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Frieß, Udo (2022): Vertical profiles of BrO and aerosols from MAX-DOAS measurements at Neumayer Station [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,

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The data set contains vertical profiles of the bromine monoxide (BrO) mixing ratio and aerosol extinction in the lower troposphere derived from long-term Multi-Axis Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (MAX-DOAS) measurement at Neumayer Station, Antarctica.
Reactive halogen compounds, including bromine, have an important impact on the oxidative capacity of the atmosphere. Aerosols, and in particular blowing snow, potentially provide saline surfaces for the release of reactive bromine.
Vertical profiles of BrO and aerosols are retrieved from slant column densities of BrO and the oxygen collision complex O4 using the optimal-estimation based HEIPRO algorithm as described in Frieß et al. [2011] (DOI:10.1029/2011JD015938). The data set consists of hourly data from January 2003 to present on a vertical grid with layers centered at 25, 94, 187, 316, 492, 733, 1064, 1517, 2137 and 2987 m.
Note that a quantitative comparison of this data set with other vertically resolved observations requires the consideration of the MAX-DOAS averaging kernels which are available by the author upon request.
Antarctica; bromine; Halogens; MAX-DOAS; Neumayer; Neumayer Station
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Frieß, Udo; Hollwedel, J; König-Langlo, Gert; Wagner, Thomas; Platt, Ulrich (2004): Dynamics and chemistry of tropospheric bromine explosion events in the Antarctic coastal region. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 109(D6),
Frieß, Udo; Kreher, K; Johnston, P V; Platt, Ulrich (2005): Ground-Based DOAS Measurements of Stratospheric Trace Gases at Two Antarctic Stations during the 2002 Ozone Hole Period. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 62(3), 765-777,
Frieß, Udo; Monks, P S; Remedios, J J; Rozanov, Alexei; Sinreich, R; Wagner, Thomas; Platt, U (2006): MAX-DOAS O4 measurements: A new technique to derive information on atmospheric aerosols: 2. Modeling studies. Journal of Geophysical Research, 111(D14),
Frieß, Udo; Sihler, H; Sander, Rolf; Pöhler, Denis; Yilmaz, S; Platt, Ulrich (2011): The vertical distribution of BrO and aerosols in the Arctic: Measurements by active and passive differential optical absorption spectroscopy. Journal of Geophysical Research, 116,
Latitude: -70.650000 * Longitude: -8.250000
Date/Time Start: 2003-01-14T16:30:00 * Date/Time End: 2021-12-31T23:30:00
Neumayer_SPUSO * Latitude: -70.650000 * Longitude: -8.250000 * Date/Time: 1983-01-01T00:00:00 * Elevation: 42.0 m * Location: Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica * Campaign: Neumayer_based * Basis: NEUMAYER III * Method/Device: Air chemistry observatory (SPUSO)
19 datasets

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Datasets listed in this publication series

  1. Frieß, U (2022): Vertical profiles of BrO and aerosols from MAX-DOAS measurements at Neumayer Station (2003).
  2. Frieß, U (2022): Vertical profiles of BrO and aerosols from MAX-DOAS measurements at Neumayer Station (2004).
  3. Frieß, U (2022): Vertical profiles of BrO and aerosols from MAX-DOAS measurements at Neumayer Station (2005).
  4. Frieß, U (2022): Vertical profiles of BrO and aerosols from MAX-DOAS measurements at Neumayer Station (2006).
  5. Frieß, U (2022): Vertical profiles of BrO and aerosols from MAX-DOAS measurements at Neumayer Station (2007).
  6. Frieß, U (2022): Vertical profiles of BrO and aerosols from MAX-DOAS measurements at Neumayer Station (2008).
  7. Frieß, U (2022): Vertical profiles of BrO and aerosols from MAX-DOAS measurements at Neumayer Station (2009).
  8. Frieß, U (2022): Vertical profiles of BrO and aerosols from MAX-DOAS measurements at Neumayer Station (2010).
  9. Frieß, U (2022): Vertical profiles of BrO and aerosols from MAX-DOAS measurements at Neumayer Station (2011).
  10. Frieß, U (2022): Vertical profiles of BrO and aerosols from MAX-DOAS measurements at Neumayer Station (2012).
  11. Frieß, U (2022): Vertical profiles of BrO and aerosols from MAX-DOAS measurements at Neumayer Station (2013).
  12. Frieß, U (2022): Vertical profiles of BrO and aerosols from MAX-DOAS measurements at Neumayer Station (2014).
  13. Frieß, U (2022): Vertical profiles of BrO and aerosols from MAX-DOAS measurements at Neumayer Station (2015).
  14. Frieß, U (2022): Vertical profiles of BrO and aerosols from MAX-DOAS measurements at Neumayer Station (2016).
  15. Frieß, U (2022): Vertical profiles of BrO and aerosols from MAX-DOAS measurements at Neumayer Station (2017).
  16. Frieß, U (2022): Vertical profiles of BrO and aerosols from MAX-DOAS measurements at Neumayer Station (2018).
  17. Frieß, U (2022): Vertical profiles of BrO and aerosols from MAX-DOAS measurements at Neumayer Station (2019).
  18. Frieß, U (2022): Vertical profiles of BrO and aerosols from MAX-DOAS measurements at Neumayer Station (2020).
  19. Frieß, U (2022): Vertical profiles of BrO and aerosols from MAX-DOAS measurements at Neumayer Station (2021).