Runge, Alexandra; Fuchs, Matthias; Shevtsova, Iuliia; Landgraf, Nele; Heim, Birgit; Herzschuh, Ulrike; Grosse, Guido (2022): Hyperspectral field spectrometry of Arctic vegetation units in the central Lena Delta [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,
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Published: 2022-07-05 • DOI registered: 2022-08-17
Hyperspectral field measurements were acquired in the central Lena Delta in August 2018. The aim was to conduct spectral surface reflectance surveys of various homogeneous vegetation areas on different permafrost landforms to establish a representative spectral reflectance database. In total, we took 28 hyperspectral field measurements of 30 m x 30 m homogeneous vegetation plots across Samoylov and Kurungnakh-Island. Four plots were measured twice with a two-week delay, therefore depicting the changes on reflectance signature.
We conducted the field-spectrometry measurements with the Spectral Evolution SR-2500 with a 1.5 m Fiber Optic Cable. The instrument is calibrated to a spectral radiance range of 350 to 2.500 nm. Further technical details are provided in a separate document. We identified homogeneous vegetation plots with a size of 30 m x 30 m and acquired about 100 individual spectrometry measurements, randomly scattered across the plot. At the start and at the end of each survey the system was referenced by measuring the back reflected radiance from a Zenith Lite^TM Diffuse Reflectance Target of 50% reflectivity. Hyperspectral field measurements with the plot name SAM18 were taken on Samoylov and those with KUR18 on Kurungnakh-Island. All data was collected by scientists from the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research and University of Potsdam, Germany.
Permafrost Research (AWI_Perma)
Median Latitude: 72.328721 * Median Longitude: 126.287868 * South-bound Latitude: 72.281778 * West-bound Longitude: 126.160624 * North-bound Latitude: 72.387383 * East-bound Longitude: 126.479122
Date/Time Start: 2018-08-06T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2018-08-30T00:00:00
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0)
29 datasets
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Datasets listed in this publication series
- Runge, A; Fuchs, M; Shevtsova, I et al. (2022): Plot details for hyperspectral field measurements in the Lena Delta in 2018.
- Runge, A; Fuchs, M; Shevtsova, I et al. (2022): Hyperspectral field measurements of plot SP-001 referenced with the Diffuse Reflectance Target of 50% reflectivity (grey reference) measurements taken at the beginning and end of the plot acquisition.
- Runge, A; Fuchs, M; Shevtsova, I et al. (2022): Hyperspectral field measurements of plot SP-002 referenced with the Diffuse Reflectance Target of 50% reflectivity (grey reference) measurements taken at the beginning and end of the plot acquisition.
- Runge, A; Fuchs, M; Shevtsova, I et al. (2022): Hyperspectral field measurements of plot SP-003 referenced with the Diffuse Reflectance Target of 50% reflectivity (grey reference) measurements taken at the beginning and end of the plot acquisition.
- Runge, A; Fuchs, M; Shevtsova, I et al. (2022): Hyperspectral field measurements of plot SP-004 referenced with the Diffuse Reflectance Target of 50% reflectivity (grey reference) measurements taken at the beginning and end of the plot acquisition.
- Runge, A; Fuchs, M; Shevtsova, I et al. (2022): Hyperspectral field measurements of plot SP-005 referenced with the Diffuse Reflectance Target of 50% reflectivity (grey reference) measurements taken at the beginning and end of the plot acquisition.
- Runge, A; Fuchs, M; Shevtsova, I et al. (2022): Hyperspectral field measurements of plot SP-006 referenced with the Diffuse Reflectance Target of 50% reflectivity (grey reference) measurements taken at the beginning and end of the plot acquisition.
- Runge, A; Fuchs, M; Shevtsova, I et al. (2022): Hyperspectral field measurements of plot SP-007 referenced with the Diffuse Reflectance Target of 50% reflectivity (grey reference) measurements taken at the beginning and end of the plot acquisition.
- Runge, A; Fuchs, M; Shevtsova, I et al. (2022): Hyperspectral field measurements of plot SP-008 referenced with the Diffuse Reflectance Target of 50% reflectivity (grey reference) measurements taken at the beginning and end of the plot acquisition.
- Runge, A; Fuchs, M; Shevtsova, I et al. (2022): Hyperspectral field measurements of plot SP-009 referenced with the Diffuse Reflectance Target of 50% reflectivity (grey reference) measurements taken at the beginning and end of the plot acquisition.
- Runge, A; Fuchs, M; Shevtsova, I et al. (2022): Hyperspectral field measurements of plot SP-010 referenced with the Diffuse Reflectance Target of 50% reflectivity (grey reference) measurements taken at the beginning and end of the plot acquisition.
- Runge, A; Fuchs, M; Shevtsova, I et al. (2022): Hyperspectral field measurements of plot SP-011 referenced with the Diffuse Reflectance Target of 50% reflectivity (grey reference) measurements taken at the beginning and end of the plot acquisition.
- Runge, A; Fuchs, M; Shevtsova, I et al. (2022): Hyperspectral field measurements of plot SP-012 referenced with the Diffuse Reflectance Target of 50% reflectivity (grey reference) measurements taken at the beginning and end of the plot acquisition.
- Runge, A; Fuchs, M; Shevtsova, I et al. (2022): Hyperspectral field measurements of plot SP-013 referenced with the Diffuse Reflectance Target of 50% reflectivity (grey reference) measurements taken at the beginning and end of the plot acquisition.
- Runge, A; Fuchs, M; Shevtsova, I et al. (2022): Hyperspectral field measurements of plot SP-014 referenced with the Diffuse Reflectance Target of 50% reflectivity (grey reference) measurements taken at the beginning and end of the plot acquisition.
- Runge, A; Fuchs, M; Shevtsova, I et al. (2022): Hyperspectral field measurements of plot SP-015 referenced with the Diffuse Reflectance Target of 50% reflectivity (grey reference) measurements taken at the beginning and end of the plot acquisition.
- Runge, A; Fuchs, M; Shevtsova, I et al. (2022): Hyperspectral field measurements of plot SP-016 referenced with the Diffuse Reflectance Target of 50% reflectivity (grey reference) measurements taken at the beginning and end of the plot acquisition.
- Runge, A; Fuchs, M; Shevtsova, I et al. (2022): Hyperspectral field measurements of plot SP-017 referenced with the Diffuse Reflectance Target of 50% reflectivity (grey reference) measurements taken at the beginning and end of the plot acquisition.
- Runge, A; Fuchs, M; Shevtsova, I et al. (2022): Hyperspectral field measurements of plot SP-018 referenced with the Diffuse Reflectance Target of 50% reflectivity (grey reference) measurements taken at the beginning and end of the plot acquisition.
- Runge, A; Fuchs, M; Shevtsova, I et al. (2022): Hyperspectral field measurements of plot SP-019 referenced with the Diffuse Reflectance Target of 50% reflectivity (grey reference) measurements taken at the beginning and end of the plot acquisition.
- Runge, A; Fuchs, M; Shevtsova, I et al. (2022): Hyperspectral field measurements of plot SP-020 referenced with the Diffuse Reflectance Target of 50% reflectivity (grey reference) measurements taken at the beginning and end of the plot acquisition.
- Runge, A; Fuchs, M; Shevtsova, I et al. (2022): Hyperspectral field measurements of plot SP-021 referenced with the Diffuse Reflectance Target of 50% reflectivity (grey reference) measurements taken at the beginning and end of the plot acquisition.
- Runge, A; Fuchs, M; Shevtsova, I et al. (2022): Hyperspectral field measurements of plot SP-022 referenced with the Diffuse Reflectance Target of 50% reflectivity (grey reference) measurements taken at the beginning and end of the plot acquisition.
- Runge, A; Fuchs, M; Shevtsova, I et al. (2022): Hyperspectral field measurements of plot SP-023 referenced with the Diffuse Reflectance Target of 50% reflectivity (grey reference) measurements taken at the beginning and end of the plot acquisition.
- Runge, A; Fuchs, M; Shevtsova, I et al. (2022): Hyperspectral field measurements of plot SP-024 referenced with the Diffuse Reflectance Target of 50% reflectivity (grey reference) measurements taken at the beginning and end of the plot acquisition.
- Runge, A; Fuchs, M; Shevtsova, I et al. (2022): Hyperspectral field measurements of plot SP-025 referenced with the Diffuse Reflectance Target of 50% reflectivity (grey reference) measurements taken at the beginning and end of the plot acquisition.
- Runge, A; Fuchs, M; Shevtsova, I et al. (2022): Hyperspectral field measurements of plot SP-026 referenced with the Diffuse Reflectance Target of 50% reflectivity (grey reference) measurements taken at the beginning and end of the plot acquisition.
- Runge, A; Fuchs, M; Shevtsova, I et al. (2022): Hyperspectral field measurements of plot SP-027 referenced with the Diffuse Reflectance Target of 50% reflectivity (grey reference) measurements taken at the beginning and end of the plot acquisition.
- Runge, A; Fuchs, M; Shevtsova, I et al. (2022): Hyperspectral field measurements of plot SP-028 referenced with the Diffuse Reflectance Target of 50% reflectivity (grey reference) measurements taken at the beginning and end of the plot acquisition.