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Krastel, Sebastian; Schlundt, Michael (2022): Continuous thermosalinograph oceanography along RV MARIA S. MERIAN cruise track MSM102 [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Underway temperature and salinity data was collected along the cruise track with two autonomous measurement systems. Usually, the systems are changed after 6 hours. While temperature is taken at the water inlet in about 6.5 m depth, salinity is estimated within the interior measurement container from conductivity and interior temperature. Salinity was calibrated independently for both measurement containers (MCs). No correction was done for temperature. For details to all processing steps see Data Processing Report.
Related to:
Krastel, Sebastian; Bahr, Felix; Barrett, Rachel; Baumann, Lenya; Felgendreher, Meret; Groß, Kathrin; Hägele, Ramona; Hinz, Anina-Kaja; Jähmlich, Heiko; Lenz, Kai-Frederik; Liebsch, Jonas; Mosher, David C; von Rönn, Gitta Ann; Schmitz, Alexander; Thamm, Viktoria; Wallmeier, Carolin (2021): Giant turbidite systems of the deep sea: mechanisms of sediment (and nutrient) transport and delivery to the deep sea, as exemplified in the morphology, stratigraphy and sedimentary record of the Northwest Atlantic Mid-Ocean Channel, Labrador Sea, Cruise No. MSM102, 23.07.21 - 09.09.21, Emden (Germany) - St. Johns (Canada) - Emden (Germany). MARIA S. MERIAN-Berichte, Gutachterpanel Forschungsschiffe, MSM102, 47 pp,
Data processing report:
Schlundt, Michael (2022): Continuous thermosalinograph oceanography along RV Maria S. Merian cruise track MSM102 - Data Processing Report. GEOMAR - Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, DAM_DataProcessingReport_MSM102.pdf
Standard operating procedure:
Schlundt, Michael; Glemser, Barbara (2023): SOP of thermosalinograph (TSG) aboard of RV Maria S Merian. Zenodo,
Median Latitude: 55.919304 * Median Longitude: -47.633468 * South-bound Latitude: 48.885164 * West-bound Longitude: -58.146313 * North-bound Latitude: 60.916580 * East-bound Longitude: -15.603492
Date/Time Start: 2021-07-26T12:04:00 * Date/Time End: 2021-09-04T20:31:00
Minimum DEPTH, water: 6.5 m * Maximum DEPTH, water: 6.5 m
MSM102_0_Underway-4 * Latitude Start: 50.731196 * Longitude Start: -15.605467 * Latitude End: 54.667948 * Longitude End: 4.296226 * Date/Time Start: 2021-07-26T12:05:00 * Date/Time End: 2021-09-08T14:00:25 * Elevation Start: -4128.1 m * Elevation End: -50.1 m * Campaign: MSM102 (NAMOC) * Basis: Maria S. Merian * Method/Device: Thermosalinograph (TSG)
Salinity Offset MC1 = 0.000542
Salinity Offset MC2 = -0.003731
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DATE/TIMEDate/TimeSchlundt, MichaelGeocode
2LATITUDELatitudeSchlundt, MichaelGeocode
3LONGITUDELongitudeSchlundt, MichaelGeocode
4DEPTH, waterDepth watermSchlundt, MichaelGeocode
5Temperature, waterTemp°CSchlundt, MichaelDigital oceanographic thermometer, Sea-Bird, SBE 38
6Quality flag, water temperatureQF water tempSchlundt, MichaelSeadatanet flag: Data quality control procedures according to SeaDataNet (2010)Temperature QC flag meanings: 0:no QC, 1:good, 2:probably good, 3:probably bad, 4:bad, 5-7:not used, 8:interpolated, 9:missing
7ConductivityCondmS/cmSchlundt, MichaelThermosalinograph, Sea-Bird, SBE 45
8Temperature, water, internalT intern°CSchlundt, MichaelThermosalinograph, Sea-Bird, SBE 45
9SalinitySalSchlundt, MichaelCalculated from temperature and conductivity
10Quality flag, salinityQF salSchlundt, MichaelSeadatanet flag: Data quality control procedures according to SeaDataNet (2010)Salinity QC flag meanings: 0:no QC; 1:good; 2:probably good; 3:probably bad; 4:bad; 5-7:not used; 8:interpolated; 9:missing
11Measurement containerMCSchlundt, Michael
Change history:
2022-09-14T07:36:55 – The values of quality flags have been changed due to a different interpretation of the label “good”.
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC) * Processing Level: PANGAEA data processing level 2 (ProcLevel2)
371498 data points

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