Miesner, Timon; Herzschuh, Ulrike; Pestryakova, Luidmila A; Wieczorek, Mareike; Kolmogorov, Alexei; Heim, Birgit; Zakharov, Evgenii S; Shevtsova, Iuliia; Epp, Laura Saskia; Niemeyer, Bastian; Jacobsen, Inga; Schröder, Julius; Trense, Darjona; Schnabel, Ellen; Schreiber, Xenia; Bernhardt, Nadine; Stuenzi, Simone Maria; Brieger, Frederic; Schulte, Luise; Smirnikov, Viktor; Gloy, Josias; von Hippel, Barbara; Jackisch, Robert; Kruse, Stefan (2022): Tree data set from forest inventories in north-eastern Siberia, Plot data base [dataset]. PANGAEA, https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.943455, In: Miesner, Timon; Herzschuh, Ulrike; Pestryakova, Luidmila A; Wieczorek, Mareike; Kolmogorov, Alexei; Heim, Birgit; Zakharov, Evgenii S; Shevtsova, Iuliia; Epp, Laura Saskia; Niemeyer, Bastian; Jacobsen, Inga; Schröder, Julius; Trense, Darjona; Schnabel, Ellen; Schreiber, Xenia; Bernhardt, Nadine; Stuenzi, Simone Maria; Brieger, Frederic; Schulte, Luise; Smirnikov, Viktor; Gloy, Josias; von Hippel, Barbara; Jackisch, Robert; Kruse, Stefan (2022): Tree data set from forest inventories in north-eastern Siberia [dataset bundled publication]. PANGAEA, https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.943547
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Published: 2022-04-22 • DOI registered: 2022-08-09
Median Latitude: 65.887893 * Median Longitude: 145.235564 * South-bound Latitude: 59.970583 * West-bound Longitude: 97.706400 * North-bound Latitude: 72.548840 * East-bound Longitude: 168.714000
Date/Time Start: 2011-07-31T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2021-09-16T00:00:00
Minimum ELEVATION: 5 m a.s.l. * Maximum ELEVATION: 1444 m a.s.l.
11-CH-02II * Latitude: 71.839930 * Longitude: 102.883870 * Date/Time: 2011-07-31T00:00:00 * Elevation: 25.0 m * Campaign: RU-Land_2011_Khatanga (Chatanga2011) * Basis: AWI Arctic Land Expedition * Method/Device: Vegetation survey (VEGSUR)
11-CH-02III * Latitude: 71.841790 * Longitude: 102.875890 * Date/Time: 2011-01-08T00:00:00 * Elevation: 22.0 m * Campaign: RU-Land_2011_Khatanga (Chatanga2011) * Basis: AWI Arctic Land Expedition * Method/Device: Vegetation survey (VEGSUR)
11-CH-06I * Latitude: 70.669150 * Longitude: 97.712100 * Date/Time: 2011-03-08T00:00:00 * Elevation: 108.0 m * Campaign: RU-Land_2011_Khatanga (Chatanga2011) * Basis: AWI Arctic Land Expedition * Method/Device: Vegetation survey (VEGSUR)
The variable Site was used internally to refer to the plots. It is often, but not always identical to the event name. The variable Expedition refers to the name of the field campaign. The variable Location identifies a section of an expedition, often referred to by the location of the field camp. All variables from Number of trees onward were derived from aggregating the trees in the plot data base.
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0)
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
7323 data points
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