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Prijac, Antonin; Gandois, Laure; Jeanneau, Laurent; Taillardat, Pierre; Garneau, Michelle (2022): Analyses of punctual samples from peat porewater and pools in a boreal ombrotrophic peatland [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In: Prijac, A et al. (2022): Concentration, composition and potential degradation of dissolved organic matter derived from peat porewater and pools discrete sampling of an ombrotrophic boreal peatland (Minganie, Québec, Canada) [dataset bundled publication]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2022-06-14DOI registered: 2022-10-17

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Samples were analyzed for dissolved organic carbon and total nitrogen concentrations using the catalytic oxidation method followed by the non-dispersive infrared detection. Dissolved organic matter composition of these samples were analyzed using optical (absorbance analyses from 180 to 900nm at 5nm intervals) and fluorescence analyses (spectrofluorometric analyses at exitation wavelenght range from 230 to 450 nm at 2 nm range and emission wavelenght range from 240 to 600 nm at 5 nm resolution), stable isotope analyses (delta13C-DOC analysed by catalytic oxydation followed by solid-state non dispersive infrered detection and coupled with isotope-ratio mass spectrometry) and molecular analyses (analysed by thermally assisted hydrolysis methylation-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry method). Major ions were analyzed too using HPLC method. Absorbance indices (i.e. SUVA254, E2:E3 ratio and Sr) were measured with a absorbance spectrometry (Biochrom Ultrospec 3100 pro UV/Visible Spectrophotometer) for events from 18B1* to 18B5* and a Horiba Duetta for events from 19B1* to 19B4*. Fluorescence indices (i.e. Fluorescence Index and Beta:Alpha index) were measured with spectrofluorimetry using a Horiba Duetta (events from 19B1* to 19B4*).
Boreal; Dissolved Organic Matter; Peatland; surface water
Median Latitude: 50.524412 * Median Longitude: -63.236827 * South-bound Latitude: 50.520278 * West-bound Longitude: -63.671265 * North-bound Latitude: 50.533056 * East-bound Longitude: -63.202222
Date/Time Start: 2018-06-11T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2019-10-09T00:00:00
Romain_18B1M1 * Latitude: 50.521389 * Longitude: -63.671265 * Date/Time: 2018-06-14T00:00:00 * Location: Quebec, Canada * Method/Device: Sampling Well (WELL)
Romain_18B1M2 * Latitude: 50.521944 * Longitude: -63.206111 * Date/Time: 2018-06-14T00:00:00 * Location: Quebec, Canada * Method/Device: Sampling Well (WELL)
Romain_18B1M3 * Latitude: 50.526111 * Longitude: -63.203056 * Date/Time: 2018-06-11T00:00:00 * Location: Quebec, Canada * Method/Device: Sampling Well (WELL)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEventPrijac, Antonin
2Sample IDSample IDPrijac, Antonin
3SiteSitePrijac, Antonin
4CampaignCampaignPrijac, Antonin
5EnvironmentEnvironmentPrijac, Antonin
6NameNamePrijac, AntoninMission
7Year of observationYear obsa ADPrijac, Antonin
8Day of the yearDOYdayPrijac, Antonin
9SeasonSeasonPrijac, Antonin
10Temperature, waterTemp°CPrijac, Antonin
11Oxygen saturationO2 sat%Prijac, Antonin
12Oxygen, dissolvedDOmg/lPrijac, Antonin
13Conductance, specificConductance specµS/cmPrijac, Antonin
14pHpHPrijac, Antonin
15Carbon, organic, dissolvedDOCmg/lPrijac, AntoninHigh temperature catalytic oxidation
16Nitrogen, total dissolvedTDNmg/lPrijac, AntoninHigh temperature catalytic oxidation
17Nitrogen, organic, dissolvedDONmg/lPrijac, AntoninHigh temperature catalytic oxidation
18Carbon, organic, dissolved/Nitrogen, organic, dissolved ratioDOC/DONPrijac, Antonin
19Specific ultraviolet absorbance normalized to DOC, 254 nm, per mass carbonSUVA254l/mg/mPrijac, AntoninAbsorbance spectrometry
20Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter 250 nm/365 nm, ratioE2:E3Prijac, AntoninAbsorbance spectrometry
21Spectral slope of colored dissolved organic matter absorption ratioSDOM ratioPrijac, AntoninAbsorbance spectrometry
22Fluorescence indexFIPrijac, AntoninSpectrofluorimetry
23beta:alpha indexb:a IPrijac, AntoninSpectrofluorimetry
24δ13C, dissolved organic carbonδ13C DOC‰ PDBPrijac, AntoninDetermined according to Lalonde et al. (2014)
25FluorideF-mg/lPrijac, AntoninHigh Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
26ChlorideCl-mg/lPrijac, AntoninHigh Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
27Nitrite[NO2]-mg/lPrijac, AntoninHigh Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
28BromideBr-mg/lPrijac, AntoninHigh Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
29Nitrate[NO3]-mg/lPrijac, AntoninHigh Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
30Sulfate[SO4]2-mg/lPrijac, AntoninHigh Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
31Phosphate[PO4]3-mg/lPrijac, AntoninHigh Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
32SodiumNa+mg/lPrijac, AntoninHigh Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
33Ammonium[NH4]+mg/lPrijac, AntoninHigh Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
34PotassiumK+mg/lPrijac, AntoninHigh Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
35MagnesiumMg2+mg/lPrijac, AntoninHigh Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
36CalciumCa2+mg/lPrijac, AntoninHigh Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
37Organic acidsOA%Prijac, AntoninDetermined according to Jeanneau et al. (2015)Small Organic Acids
38CarbohydratesCHO%Prijac, AntoninDetermined according to Jeanneau et al. (2015)
39Fatty acids, low molecular weightLMW FA%Prijac, AntoninDetermined according to Jeanneau et al. (2015)
40Fatty acids, high molecular weightHMW FA%Prijac, AntoninDetermined according to Jeanneau et al. (2015)
41PhenolsPhenols%Prijac, AntoninDetermined according to Jeanneau et al. (2015)
42RatioRatioPrijac, AntoninDetermined according to Jeanneau et al. (2015)deoxyC6:C5 ratio
43Carbohydrates, microbial derivedCHO MIC%Prijac, AntoninDetermined according to Jeanneau et al. (2015)
44Compounds, microbial derivedComp MIC%Prijac, AntoninDetermined according to Jeanneau et al. (2015)
45Compounds, vegetal derivedComp VEG%Prijac, AntoninDetermined according to Jeanneau et al. (2015)
46Compounds, microbial derived/Compounds, vegetal derived ratioComp MIC/VEGPrijac, AntoninDetermined according to Jeanneau et al. (2015)
47(Coumaric + ferulic acid)/(vanillic acid + vanillaldehyde + acetovanillone) ratioC/VPrijac, AntoninDetermined according to Jeanneau et al. (2015)
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
4225 data points

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