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Lee, An-Sheng; Enters, Dirk; Zolitschka, Bernd (2022): Excluded XRF down-core scanning profiles of sediments from the East Frisian Wadden Sea, Germany [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In: Lee, A-S et al. (2022): XRF down-core scanning profiles and sediment facies of sediments from the East Frisian Wadden Sea, Germany [dataset bundled publication]. PANGAEA,

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digital image; Holocene-Pleistocene; sediment; sediment facies; µ-XRF scanning
Niedersächsisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kultur, grant/award no. ZN3197: Wadden Sea Archive project
Median Latitude: 53.700631 * Median Longitude: 7.181608 * South-bound Latitude: 53.640092 * West-bound Longitude: 7.063405 * North-bound Latitude: 53.773283 * East-bound Longitude: 7.332769
Date/Time Start: 2016-07-13T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2018-10-04T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.00200 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 1.70900 m
N10 * Latitude: 53.745605 * Longitude: 7.323773 * Date/Time: 2018-04-17T00:00:00 * Location: East Frisian Wadden Sea, Germany * Method/Device: Sediment corer (SEDCO)
N11 * Latitude: 53.718663 * Longitude: 7.074159 * Date/Time: 2017-09-26T00:00:00 * Location: East Frisian Wadden Sea, Germany * Method/Device: Sediment corer (SEDCO)
N12_l * Latitude: 53.715310 * Longitude: 7.129210 * Date/Time: 2016-11-23T00:00:00 * Location: East Frisian Wadden Sea, Germany * Method/Device: Sediment corer (SEDCO)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEventLee, An-Sheng
2Date/Time of eventDate/TimeLee, An-Sheng
3Latitude of eventLatitudeLee, An-Sheng
4Longitude of eventLongitudeLee, An-Sheng
5Depth, compositeDepth compmcdLee, An-Sheng
6Sample IDSample IDLee, An-ShengComposite ID
7SectionSectLee, An-Sheng
8DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmLee, An-ShengGeocode – Original depth
9Section positionSectmmLee, An-Sheng
10Sample commentSample commentLee, An-ShengReason of being excluded during data cleaning.
11Depth, top/minDepth topmLee, An-ShengSample surface
12AluminiumAlcpsLee, An-ShengX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scanner
13ArgonArcpsLee, An-ShengX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scanner
14ArsenicAscpsLee, An-ShengX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scanner
15BariumBacpsLee, An-ShengX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scanner
16BismuthBicpsLee, An-ShengX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scanner
17BromineBrcpsLee, An-ShengX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scanner
18CalciumCacpsLee, An-ShengX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scanner
19CalciumCacpsLee, An-ShengX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scannerCa_ka_Cr_ka
20CalciumCacpsLee, An-ShengX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scannerCa_ka_Cr_ka
21CalciumCacpsLee, An-ShengX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scannerCa_ka+_Ca__ka
22CalciumCacpsLee, An-ShengX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scannerCa_ka+Ca_kb
23ChlorineClcpsLee, An-ShengX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scanner
24ChromiumCrcpsLee, An-ShengX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scannercoherent
25ChromiumCrcpsLee, An-ShengX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scannercoherent
26ChromiumCrcpsLee, An-ShengX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scannerincoherent
27CaesiumCscpsLee, An-ShengX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scanner
28CopperCucpsLee, An-ShengX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scanner
29Output countsCountsarbitrary unitsLee, An-ShengX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scannerDead time, the time perid that the detector is too busy to record counts
30Output countsCountsarbitrary unitsLee, An-ShengX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scannerDead time, the time perid that the detector is too busy to record counts
31Output countsCountsarbitrary unitsLee, An-ShengX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scannerE-gain [cps]
32Output countsCountsarbitrary unitsLee, An-ShengX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scannerE-offset [cps]
33Output countsCountsarbitrary unitsLee, An-ShengX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scannerF-offset [cps]
34IronFecpsLee, An-ShengX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scanner
35GalliumGacpsLee, An-ShengX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scanner
36GermaniumGecpsLee, An-ShengX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scanner
37HolmiumHocpsLee, An-ShengX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scanner
38PotassiumKcpsLee, An-ShengX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scanner
39LanthanumLacpsLee, An-ShengX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scanner
40DissectorDissectorLee, An-ShengX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scannerMean squared error of spectral fitting
41MagnesiumMgcpsLee, An-ShengX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scanner
42ManganeseMncpsLee, An-ShengX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scanner
43NickelNicpsLee, An-ShengX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scanner
44PhosphorusPcpsLee, An-ShengX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scanner
45LeadPbcpsLee, An-ShengX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scanner
46PalladiumPdcpsLee, An-ShengX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scanner
47RubidiumRbcpsLee, An-ShengX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scanner
48SulfurScpsLee, An-ShengX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scanner
49SulfurScpsLee, An-ShengX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scannerS1
50SulfurScpsLee, An-ShengX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scannerS2
51AntimonySbcpsLee, An-ShengX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scanner
52ScandiumSccpsLee, An-ShengX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scanner
53SeleniumSecpsLee, An-ShengX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scanner
54SiliconSicpsLee, An-ShengX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scanner
55TinSncpsLee, An-ShengX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scanner
56StrontiumSrcpsLee, An-ShengX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scanner
57ThoriumThcpsLee, An-ShengX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scanner
58TitaniumTicpsLee, An-ShengX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scanner
59ThuliumTmcpsLee, An-ShengX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scanner
60VanadiumVcpsLee, An-ShengX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scanner
61TungstenWcpsLee, An-ShengX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scanner
62TungstenWcpsLee, An-ShengX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scanner
63TungstenWcpsLee, An-ShengX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scanner
64TungstenWcpsLee, An-ShengX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scanner
65TungstenWcpsLee, An-ShengX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scanner
66TungstenWcpsLee, An-ShengX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scanner
67YttriumYcpsLee, An-ShengX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scanner
68ZincZncpsLee, An-ShengX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scanner
69ZirconiumZrcpsLee, An-ShengX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scanner
70Elements, totalElementscpsLee, An-Sheng
71CodeCodeLee, An-ShengData quality assesed by the scanner (0: bad, 1: good)
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
945128 data points

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