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Yang, Xiaoqiang; Zhang, Tingwei; Zhang, Enlou; Toney, Jaime L; Zhou, Qixian; Xie, Yixuan (2022): Paleomagnetic investigations in Tengchongq Qinghai Lake, Yunnan Province of China [dataset bundled publication]. PANGAEA,

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These data was the paleomagnetic results, including the relative paleointennsity (RPI) and directions data since about ~90 kyr retrieved from the a lake sediments, Qinghai lake. This lake located on the Tengchong district, Yunan province of China (25°08′06″ - 25°07′44″N, 98°34′11″ - 98°34′26″E). Two cores were taken from the lake in 2016 and 2018 year respectively, and the detailed paleomagnetic works were performed for the core sediments. The age-depth model of two cores were reconstructed based on the correlation of delta Dwax isotope and radiocarbon ages. The RPI data Natural remanent magnetization (NRM), anhysteretic remanence (ARM) and saturation isothermal remanence (SIRM) of all samples were stepwise demagnetized and measured on a fully automated 2G-Rapid system (QH4 samples) or 2G-760 system (QH17A samples) using peak fields of 0-80 mT. RPI was reconstructed respectively and stacked based on the NRM/SIRM values of two cores. The characteristic remanence (ChRM) directions were isolated from the remaneces between 10 and 60 mT.
Flux Lobe; lake; Non-Dipole Field; relative paleointensity; Secular Variations
Supplement to:
Yang, Xiaoqiang; Zhang, Tingwei; Zhang, Enlou; Toney, Jaime L; Zhou, Qixian; Xie, Yixuan (2022): Paleosecular Variations During the Last Glacial Period From Tengchong Qinghai Lake, Yunnan Province, China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 127(3),
Median Latitude: 25.131605 * Median Longitude: 98.572830 * South-bound Latitude: 25.131180 * West-bound Longitude: 98.572530 * North-bound Latitude: 25.132030 * East-bound Longitude: 98.573130
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