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Silva, Mónica A; Bernal, Ainhoa; Olivar, M Pilar; Spitz, Jérôme; Carmo, Vanda; Sutton, Tracey T; Menezes, Gui M; Falkenhaug, Tone; Bergstad, Odd Aksel; Fonseca, Catarina T; Pérez-Jorge, Sergi (2022): Compilation of stomach content data for mesopelagic fish and predator species from the central and Northeast Atlantic, and the Mediterranean Sea [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In: Silva, Mónica A; Fonseca, Catarina T; Olivar, M Pilar; Bernal, Ainhoa; Spitz, Jérôme; Chouvelon, Tiphaine; Jónasdóttir, Sigrún Huld; Colaço, Ana; Carmo, Vanda; Sutton, Tracey T; Menezes, Gui M; Falkenhaug, Tone; Bergstad, Odd Aksel; Pérez-Jorge, Sergi (2022): Compilation of data to assess trophic interactions in mesopelagic food webs in the central and Northeast Atlantic, and in the Mediterranean Sea [dataset bundled publication]. PANGAEA,

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Stomach contents analysis is a standard dietary assessment method that potentially enables quantifying diet components with high taxonomic resolution. We compiled diet compositions from stomach content analysis from 75 unique species or genera: 32 fish, 19 marine mammals, 14 elasmobranchs, 9 seabirds and one marine turtle. Data were gathered from 89 published sources that included samples collected between 1885 and 2016 throughout the central and Northeast Atlantic, and the Mediterranean Sea. When available, we reported the percentage number of individuals of a prey type as a proportion of the total number of prey items (%N), the proportion of a prey item by weight (%W), and the proportion of stomachs containing a particular prey item (i.e. percent frequency of occurrence, %F). For each data record, we also provided the sampling location, geographic coordinates, month and year of sample collection, method of sample collection, taxonomic ranks (phylum, class, order, family), number and size (or size range) of sampled organisms, as well as the reference and DOI of the original data source, for further details on the samples analysed and/or the analytical techniques used.
bathypelagic fish; diet composition; elasmobranchs; large pelagic fish; marine mammals; marine turtles; mesopelagic fish; mesopelagic food web; pelagic fish; Seabirds; stomach content analysis
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Anastasopoulou, Aikaterini; Mytilineou, C; Lefkaditou, Evgenia; Dokos, J; Smith, C J; Siapatis, A; Bekas, P; Papadopoulou, K N (2013): Diet and feeding strategy of blackmouth catshark Galeus melastomus. Journal of Fish Biology, 83(6), 1637-1655,
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Battaglia, Pietro; Pedà, Cristina; Sinopoli, M; Romeo, Teresa; Andaloro, Franco (2013): Cephalopods in the diet of young-of-the-year bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus L. 1758, Pisces: Scombridae) from the southern Tyrrhenian Sea (central Mediterranean Sea). Italian Journal of Zoology, 80(4), 560-565,
Bernal, Ainhoa; Olivar, M Pilar; de Puelles, M Luz Fernández (2013): Feeding patterns of Lampanyctus pusillus (Pisces: Myctophidae) throughout its ontogenetic development. Marine Biology, 160(1), 81-95,
Bernal, Ainhoa; Olivar, M Pilar; Maynou, Francesc; Fernández de Puelles, M Luz (2015): Diet and feeding strategies of mesopelagic fishes in the western Mediterranean. Progress in Oceanography, 135, 1-17,
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Horizon 2020 (H2020), grant/award no. 817806: Sustainable management of mesopelagic resources
Median Latitude: 39.253370 * Median Longitude: -8.233414 * South-bound Latitude: 7.232700 * West-bound Longitude: -75.000000 * North-bound Latitude: 78.000000 * East-bound Longitude: 37.580000
Minimum DEPTH, water: 20 m * Maximum DEPTH, water: 2800 m
Adriatic_Sea_comp * Latitude: 42.215000 * Longitude: 17.142450
Azores_comp * Latitude: 38.644172 * Longitude: -28.685140
Azores-Iberian_Peninsula_comp * Latitude: 35.721429 * Longitude: -27.928571
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEventSilva, Mónica A
2Record numberRNSilva, Mónica A
3Sample IDSample IDSilva, Mónica A
4Ocean and sea regionOS regionSilva, Mónica A
5LocationLocationSilva, Mónica A
6LATITUDELatitudeSilva, Mónica AGeocode
7LONGITUDELongitudeSilva, Mónica AGeocode
8MonthMonthSilva, Mónica Astart
9MonthMonthSilva, Mónica Aend
10Year of observationYear obsa ADSilva, Mónica Astart
11Year of observationYear obsa ADSilva, Mónica Aend
12GearGearSilva, Mónica A
13DEPTH, waterDepth watermSilva, Mónica AGeocode – minimum
14DEPTH, waterDepth watermSilva, Mónica AGeocode – maximum
15OrganismsOrgSilva, Mónica Atype
16PhylumPhylumSilva, Mónica A
17ClassClassSilva, Mónica A
18OrderOrderSilva, Mónica A
19FamilyFamilySilva, Mónica A
20Taxon/taxaTaxaSilva, Mónica A
21Taxon/taxa, unique identification (URI)Taxa UID (URI)Silva, Mónica A
22Taxon/taxa, unique identification (Semantic URI)Taxa UID (Semantic URI)Silva, Mónica A
23Number of individualsInd No#Silva, Mónica Aminimum per sample
24Number of individualsInd No#Silva, Mónica Amaximum per sample
25ReplicatesRepl#Silva, Mónica Apools of individuals
26SizeSizecmSilva, Mónica Aindividuals, minimum
27SizeSizecmSilva, Mónica Aindividuals, maximum
28SizeSizeSilva, Mónica Areported
29PhylumPhylumSilva, Mónica Aprey
30ClassClassSilva, Mónica Aprey
31OrderOrderSilva, Mónica Aprey
32FamilyFamilySilva, Mónica Aprey
33Prey taxaPreySilva, Mónica A
34Taxon/taxa, unique identificationTaxa UIDSilva, Mónica Aprey, accepted terms
35Taxon/taxa, unique identification (URI)Taxa UID (URI)Silva, Mónica Aprey, accepted terms
36Taxon/taxa, unique identification (Semantic URI)Taxa UID (Semantic URI)Silva, Mónica Aprey, accepted terms
37Number of preyN prey#Silva, Mónica A
38Number of preyN prey%Silva, Mónica Aprey no./total no. of prey
39OccurrenceOccur#Silva, Mónica Aof prey type
40OccurrenceOccur%Silva, Mónica Apercentage of predators containing a prey type
41Prey, massPrey mgSilva, Mónica A
42Prey, massPrey m%Silva, Mónica Aweight of a prey type/total prey weight
43CommentCommentSilva, Mónica A
44Reference/sourceReferenceSilva, Mónica AID
45Reference/sourceReferenceSilva, Mónica A
46Persistent IdentifierPersistent IdentifierSilva, Mónica A
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
283941 data points

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