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Appelhans, Tim; Mwangomo, Ephraim; Otte, Insa; Detsch, Florian; Nauss, Thomas; Hemp, Andreas (2022): Raw climate station data for the southern slopes of Kilimanjaro, Tanzania [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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The climate station network was set up on the southern slopes of Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, in 2010 and presents the recorded characteristics of air temperature, air humidity, and precipitation from both a plot-based and area-wide perspectives. The station set-up followed a hierarchical approach covering an elevation as well as a land-use disturbance gradient. It consisted of 52 basic stations measuring ambient air temperature and above-ground air humidity and 11 precipitation measurement sites, with recording intervals of 5 min. With respect to precipitation observations, the network extended the long-term recordings of A. Hemp which has installed and maintained up to 117 multi-month accumulating rainfall buckets in the region since 1997.
climate; Kilimanjaro; rainfall; Temperature
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Appelhans, Tim; Mwangomo, Ephraim; Otte, Insa; Detsch, Florian; Nauss, Thomas; Hemp, Andreas (2016): Eco-meteorological characteristics of the southern slopes of Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. International Journal of Climatology, 36(9), 3245-3258,
Wöllauer, Stephan; Zeuss, Dirk; Hänsel, Falk; Nauss, Thomas (2021): TubeDB: An on-demand processing database system for climate station data. Computers & Geosciences, 146, 104641,
German Research Foundation (DFG), grant/award no. 107847609: Kilimanjaro Research Group
Curation Level: Basic curation (CurationLevelB)
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