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Zonneveld, Karin A F (2022): Master track of Maria S. Merian cruise MSM104 in 1 sec resolution (zipped, 12.9 MB) [dataset]. MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University Bremen, PANGAEA,

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1 sec resolution
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Zonneveld, Karin A F; Akeerath Mundanatt, Aman; Bolte, Alek; Eldering, Daan; de Visser, Jan-Dirk; Gottwald, Joshua; Grotheer, Hendrik; Klann, Marco; Knoke, Melina; Koster, Bob; Kotzem, Kristina; Pfeil, Leon; Roza, Surya Eldo Virma; Ruhland, Götz; Seidel, Michael; Stuut, Jan-Berend W; Versteegh, Gerard J M; Queiroz Alves, Eduardo (2021): Sinking particles, their production, transfer and preservation, Cruise No. MSM104, 18.11.2021 - 15.12.2021, Emden (Germany) - Las Palmas (Spain). MARIA S. MERIAN-Berichte, Gutachterpanel Forschungsschiffe, MSM104, 51 pp,
Other version:
Zonneveld, Karin A F (2022): Master tracks in different resolutions of Maria S. Merian cruise MSM104, Emden - Las Palmas, 2021-11-18 - 2021-12-15 [dataset]. MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University Bremen, PANGAEA,
Median Latitude: 40.742850 * Median Longitude: -4.109450 * South-bound Latitude: 28.150000 * West-bound Longitude: -15.420000 * North-bound Latitude: 53.335700 * East-bound Longitude: 7.201100
Date/Time Start: 2021-11-18T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2021-12-15T00:00:00
MSM104-track * Latitude Start: 53.335700 * Longitude Start: 7.201100 * Latitude End: 28.150000 * Longitude End: -15.420000 * Date/Time Start: 2021-11-18T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2021-12-15T00:00:00 * Location: Atlantic Ocean * Campaign: MSM104 * Basis: Maria S. Merian * Method/Device: Underway cruise track measurements (CT) * Comment: Emden - Las Palmas
Curation Level: Basic curation (CurationLevelB)
12.9 MBytes

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