dmmg/kgFischer, JonasLaboratory experiment
5Test substanceTest subsFischer, JonasLaboratory experimentTest substances: CuCl2 (S) and CuO-NP (NP), control (C) only contains miliQ water
6ReplicatesRepl#Fischer, JonasLaboratory experiment
7Metallothionein, per protein massMT/protnmol/mgFischer, JonasLaboratory experiment
8Catalase activity, per protein massCAT/protµmol/min/mgFischer, JonasLaboratory experiment
9Metallothionein productionMT%Fischer, JonasLaboratory experiment% of control
10Catalase productionCAT%Fischer, JonasLaboratory experiment% of control
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
540 data points

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