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Armonies, Werner; Buschbaum, Christian; Mielck, Finn (2022): Zoobenthos and sediments time series at List Reede, Sylt, Germany, in 2019 [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In: Armonies, W et al. (2022): Zoobenthos and sediments time series at List Reede, Sylt, Germany, 2003 to 2019 [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,

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A shallow subtidal area in the northern Wadden Sea was monitored for sediment parameters and macrobenthic fauna using stratified random sampling of a grid of 33 sampling positions. Samples were collected with a Reineck-type box-corer of 0.02 m² surface area. Granulometric sediment composition was analysed from a sub-sample of each box-core using a diffraction laser particle-size analyser. Macrobenthos (sieved through 1 mm square meshes and fixed in buffered formalin solution) was counted, identified to species level, and the size of hard-shelled individuals measured. The amount of shell detritus was quantified as wet-weight in the benthos samples. This dataset contains the results from the sampling events in 2019.
Macrobenthos; sediment analysis; Time-Series Data; Wadden Sea
Median Latitude: 55.034952 * Median Longitude: 8.452545 * South-bound Latitude: 55.023300 * West-bound Longitude: 8.447500 * North-bound Latitude: 55.041700 * East-bound Longitude: 8.460800
Date/Time Start: 2019-10-24T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2019-10-24T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, water: 1.90 m * Maximum DEPTH, water: 7.70 m
List_Reede (Lister_Ley, List_Station_1) * Latitude: 55.030000 * Longitude: 8.460000 * Location: German Bight Wadden Sea * Campaign: LTER_SyltRoads (Sylt Rømø Bight, Long-term Ecological Research Sylt Roads) * Basis: Wadden Sea Station Sylt * Method/Device: Multiple investigations (MULT)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Sample code/labelSample labelArmonies, Werner
2LocationLocationArmonies, Werner
3DATE/TIMEDate/TimeArmonies, WernerGeocode
4LATITUDELatitudeArmonies, WernerGeocode
5LONGITUDELongitudeArmonies, WernerGeocode
6DEPTH, waterDepth watermArmonies, WernerGeocode
7Surface areaSurfacem2Armonies, Wernerof core
8Percentile 10Perc10µmMielck, Finnof sediment diameter
9Percentile 50Perc50µmMielck, Finnof sediment diameter (median)
10Percentile 90Perc90µmMielck, Finnof sediment diameter
11Shell, wet massShell wmgArmonies, Werner1-4mm
12Shell, wet massShell wmgArmonies, Werner>4mm
13Aonides paucibranchiataA. paucibranchiata#Armonies, WernerCounting
14Aphelochaeta marioniA. marioni#Armonies, WernerCounting
15Aricidea minutaA. minuta#Armonies, WernerCounting
16Bylgides sarsiB. sarsi#Armonies, WernerCounting
17Capitella capitataC. capitata#Armonies, WernerCounting
18Capitella minimaC. minima#Armonies, WernerCounting
19Eteone longaE. longa#Armonies, WernerCounting
20Eumida sanguineaE. sanguinea#Armonies, WernerCounting
21Gattyana cirrhosaG. cirrhosa#Armonies, WernerCounting
22Harmothoe glabraH. glabra#Armonies, WernerCounting
23Heteromastus filiformisH. filiformis#Armonies, WernerCounting
24Lagis koreniL. koreni#Armonies, WernerCounting
25Lanice conchilegaL. conchilega#Armonies, WernerCounting
26Lepidonotus squamatusL. squamatus#Armonies, WernerCounting
27Magelona johnstoniM. johnstoni#Armonies, WernerCounting
28Malacoceros tetracerusM. tetracerus#Armonies, WernerCounting
29Myrianida brachycephalaM. brachycephala#Armonies, WernerCounting
30NephtysNephtys#Armonies, WernerCountingjuveniles
31Nephtys caecaN. caeca#Armonies, WernerCounting
32Nephtys hombergiiN. hombergii#Armonies, WernerCounting
33NereidinaeNereidinae#Armonies, WernerCounting
34Owenia fusiformisO. fusiformis#Armonies, WernerCounting
35Pholoe inornataP. inornata#Armonies, WernerCounting
36Phyllodoce mucosaP. mucosa#Armonies, WernerCounting
37Polydora ciliataP. ciliata#Armonies, WernerCounting
38Polydora cornutaP. cornuta#Armonies, WernerCounting
39Pygospio elegansP. elegans#Armonies, WernerCounting
40Scoloplos cf. armigerS. cf. armiger#Armonies, WernerCounting
41Spio spp.Spio spp.#Armonies, WernerCounting
42Spiophanes bombyxS. bombyx#Armonies, WernerCounting
43Sthenelais boaS. boa#Armonies, WernerCounting
44Streptosyllis websteriS. websteri#Armonies, WernerCounting
45Ampelisca brevicornisA. brevicornis#Armonies, WernerCounting
46Bodotria scorpioidesB. scorpioides#Armonies, WernerCounting
47Carcinus maenasC. maenas#Armonies, WernerCounting
48Cheirocratus sundevalliiC. sundevallii#Armonies, WernerCounting
49Diastylis bradyiD. bradyi#Armonies, WernerCounting
50Gammaropsis nitidaG. nitida#Armonies, WernerCounting
51Lamprops fasciatusL. fasciatus#Armonies, WernerCounting
52Microprotopus maculatusM. maculatus#Armonies, WernerCounting
53Monocorophium acherusicumM. acherusicum#Armonies, WernerCounting
54Pariambus typicusP. typicus#Armonies, WernerCounting
55Abra nitidaA. nitida#Armonies, WernerCounting
56Aeolidia papillosaA. papillosa#Armonies, WernerCounting
57Asbjornsenia pygmaeaA. pygmaea#Armonies, WernerCounting
58Cerastoderma eduleC. edule#Armonies, WernerCounting
59Crepidula fornicataC. fornicata#Armonies, WernerCounting
60Ensis leeiE. leei#Armonies, WernerCounting
61Eubranchus exiguusE. exiguus#Armonies, WernerCounting
62Fabulina fabulaF. fabula#Armonies, WernerCounting
63Gari fervensisG. fervensis#Armonies, WernerCounting
64Kurtiella bidentataK. bidentata#Armonies, WernerCounting
65Lepidochitona cinereaL. cinerea#Armonies, WernerCounting
66Limecola balthicaL. balthica#Armonies, WernerCounting
67Macomangulus tenuisM. tenuis#Armonies, WernerCounting
68Petricolaria pholadiformisP. pholadiformis#Armonies, WernerCounting
69Retusa obtusaR. obtusa#Armonies, WernerCounting
70Tergipes tergipesT. tergipes#Armonies, WernerCounting
71Venerupis corrugataV. corrugata#Armonies, WernerCounting
72Anoplodactylus pygmaeusA. pygmaeus#Armonies, WernerCounting
73AnthozoaAnthozoa#Armonies, WernerCounting
74Asterias rubensA. rubens#Armonies, WernerCounting
75HydrozoaHydrozoaArmonies, WernerCountingpresence (1), absence (0)
76NemerteaNemertea#Armonies, WernerCounting
77OligochaetaOligochaeta#Armonies, WernerCounting
78Psammechinus miliarisP. miliaris#Armonies, WernerCounting
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
2442 data points

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