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Moreira-Saporiti, Agustín; Teichberg, Mirta (2022): Free phenolics content of seagrass leaves in Snake Island (Unguja Island, Zanzibar Archipelago, Tanzania) [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In: Moreira-Saporiti, A; Teichberg, M (2022): Seagrass abundance and morphological, nutritional and biochemical traits in relation to sea urchin Tripneustes gratilla overgrazing [dataset bundled publication]. PANGAEA,

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We measured the free phenolics content of the seagrass leaves of the different species. Seagrass samples for this analysis were taken in nearby meadows in Snake Island, an island approximately 1 km away from Changuu Island. We took three seagrass leaf samples in three meadows of each seagrass species (T. ciliatum, T. hemprichii, H. uninervis, S. isoetifolium, and C. serrulata) and transported them in a cold container to the laboratory in the Institute of Marine Sciences (Stone Town, Zanzibar).
We cleaned the leaves from epiphytes and rinsed them with distilled water. The cleaned leaves were dried in an oven at 38°C for ~3 days and transported to the Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research in Bremen (Germany). The leaves were crushed to a fine powder using a mortar and pestle with liquid nitrogen, and the content of free phenolic compounds was measured using photometric determination of the phenolic compounds as tannic acid equivalents, following a modified protocol by Ainsworth and Gillespie (2007). To create the calibration curve, we prepared a standard tannic acid solution and transferred it to Eppendorf tubes in increasing volumes (from 0 mL to 0.450 mL in 0.050 mL intervals) filling up to a volume of 0.5 mL with 70% Ethanol. We extracted 10 mg of dried sampled with 2 mL of 70% Ethanol for 24 hours on a shaker at 225 rpm and centrifuged them for 10-20 minutes at 10000g-20000g (until the supernatants were clear). An aliquot of the supernatant (between 0.02 and 0.1 mL) was transferred to 2 mL Eppendorf tubes, filling up to a volume of 0.5 mL with distilled water. We added 1250 µL of Na2CO3-NaOH-solution (0.7 N Na2CO3 and 0.1 N NaOH) to standards and samples. We added 250 µL 1N Folin-Ciocalteu reagent and placed 340 µL of the standards and samples into a 96er well plate in the dark, and measured after 2h with TECAN Infinite M200 Pro plate reader at 760 nm.
The concentration of tannic acid equivalents in the samples was calculated following the calibration curve, by multiplying the concentration of tannic acid equivalent to the factor of volume extract containing 1 g of leaf powder and the dilution factor of extract used. Final results are shown in miligrams of free phenolics as tannic acid equivalents per gram of seagrass dry weight.
grazing; seagrass traits; sea urchin; tropical seagrass
Supplement to:
Moreira-Saporiti, Agustín; Hoeijmakers, Dieuwke; Reuter, Hauke; Msuya, Flower E; Gese, Katrin; Teichberg, Mirta (2023): Bottom‐up and top‐down control of seagrass overgrazing by the sea urchin Tripneustes gratilla. Marine Ecology, 44(1), e12734,
Further details:
Ainsworth, E; Gillespie, K (2007): Estimation of total phenolic content and other oxidation substrates in plant tissues using Folin–Ciocalteu reagent. Nature Protocols, 2, 875-877,
German Research Foundation (DFG), grant/award no. DFG TE 1046/3-1: Seagrass and Macroalgal Community Dynamics and Performance under Environmental Change (SEAMAC)
Latitude: -6.123147 * Longitude: 39.181173
Date/Time Start: 2015-12-01T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2015-12-01T00:00:00
Minimum Elevation: 0.0 m * Maximum Elevation: 0.0 m
Unguja_Island_Snake (Snake) * Latitude: -6.123147 * Longitude: 39.181173 * Date/Time: 2015-12-01T00:00:00 * Elevation: 0.0 m * Location: Zanzibar Archipealgo, Tanzania * Method/Device: Sampling by hand (HAND) * Comment: The sampling sites consisted of subtidal meadows (1-4 meters depth) of around 2500 square meters, delimited by the coastline and a patchy reef.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
SiteSiteMoreira-Saporiti, Agustín
SpeciesSpeciesMoreira-Saporiti, AgustínOf seagrass
NumberNoMoreira-Saporiti, AgustínSeagrass leaf number
Sample commentSample commentMoreira-Saporiti, Agustín
Tannic acid equivalents to free phenolics per seagrass leaf biomass as dry massTannic acid equ/seagr leaf biommg/gMoreira-Saporiti, Agustínsee description in data abstract
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
188 data points


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Tannic acid equ/seagr leaf biom [mg/g]
SnakeCymodocea serrulata15.660657229
SnakeCymodocea serrulata15.122628959
SnakeCymodocea serrulata15.233290071
SnakeCymodocea serrulata15.092679860
SnakeCymodocea serrulata13.946710581
SnakeCymodocea serrulata25.268666967
SnakeCymodocea serrulata24.563108182
SnakeCymodocea serrulata25.118828932
SnakeCymodocea serrulata24.383253642
SnakeCymodocea serrulata25.407425343
SnakeCymodocea serrulata34.884719795
SnakeCymodocea serrulata35.106595681
SnakeThalassia hemprichii13.416971929
SnakeThalassia hemprichii13.376365919
SnakeThalassia hemprichii12.781854616
SnakeThalassia hemprichii12.805027706
SnakeThalassia hemprichii13.004561377
SnakeThalassia hemprichii22.897599721
SnakeThalassia hemprichii23.194410099
SnakeThalassia hemprichii22.937534084
SnakeThalassia hemprichii22.528620274
SnakeThalassia hemprichii23.656291034
SnakeThalassia hemprichii31.972711769
SnakeThalassia hemprichii32.979671339
SnakeThalassia hemprichii33.252727597
SnakeThalassia hemprichii31.976218224
SnakeHalodule uninervisPULL5.050822409
SnakeHalodule uninervisPULL7.299079178
SnakeHalodule uninervisPULL4.965511612
SnakeHalodule uninervis14.726857450
SnakeHalodule uninervis33.154804412
SnakeHalodule uninervis35.422250785
SnakeHalodule uninervis36.079019259
SnakeSyringodium isoetifoliumPULL0.528041981
SnakeSyringodium isoetifoliumPULL0.471612239
SnakeSyringodium isoetifoliumPULL0.972220740
SnakeSyringodium isoetifolium10.666140420
SnakeSyringodium isoetifolium10.231352813
SnakeSyringodium isoetifolium20.210869073
SnakeSyringodium isoetifoliumPULL0.413539040
SnakeThalassodendron ciliatum15.918010753
SnakeThalassodendron ciliatum26.116979656
SnakeThalassodendron ciliatum36.483187747
SnakeThalassodendron ciliatum15.554743340
SnakeThalassodendron ciliatum26.791452991
SnakeThalassodendron ciliatum35.820407302
SnakeThalassodendron ciliatum26.883186677